Planet Celsus A-1 (Earth) 9428 AD
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After planet Earth was deemed a lost cause. The one percenters and the few lucky people chosen by said one percenters packed their bags and left their world on a giant ship named the Orion. Leaving behind the lower middle and even most higher class citizens behind to rot on a dying world. Too late to reverse the effects. Despite all those who left the planets population at this point counted over 150 billion people. All surface land was colonised. And cities were formed all around the globe. With buildings being erected as tall as 16000 metres. Heightened tensions between the world powers began to arise. What was once the United states of America merged with Mexico, Canada, South Africa, The United Kingdom, and Japan. Along with many other countries to create the Free land of faith over 2 thousand years ago. While Russia, China and India along with many other countries merged into one to form the Communist Empire.
The Great mirroring war. 9566-11219
At this time in human history. Nuclear warfare had become much less of a threat. As launched nukes were able to be easily disabled and destroyed before impact. Through electromagnetic interference and homing missiles that would blow up the nuke. The Free land of faith and the Communist Empire would have to come up with new devices in order to destroy each other. They built laser cannons able to shoot hyper heated lasers across the entire planet. Lasers so hot they could melt steel and concrete near instantly. And evaporate all in its way or around it into nothing. The Communist Empire was the first to do this. With the Free land of faith following up with their own attacks. Many of the structures were coated in reflective materials on both ends. To bounce the lasers back at undetermined angles. No one was safe. A laser could fire towards a building miles away. Only to hit a mirror and have the laser bounce back at an odd angle and vaporise a school or hospital deep within their own land. The population dropped drastically. By 11216. The global population was just 14 billion.
The end of the mirroring war. 11219
In an underground lab. A scientist works away at a table. Until he finishes what he was working on. Kambrashi Zinchner of the Free land of faith invents the Zincherode. A giant autopiloted space station a quarter of the moon in size. It orbits the planet closely. Disturbing the sea with its gravitational pull. Roughly 1/7th of this station is for piloting it. The rest is a giant vaporising cannon. The Communist Empire knew of this threat. And sent space Jets to attack it. But They were dispatched easily by the jets and other space ships defending it. The sky was polluted with ship debris. When on the winter of 11223. The Zincherode started. It began to glow in the sky. Visible from the surface of earth. When it fired. And destroyed all but 21% of the communist Empire.
The new threat 12861
After the Communist Empire surrender. They were kept as prisoners. Executed for entertainment and used for experiments. Time for the winning side was good. They lived in relative peace and prosperity. But that would soon end.
The sphere 26102
Astronomers discovered something. Something huge and rapidly approaching. A giant steel sphere. 1.5x larger than Mars. Barrelling towards them. And set to smash into the side of them within 47 years. Humanity now knew how long they had. While not a direct impact. It would hit the side of the earth Before continuing to zoom through space. But that collision would be so fast and powerful that it would destroy all on the worlds surface.
The Hive
While billions panicked the world leaders proposed a plan to dig under the earth. And build cities beneath. Over the next 47 years they dug, built, and sealed one giant underground city. A collection of elevators leading to corridors leading to rooms of all different types and purposes. Life on the surface was over. The hive was formed.
The impact 26419
Most people didn't get into the hive. There was no room. The impact was violent. It crashed into the world. Obliterating most of what was around it in the shockwave. The planet glowed red hot at the impact crater. And dust and smoke launched into the sky. Blocking out the sun. The few who survived in their own less technologically advanced bunkers or under the sea soon died off when their supplies ran out. The surface was too dangerous to go to. Its heat alone would boil you.
New people
In the hive. Sperm and egg samples from slaves of the captured Communist Empire were brought as well. Despite these cells only sharing genetic code with their sworn enemy. Their hatred burned all the same. The top scientists genetically altered the fetuses. Creating monstrosities. Most of these new people were made to serve a specific purpose.
Clicker diggers
Clicker diggers were the first alternate human made. They stood at roughly 10 feet tall. Had roughly 5x the bone and muscle density as normal humans. And no eyes. Their skin was a course and tough oily black. Their arms were the most interesting. Their elbows were inverted. Looking much like praying mantises. And their forearms and hands were reconstructed into extremely hard narrow spikes. Their job was to slam their spiked arms against a wall. Picking away at it to make room for more to be built. Their eyes were removed because of their dangerous size. Dwellers of the hive were instructed to keep their distance while they worked. Clicker diggers were also given hyper sensitive ears. They were able to use echolocation in order to better pick at walls. By clicking their teeth together they bounced back an image of their surroundings back to their ears. Combine that with a lowered intelligence and a shock collar and the hive dwellers had a worker who was both loyal to them. And feared them.
