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Hope's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, she wondered if she was going mad - that she'd died and this was the afterlife. Fairy lights greeted her returning vision, and, as her spinning senses adjusted, she realised for the first time tonight that she was warm and dry. It made for a shocking contrast to her soaked state earlier in the night, and she relaxed, sensing that she was also safe for the first time since fleeing her house earlier in the evening. She was still wary, but for the moment, she knew she could trust whoever the owner of this house was.
Apart from the fairy lights adorning the canopied bed in which she lay, the room was unlit, save for a lamp on the bedside table, shaped like a unicorn, glowing brightly in the darkness. It reminded hope of the gorgeous unicorn nightlight her mother had given her for her fifth birthday, but James had smashed it not long after his wife passed away, telling the terrified five-year-old Hope that she was too old to be using nightlights. Thereafter, she'd been forced to sleep in the dark, and her screams of terror had only brought smacks across the face.
But while her heart ached for the loss of the pretty nightlight, Hope found comfort in this very similar styled lamp that kept the darkness at bay. Even now, she was still scared to go to sleep in the dark, and she was grateful to the house's owner for thinking of her comfort. Outside, the rain was still pounding down like all the furies of heaven, but she was safe, warm and dry. Comforted by the knowledge no further harm would come to her tonight, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to slip back into sleep, confident her road would be smoother after this.
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She woke the next morning with a raging hunger, as well as a desperate need to visit the loo. Outside, the sky was grey, with the threat of more rain on the way. But Hope wasn't worried; she was in a nice, dry house, and the carpet, when she set her bare feet on the floor, was wonderfully luxurious to a girl used to bare floors and thin rugs that did nothing to warm the feet on chilly mornings. A deep plum colour, it was dotted here and there with spots of yellow, green and white, giving the illusion of a flower-covered forest floor, and it was as soft as anything Hope had ever set her feet on.
To her relief, a door to one side led into a bathroom, and once she'd done her ablutions. she felt much better. Reaching for the white fluffy dressing gown on the back of her bedroom door, she let her mind wander to just what would be expected of her in return for the immeasurable kindness she'd been shown. She had not a penny in her name, and she wasn't very good at domestic tasks, her father never having taught her. But she knew she'd be able to negotiate something, and this made her feel better as she all but tiptoed to the stairs, hanging tightly to the banister as she made her careful way down. Her near-drowning of the night before had left her badly shaken, and when she pushed open the dining room door, from which the most amazing smells wafted, her heart lifted at the sight of the gorgeous breakfast spread laid out on the table. That was when she noticed there were some women in the room, and she flushed as she let the door swing to behind her. "Sorry," she said meekly. "I didn't know there was anyone else here."
"Don't fret thyself," one of the women said, her accent proclaiming her a Yorkshirewoman. "Tha's had enough trouble to give thee a right scare; get some vittles in thyself. There's more and enough for everyone."
"Thank you," Hope said, feeling much more at ease. In no time at all she had a plate made up, and soon she was digging into the most delicious breakfast she'd ever had in her life. True, it was two slices of toast, a side of bacon, and a poached egg, but, having grown up on old, mostly out-of-date porridge, the toast, bacon and egg felt like a feast, as did the orange juice which followed. A maid in dark brown, with a crisp white apron, appeared when Hope's plate was cleared, and she took the dirty dishes away, causing the girl to blush again. She almost got to her feet to offer to help, but decided against it, knowing she'd be more of a hinderance than a help.
"Feeling better?" the Yorkshirewoman asked kindly.
"Yes," Hope admitted, a genuine smile on her face for what felt like the first time in forever. "But if you don't mind my asking, where are we?"112Please respect copyright.PENANAwT4tdtHFaO
"We're in a nice cottage in Helmsley," the Yorkshirewoman said. "Right agin the North York Moors." Her tone was one of fondness as she said this. "It's quite a pretty little place, you have to admit."
Hope's eyes were wide. "I've never been to the North York Moors," she admitted. "Mum always wanted to take me there - she's from Yorkshire - but Dad didn't want to let us out of his sight."
"Ah." The Yorkshirewoman nodded. "Men can be right sods - well, 99% of them anyway. And there go me manners. My name is Emma, and I feel a right naff for bein' so rude to thee."
Hope had to smile again. "I'm Hope," she introduced herself, giving Emma's hand a firm shake. Penny, Daisy and Mia, who were also from Yorkshire, joined in the introductions. "You're going to love it here," Mia told her. "It's quiet, out of the way, and the only thing expected of you is to just be happy and let your cares go."
"I can try," Hope admitted, dread resurfacing despite the good energy coming from her new friends. "But I'm worried about my dad."112Please respect copyright.PENANA0d3lh6Y7A9
"Thy dad is not going to darken thy doorstep," Emma said firmly, a compassionate light in her eyes. "'E were picked up by the local boys in blue last night, and 'E's facin' some charges that'll ensure 'E won't be seein' the light of day anytime soon. And," Emma added, "no one can come here without Eldon's say so. He's got some strong energy protecting us, and anyone coming here with ill intentions won't find nowt but empty moors and some sheep, if they're lucky."
A tingle ran over Hope's body - not of fear, but of curiosity. "I'm sorry," she said. "Did you say ... energy?"
"Magic, good luck charms," the like," Mia said. "Either way, it's pretty powerful, and Eldon is the best around at protecting people from harm. You'll meet him later, but right now, all you need to do is relax and get your strength back. Questions and answers can come later."
Reassured, Hope let her curiosity go for the time being. It was enough that she was safe - the future had no power for the moment, and even should this Eldon fellow turn out to be a charlatan, he had to be better than the brute who called himself her father. Anyone had to be better, Hope added quietly to herself.
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