Negativity is much like a sea. We can roam it, we can explore it, we can even live on it for some time - but we're not meant to exist on it. After surviving extreme tides and tornados, our confidence may bolster us to think otherwise. But the greatest sea captains were the ones who respected the sea and knew when to leave it. The ones who got addicted to it are the ones who eventually drowned.
You may not even have a ship. And you've just been swimming and swimming. No matter how difficult it is, keep at it. If you are alive, it just means you haven't drowned. You know for a fact that the shore exists, even if you can't see it. We may get tired of swimming and just choose to float and that's okay. Just remember that the land is there somewhere.
Keeping in mind that the sea is the source of one of life's essentials - water. This analogy applies in that sense too. There is something pure and essential about our existence in the sea of negativity. It could be hurricane-filled like the Atlantic, or nonchalant like the Dead Sea, but that doesn't matter. The essence is still the same. It is upto us to find that water which our souls are thirsty to be replenished by, and still be careful enough not to drown in. Much like the sea, the water is right there. We just need to look at it, to hear it, to feel it, to drink it.