Due to the sheer size of the hive and having to conserve as much as possible. The hive dwellers sought out a more biological means of delivering things to one another through long distances. Standing at only 2 and a half feet tall when upright the Carts were a genetically altered human made for transport. Upon birth they would be given brain surgery and have a device placed in the part of their brain that controls pain. This device was fixed with a GPS that would tell the Carts where to go. To get them to go there as fast as possible. The device would stimulate that part of the brain. Putting them in extreme agony until they got there. Causing them to shamble over as fast as they could for sometimes days. They possessed short legs with inverted hind legs. Much like a dogs. As well as a long protruding face. Despite their simple minded look. They were given average human intelligence. So they would be able to understand that getting to their goal would stop the pain. They were fully sentient and aware. They understood their torture and that they were being forced to work by higher beings for reasons unknown to them. If you were a hive dweller it would not be all too uncommon to see one of these Carts. Shuffling through the corridors letting out their long high pitched moans of pain. To most Hive dwellers this was comedic. Their hate for the Communist Empire making them chuckle at the agony of their deformed offspring.
Servants had it slightly easier in life. They resembled a normal human. Aside from the lack of a mouth and jaw. Where there would be a mouth is just covered up by skin. And their nipples and vocal cords were also missing. Because the Servants would sustain themselves by having organic substances put in their hair. Their hair was a living organism of its own. It would latch to the food and suck the nutrients out of it. Their lives consisted of performing tasks for their hive dweller owners. They would be made to cook, clean, construct, and perform many more tasks. Many hive dwellers did not agree with the mistreatment of the human variants. And on one occasion a female hive dweller was found to have been in an intimate relationship with her servant. This disgusted the majority of the hive dwellers. And she was promptly arrested by the authorities.
Authorities were not descendants of the Communist Empire. And were in fact consenting people of The free land of faith. Willingly going through with the transformation to serve the hive. Their muscles and bones were made denser. And they were all adorned in full body covering armour. Including a full face helmet. With an air filter. Their job was to make arrests and euthanise genetically altered slaves that dared to defy their superiors. Typically very short tempered and aggressive the Authorities were often seen jogging through the corridors. Machine gun in hand.
The minds
Another Free land of faith consenting mutation was the minds. These people were altered to have brains up to 6x the original size. Their heads were long and thick. And their bodies receded in size. Having a small round torso and useless little limbs. Opting to instead transport themselves in vehicles. They possessed intelligence far greater than a regular hive dweller. Their job was to work on technological advancement. And they did just that. Building reactors that powered the entire hive. And advancing medicine so much that the average life expectancy of a hive dweller could last thousands of years.
Croxfirns revolution 128463
Croxfirn was one of the minds. He spent his time working everyday and was not too unique from his fellow minds. One day he decided by his own conclusion that the hive was a problem to the world. And that the genetic alternates were the true next step. Using his hyper intelligence he bioengineered a pathogen. A pathogen that would rapidly shut down the organs of those it effected. He made it so that it would not effect the Clicker diggers, the carts, or the servants. Since the rest of the minds did not share his desire for revolution he also had to make the pathogen affect the minds. This would be a suicide mission. Due to his intelligence he was able to gather the genetically altered humans he wanted spared and sealed them off near the exits. He then released the pathogen through the ventilation systems before opening the exits. Releasing the new humans to the outside world. As everyone in the hive begin keeling over. Their organs shutting down one by one. Croxfirn made one final entry to the hive computer logs. It read.
"I had thought we were in the right. We've been doing this for so long. But I realise that we are nothing more than a parasite. Damaging all that is around us in a desperate attempt for self preservation. I hope that my act will be looked upon a millennium from now. In fact. I hope our ruins will be discovered by whatever may be out there or is to come. So they can see the pointlessness in all that has come from our time"
There were no surviving hive members.
The surface
When the new humans left the hive and saw the surface it was not a pretty sight for our standards. It was blisteringly cold. Permafrost made up a majority of the landscape and the sky was black and polluted from the impact. The world was in an eternal cold night. The new humans would have to adapt.
The end of the carts
The carts died shortly after being released. Their small skinny frame and lack of fingers doomed them. Despite their intelligence. They froze.
The clicker diggers survival
The clicker diggers ran out into the open. Clicking their teeth together they mapped out each other and the landscape. They stuck together as they shivered through the landscape. Finding a slight embankment one of them began to dig into it with their arms. The rest followed. Burrowing into mountains and hills to shield themselves from the cold. Their homes were like that of a naked mole rats. Multiple narrow tunnels just big enough for them to walk through. Leading to one big dug out area in the centre where they would sleep, breed, and deposit food which consisted of mostly insects and roots. But on occasion they would find small rodent like creatures. Who were also able to survive the blast from living underground and feeding on insects. On occasion the clicker diggers would leave their homes. In search of new locations in which to relocate their kind. As their homes would often begin to become too crowded.
