"Why are you doing this?! huh?! Why?!"
"Mom it's not me honestly! Look I swear I don't know what the hell is going on okay. If you think I'm doing this on purpose, you are mistakened! I'm not!" Andy said sternly, throwing his hands down.
"Don't you play mind games with me boy!!" His mother replied hastily through gritted teeth - frustration written all over her face. Mom began walking slowly and steadily towards Andy, "All of this nonsense…" she paused, taking a deep breath, "Began the moment your grades started dropping!"
"Mom no! It's not like that! This has always been happening, it's…"
"So why now, huh?!" She cut him off, "Why let it disturb you now?! All of these… (she waves her hand in the air) dreams you are having! Visions! Delusions! Whatever the hell is going on with you. They didn't seem to be a problem back then! But now look! You are prepared to make a mess of your future, boy! Just for them!" She paused for a moment, "Andy tell me something?! Are you on drugs?!" She asked, with a gaze that pierced deep into his eyes.
Andy's jaw dropped, surprise flushed over his face and he subconsciously gulped in air, "What?! I can't believe you just asked me that!" He yelled politely, "Like are you serious right now."
Something told Andy to turn his head, perhaps it was his natural intuition or a mysterious voice deep within… whatever it was didn't matter at that point in time. He jolted his head in a sudden turn, throwing a glance out the window. He spotted the old lady next door in time, closing the curtain. Was she really closing the curtain? Perhaps she was pretending not to be eavesdropping and it was a sudden reaction to being caught... red handed.
Attention back to Mom. "Have you ever seen me on drugs before, Mom?" Andy asked calmly. Eye brows slightly lifted, still caught in the surprise of the unexpected question.
"There was that one time, where…" Before she could finish, Andy interrupted her.
"Apart from that, Mom. Apart from just that one time."
"Andy stop beating around the question, now answer me god damnit!" Mom raised her voice.
"No! It's not drugs, it's not delusions, fantasies or whatever!" Andy said in a firm voice.
"Then what it is?! Speak to me." Mom's voice is still raised.
"I don't know what all of this is… one thing is for sure, I have to go to the land of my grandparents. Mom, as crazy as it sounds, I must go to Africa. I am being called to go there." Andy explained.
"By who?!"
"By my Ancestors." He responded, staring straight into her eyes.