We were sitting in the courtroom waiting for the judge to come in. I was not in the best of moods. I was mad at myself. I promised David that he would have a home with me and that he would also be safe. Now he was in a courtroom where not only I was looking for legal custody. The circus director wanted the same. This upset David as he did not trust society. The same people that were now going to decide his future could have been the same ones that humiliated him when he was in the cage. David was afraid of being in the same room as the circus director as he was an evil man that always got things that he wanted. I hoped that I would keep the promise that I gave David.
David suggested that we leave town and hide somewhere. This was very tempting. However, I told him that this was no life. If we hid, we would always live in fear of someone finding us. It was also important that we led normal lives. How could we be happy if we were always hiding and looking over our shoulders all the time? David needed a normal life. A life where he had a safe and loving home and a life that was normal as could be. David needed friends and he needed an education.
I tried to explain to David that this court case was to give me custody of him. I would be his father. David was excited about this. He did not seem to care when I told him that we could not find his aunt. She most likely moved and who knows where that was? Our only obstacle was the circus director. I was confident as I believed in justice. Maybe I was also too naive.
The circus director was first to testify. He told the court that David was an uncontrollable child that had many violent tempers. His aunt was afraid of him and could not raise him. The circus director gave him a home. David was only in the cage when it was show time. Otherwise, he was given the love and care that a boy deserved. Still, the boy often had tantrums and had to be confined. The circus director believed it would be dangerous to leave the boy to live in society. He was dangerous! This was all lies and despite this, it seemed as if people were falling for it. When I looked at David, he looked terrified.
Then it was my turn. I told the judge that David was a gentle and cheerful boy. Since he escaped and I found him, he had not acted wild or dangerous. Then I told the story that David told me and stressed that he was locked in the cage all the time. He did not have proper food and never had a bath or a haircut. The circus director treated him like an animal! I told the judge that David now led a life where I wanted to give him a safe and loving home.
Then the judge wanted to speak with David. The boy did not say anything when asked. I could see that he was so scared and confused. He was looking at the circus director. David was staring at the circus director, which probably gave him an anxiety attack, David could not breathe and was gasping for air. I rushed up to help him while the circus director was telling everyone that this was proof that he was dangerous.
It was time for the verdict. The judge told the courtroom that it was his duty to think about the child. Then he looked at me and said, “I commend you for taking this boy into your home and treating him with compassion. This being said, I cannot give you custody of the boy. You are not used to having children and you have no clue how to raise a child. I would also like to remind you that you are not married. I believe that this boy needs a loving home with a mother and father. For this reason, I have no choice but to deny your application for custody.”
Then he looked at the circus director, “You will not get custody of this child. You have treated him worse than an animal is treated. This to me is a case of child abuse, and a man like you should be in a cage, just as you have done with this boy. I will be asking the authorities to investigate your freak show and how treated this boy and others. We can only hope that justice will prevail.”
The judge announced that David would be sent to an orphanage. I was speechless and did not know what to say. David clung to me and begged me not to let them take him. He was in tears as he said that he wanted to live with me. I did not know what to say. I tried telling the boy that the judge was very wise and he knew what was best for David. I promised him that I would visit him. I tried telling him that the orphanage would take care of him, and he will meet new friends.
The Bailiff came and escorted David out. David was crying and shouting while reminding me of the promise I made him, that he could always live with me.
I was back in my cabin. David was gone and I was once again alone. I knew the reasonable thing was to get back to my normal life. I was once again alone. There was a time when I liked being alone. This is one reason why I did not like living in town. I just had to keep busy with daily chores and writing my next book. It did not help that the book I was writing was about David.
I could not do anything. Everywhere I looked reminded me of David. I missed him so much. He was a boy that entered my life and became so important to me. He was like a son. I had to admit that I loved him as any father would love their son. I was worried about how he was doing at the orphanage. I wanted to visit him but was afraid that he would not want to speak to me. Would David ever forgive me for breaking a promise?
I missed him so much that I was depressed. Miss Sullivan also missed David. She tried to cheer me up by bringing food and by keeping me company. This did not work. I could not sleep or eat. Missing David was eating away at me. It seemed like my life had no purpose. It seemed as if there was a hole in my life and me.
Miss Sullivan told me there was a solution. We could get married. In this way, we could adopt David as a married couple. Miss Sullivan would sell her land and move in with me. We could build an extension so David would get his room. At first, I thought this was a scam and did not sound like the right thing to do. Then I thought that David should not be in an orphanage and this was one way to help him. It was one way of keeping the promise that I had given him.
We got married a few days later. It was a magical experience. First I could call Miss Sullivan by her Christian name, Jenny. Then as the ceremony was going on, I looked into her eyes. It was then I realized how beautiful she was and that I was in love with her. I could not help but blurt out that I loved her and always have done. This made Jenny blush and admit that she had always loved me. For the first time in a long time, I smiled and was happy. It took David coming into our lives to make us realize that we loved each other.
Jenny and I went to the city orphanage. The director of the orphanage was very pleased to see us. He also said there would be no problem with us adopting David. The fact was that David was not an easy child. He was violent with the other children. It seemed as if David was mad at the world and did not trust anyone. I felt guilty when I was told this. Of course, David did not trust anyone. I made him a promise and he thought that I broke this promise. The worse thing was that David did not want to meet Jenny or me.
I told the director that I had to get some fresh air. I walked around the orphanage and found David under a tree. It reminded me of all the times, that we sat under a tree singing or telling stories. David looked the other way as he saw me. I kept my distance. I tried telling him that I missed him. David responded by telling me that I broke my promise to him and he hated me.
“I have something to say and then I will leave you alone,” I said, “ As you know before you came, I had a very quiet life. It was just me and I thought I liked it. I never wanted to be married and never wanted children. What would I do with a wife and child? I knew nothing about children. Then you came into my life and I realized how lonely I was. You bought joy and happiness into my life. You became the son I never wanted but suddenly wanted with all my heart and soul. So my heart was broken when the judge sent you here..”
“You promised!”
“Yes, I did. I was devastated when the judge did that. However, things have happened. Miss Sullivan and I found out that we loved each other and got married. We now want you part of our family. That is if you agree. We want to adopt you.”
David looked at me and said in a low voice, “You want to adopt me? I will have a family?”
I nodded. David jumped to his feet and hugged me. He called me “father”
The end