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After what seemed like an eternity, the train emerged from the tunnel, and Hope's eyes widened, before a huge smile crossed her face. Whether it was divine intervention, or Aoife's mistake, fate had been kind and had brought them back to Pandora. Aoife's were also wide, but with horror, and her face contorted like an animal's as the train approached Isonor station. "No!" she screamed, grabbing Hope's arm as the younger woman got up. "NO!"
Hope yanked her arm free and ran for the doors, but Aoife seized her hair and flung her to the floor. "No!" she screamed again, as she aimed the gun for Hope. It seemed to be the only word she could say, and it was Hope's turn to scream as she covered her head.
Then the doors opened, and the weight pinning her down was lifted. Friendly arms helped her to her feet, and she let out a sigh of relief when she saw Aoife firmly in the hands of Pandoran police. At least, their dark blue uniforms proclaimed them to be official in some way, and Aoife screamed incoherently as silver cuffs were slapped on her wrists and ankles. She twisted and thrashed, still screaming, as she was led off the train, and Hope sighed in relief once more as her own rescuer helped her off. "Thank you," she said to the young woman, who also wore a dark blue uniform. Too late she realised the Pandoran might not understand her, but the woman smiled at her.
"You're welcome," she said, her words pleasantly accented. "It appears the ullu ka patta misread the sign, or she forgot that you need a Pandoran on board with the skill to manipulate space-time to deliver any Earth guests back to their own land." She shook her head. "No matter. She is in custody now, and she will not get her hands on you again."90Please respect copyright.PENANALxkUDVWjpa
Hope sighed in relief. "I hope not," she said fervently.
The policewoman gave her a reassuring smile. "Our prisons are far more secure than anything you Earth people could devise," she said, as she helped Hope into a dark blue and silver car. "Even the most determined of criminals will have a very hard time getting out, and the ullu ka patta will soon learn her wiles will be no match for the guards there. And we've devised punishments that will crack the toughest of inmates. I doubt the ullu ka patta will last long."
Hope wondered what that phrase meant, but as the car started up and headed for Eldon's mansion, she decided she was better off not knowing for now. It was enough to know Aoife was behind bars, and if the Pandoran policewoman's words were anything to go by, the Irishwoman was in for the fresh hell Hope had prayed for. Oddly, that made her feel better, and just the tiniest bit smug.
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The mansion was in pandemonium when the police car pulled up, and Hope was soon swamped by her worried friends, all of whom had been terrified at waking up and seeing her gone. Emma and Daisy - who'd been confined to their rooms prepatory to their return to Earth - had consequently been removed to the local jailhouse, and were now, so Penny said, being interrogated as to Aoife's plans. Neither woman had cracked yet, but Penny had the feeling it wouldn't be long before one or the other finally confessed to their part in the kidnapping.
Eldon, who looked as rumpled as any man going through a sleepless night, firmly intervened when he saw how tired Hope was. "That's enough," he said authroritatively. "The girl needs her sleep; you can ask her all the questions you want when she's got some rest."
This effectively quelled the relief, and Hope gave her friends a tired smile as they all trooped back inside. She was still worried that one of her former friends might try something else, but the glint in Eldon's eyes said he'd tear apart the next person who brought harm to her, and this made Hope feel more assurred. And very thankful Eldon was on her side. She didn't want to be Aoife, Emma or Daisy when the Pandoran man got his hands on them.
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