The servants desperation
The servants fled from the cold choosing to seek shelter in ruins of the old world before the blast. Huddling together for warmth and scavenging for bugs and roots to mash into a paste and put into their hair so they could consume it. With their lack of a mouth to talk with. Over time they developed a form of communication that consisted of rubbing and tapping certain parts of the body to convey what they were thinking. For example. Left arm tap, right arm tap. "We are strong together" Forehead tap. "Good idea" Rubbing the side of another's face. "I love you" What they ate wasn't enough. And mass starvation happened throughout their species. One day while scavenging just outside of one of the crumbling buildings their species called home. Their paths crossed with a migrating clicker digger. Hungry and desperate they began to throw debris at the clicker digger. Enraging it. A fight ensued in which the stronger and better equipped clicker digger began slaughtering the servants. Driving its spiked limbs through them as they rallied together and began to swarm the clicker digger. Beating it with metal pipes and chunks of concrete until it eventually was overpowered and killed. As the hungry servants feasted on the creature they decided that they would have to find more of these creatures if they wanted any chance for survival. And so they began to equip themselves with pointy ended pipes for spears and chunks of concreate connected to rebar for clubs. While tailoring protective clothing out of the thick hide of the clicker diggers. They would launch coordinated attacks on the clicker diggers. Learning their migration patterns and locating their nests so they could wait for them to leave and be picked off.
The clearing sky 82389
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After over 50 thousand years the pollution in the sky began to subside. Beams of sunlight shot through the thick clouds. Shocking the Servants as they looked up in bewilderment. Over the next few weeks. The servants would notice small plants begin to sprout from the ground. They were confused. But quickly began to harvest them and consume them along with their meat source.
Advancement 82813
The Servs entered a sort of tribal stage of development. Building huts out of Clicker hide. And constructing new primitive weaponry such as bows and slings. Able to harvest raw recourses from the plant life that was now beginning to show up. As well as that. Fish like creatures began to reappear. Giving them a new and safer source of meat. But the conflict didn't stop there. Over time the Clickers intelligence began to increase. They were able to communicate through their clicking and through screeching. They were able to come to the realisation that they were being hunted by a weaker creature. And so they decided that to fight their own starvation and to protect themselves. They would need to counter attack. Over the next few hundred years. The Servs and Clickers were in a constant power struggle. Clickers would invade Serv camps during the night. Clicking to locate lone Servs. Before striking. At this point in time it was unknown to either of them how much the two shared genetically wise. They viewed each other as monsters. Yet they were the closest related species on the planet. Over time Servs would find evidence of life before the impact in ruins and bunkers. They were able to find out that long ago. Humanoids left the planet. With this information they came to the assumption that these people were Gods. And that the Servs were placed on this planet by them. Along with the Clickers as a test. Servian religion was about to form.
A new age 83289
In the hills forests and deserts. Walled off kingdoms can be found. Built and inhabited by the Servs. They live in thriving kingdoms. Having learned agriculture, writing, and music. Due to their lack of a mouth. Plays and performances tell their stories through instruments. Safely walled off from the Clickers. The power dynamic had greatly shifted in their favour. All though the Clickers still hunted them. The most damage they would do is ambushing the odd unprotected fishing party or traveling merchant. From what has been detailed you might assume that the Serves were in a sort of medieval age. But in fact. They skipped that age and many more all together. From the technology of the old world salvaged by the Servs. They were able to gain a deeper knowledge of machinery and science. They were in an industrial age. factories littered the streets as smoke blew into the sky. Resources were refined and new weaponry was developed to better hunt and kill the Clickers.
The Serv war 83296-83301
As the Servs power and influence over the world grew. Conflicts began to arise between the empires over things like ownership of ore deposits and trade routes. In 83296. The Serv war began. From recovered ancient technology they constructed giant artillery cannons. Weighing thousands of tons. Over the coming years cities were destroyed by the shelling. And many empires fell. But in 83300. Things went from 0 to 100. The first Serv made atomic bomb was made. And was promptly used on the biggest opposing force. Winning the war through a surrender the next year. From this destruction grew new peace among the land. As the winners of the war took a tight grip over the power of the land.
Fate 83412
Over the years. A desire for space travel began to arise in the Servs. From old technology and nuclear power they planned out interplanetary travel. On the day of the launch hopes were high. As the ship shot off into the sky the first stop was the moon. reaching the moon the Serv space team wasted no time exploring its surface. But something caught their eye. They discovered a crashed ship. Upon closer inspection of the outer and inside of the ship they would find alien writing unknown to them. That writing was the name of the ship that had left earth all those years ago. The Orion. It never made it. For unknown reasons it crashed into the moon. Homo sapiens as they were originally known were no more. Meanwhile on earth. A team of Servian astronomers would discover something that would horrify them. Something huge and rapidly approaching. A giant steel sphere 1.5x the size of mars. 195Please respect copyright.PENANASLCddDRB1k
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