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The next afternoon, Patrick joined Iseult as Saroid ran off to play a game of underwater tag with their other friends. "I've got to thank you," he said, sitting next to Iseult and drawing his knees up. "Your mam's a grand lady, and she almost kissed me when I told her I'd be happy to learn all about her grandad's business. He was a grand man, so she told me, and I wish I could've known him."116Please respect copyright.PENANA7n95IzMwam
"He was that," Iseult agreed, studying him covertly. He was twenty-one, and already very good looking, with dark red hair and green eyes. The summer sun had tanned him nicely, and as he locked his hands around his knees, Iseult felt a shiver pass over her as the muscles in his arms rippled. She took a deep breath to quell the sudden fluttering in her chest; there was no way Patrick would be interested in her, and besides, he had a girlfriend, so she'd last heard.
Patrick showed no signs he'd noticed Iseult's interest in him. "I'm to start in autumn," he said. "Mam's going to be in fifty fits, but Da won't care; he'll be happy no matter what I do, but Mam's going to be breathing fire like no one's business. I've been offered a roof in case she kicks me out, which I've a feeling she's going to do."116Please respect copyright.PENANABG0sZJd4IS
"We've got room, and plenty," Iseult said. "Believe me, it'll be nicer to be under a familiar roof than in a strange house."116Please respect copyright.PENANAI2lhF9uELv
"Your mam said the same thing," Patrick said, chuckling. "I told her I'd pack me belongings when I got home today, and I've a feeling I'll be moving in before the day is done. That is, if Mam doesn't take my car keys away."
"If she does, Da's got a Beetle he'll sign over to you," Iseult said. "The gears are a bit fiddly, but he's got a mechanic friend who'll fix it up for half price."
Patrick smiled. "I think this arrangment is going to work out well," he said, putting an arm around Iseult's shoulders. It was only a light hold, but it caused a fresh fluttering, and Iseult fought hard to keep her face smooth.
"You're practically part of the family anyway," she said in as light a tone as she could manage. "Might as well make it, er, officially unofficial?"
"Why not?" Patrick agreed. He didn't kiss her cheek, as she'd hoped, but he did keep his arm around her shoulders, and Iseult found she was very content with how things were right now. She did wonder about his girlfriend, but decided not to worry too much about it. She'd known Patrick and Saraid since all of them were children, and Patrick had been affectionate to her even then. This was a whole new level, however, and Iseult told herself not to worry about Patrick's girlfriend. The girl - whoever she was - would probably understand and be okay.
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That night, Patrick got settled into his new room, and Iseult almost boiled over with fury when she found out his mother had refused him permission to pack more than just a suitcase of clothes. He hadn't been allowed to bring his childhood toys, or indeed, any of the sentimental items he'd grown up with, his mother citing he didn't deserve them after "turning his back" on her. But Patrick had been very philosophical about the whole affair. "Your da's going to help me get set up properly," he said, as he and Iseult sat on his bed. "And he'll get that Beetle set up for me as well; Mam's taken my keys, and she's told me if I try to come back to collect the car, she'll report it as stolen." His face showed some bitterness at this last, and Iseult knew how he felt. His Ford Focus was his pride and joy, but Sophia, his mother, had made him put the car in her name, ostensibly to ensure it was in good hands, but in reality, it was a tool she'd used to try and control him for the last three years. Losing his car had caused him serious pain.
Iseult gently put a hand on his knee and squeezed. "Your mam can go take a running jump at herself," she said, amazed at her own boldness, and surprised Patrick wasn't pulling away. "We're your family now; we won't let you be ground into the dirt like your mam wanted to do."116Please respect copyright.PENANAxo9oYkzTTx
Patrick smiled and covered her hand with his own. "I'm glad of that," he said, before leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek. "I don't know how I'll ever be able to repay you," he said, "but it's going to be the one debt I'll be happy to spend the rest of my life repaying."
"Well, to quote a wise man, I think this arrangement is going to work out well," Iseult said, and Patrick's smile turned to a grin.
"I think so too," he said.
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