She tilted the bottle sideways, with the top firmly pressed against her lips, and the bottom part lifting upwards. Another splash of whisky washed over her tongue with a bitter-sweet sensation. She let the bottle down, and it rested, standing on her leg, by her knee. Her grip around the bottle's neck tightened firmly and the contents within swayed chaotically like an ocean of restlessness.
A couple of giggles flowed out of her as the intoxication ascended a level higher. She pressed her foot down harder on accelerate and then the engine's roar grew with aggression. Her other hand held onto the steering wheel firmly. The gaze of her eyes glued to the road. The isolation and desertedness that occupied the freeway set her inner 'bad girl' free from all constraints, so as to induldge in misbehaviour inspired by the heart's rebellious desire.
She lifted the bottle up and tilted once again. She gulped heavily as if the bottle of whisky were water that her body was in desperate need of. Had there been an atmosphere of perfect silence, the gulps would have been noisy, and perhaps inappropriate. A burning sensation remained on her throat causing her to cough a couple of times as she laughed. She shot a gaze at the speedometer…
A rush of andrenalin and a wave of heat flushed through her body as a volcano of excitement within erupted. The higher the red line on the sphere of numbers ascended as it rotated and passed the numbers slowly, the hotter her body felt and the bigger the smile across her face grew. Objects and trees on both sides of the freeway passed within the blink of an eye, no wait! It was faster than that! Way faster!
Hopefully she will not meet any cops. Probably get life in jail or something like that.
She jolts her ankle and her foot presses further down on the accelerator. The roaring of the engine grows more aggressive and sends a thrill of elation through her. Her head is pushed back against the head rest, the power of the speed is immense. Two more gulps. And a grunting sigh of joy as the harsh sensation is at her throat again.
Then the unexpected happens, the absolute unthinkable… the unimaginable…
Her half-closed eyes sprung wide open, the smile vanishes in a flash of lightning, a sudden wind gushes through her stomach and her heart almost stops beating. She didn't think twice about what she did next. Actually you know what? She didn't think at all. She saw what she saw on the road and her natural instincts acted on her behalf. The wheel turning sharply in her hand swinging the front wheels of the car to the left in a sudden jolt… but wait! Doing something like that at such a speed?!
What was she thinking?! No she wasn't, she reacted. Whisky splashed in all directions, sometimes a splash slapped her face and then next one wet her leg, perhaps another went to her cleavage or neck. Could it be, that it is safe to assume that even the world's best mathematician would fail to count how many times the sportscar rolled? Somewhere in the chaos the bottle of whisky had vanished after being emptied by falling, twisting, turning and bumping everywhere in the chaos, maybe it went out the window.
Pieces of her precious machine had flown everywhere during the incessant rolling. What remained was a mess, heavy wounds across her body and face, and her being knocked into a deep state of unconscious.
A trail of sizzling transparent smoke flowed out of the engine.
Crickets chirped in the background, the skies were clear and the half moon beamed with joy in its wonderful glowing light.