‘How school’s going honey?’ Maria asked as they wandered along the dusty path on their way to the castle. The sun was beating down on them as they walked on side by side.
‘It was okay. The works alright and the teacher is really nice I guess.’ Ash shrugged as she quickly tightened the ribbon that was used to keep her long hair out of her face.
‘But?’ Maria gently nudged her. ‘You’re touching your hair. You only do that when you’re hiding something.’
‘There’s this girl, Cassandra.’ Bridget admitted. ‘She hates me.’
‘That’s not true.’ Maria wrapped an arm around Bridget’s shoulders. ‘No one could ever hate you. You’re the kindest smartest girl I know.’
‘You have to say that because I’m your niece.’ Bridget pointed out. ‘And it’s not just me. She thinks she’s better than everyone else. Plus, she is obsessed with her looks. Always flouncing around and staring at her reflection in the window. It’s so distracting.’
‘It’ll get better eventually.’
‘You really think that?’
‘Well it depends. How long she does have left at school?’
‘Not long I hope.’ Bridget burst out laughing. ‘She’s so annoying. It’s hard to get any work done with her gossiping in the corner. But hey, at least I know about everyone in the village now. I can tell you anything you would like to know. Especially about the people she believes could actually be the Prince and Princess.’
‘Bridget! You should not be talking about that.’
‘It wasn’t me!’ Bridget argued. ‘And it’s not like I asked her to talk about that stuff. She’s obsessed with the idea of becoming the Princess’s best friend or marrying the Prince.’
‘Of course she is.’ Maria shook her head. ‘From what you’re saying about her, I’m surprised she doesn’t think she’s the Princess.’
‘She probably does. I just haven’t gotten the pleasure of hearing her talk about that yet. Ugh, could you imagine. That spoiled brat able to control fire. I’m sure she would just use her powers for evil.’
‘But if you saw that happening?’ Maria stopped in her tracks and turned to face her niece.
‘I wouldn’t tell. It’s important to keep the identity of the Prince and Princess a secret so that Thorren can’t get them.’ A small smile appeared on her face as Maria nodded approvingly at her. ‘I don’t actually believe that Cassandra could be the Princess. She’s too scared of the soldiers.’
‘And why does that convince you that she couldn’t be Ash?’
‘Because. The story is that Ash was given her powers to stop Thorren and his soldiers. The Princess can’t be scared of the things she was destined to destroy.’
‘My smart girl.’ Maria tenderly smoothed down her hair. ‘Now, we should get going. The Captain of the Guards wants to meet you.’
‘Me? Why would he want to meet me?’
‘He knew us before we moved to Blaine. He’s so excited to see you. You used to love spending time with your Maxy.’
‘Really?’ Ash asked excitedly.
‘Really. You have grown so much since then.’ Maria moved her hands down to rest on Bridget’s shoulders. ‘I still can’t believe you’re 16 already. It seems only yesterday your mother was giving birth to you.’
‘Don’t get emotional on me Maria.’ Bridget stepped forward to give her aunt a quick hug. ‘Shouldn’t we be getting on?’
‘Yeah, yeah we should.’ Maria dabbed at her eyes with her sleeve. ‘Come on love.’ She hooked her arm through Bridget’s as they set off down the path again.