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The nurses soon proved her wrong, and Hope had to learn very swiftly how to keep her face neutral whenever she and her daughter were together. The nurses, however, seemed to be very well trained in watching for even the slightest change in expression, and more often than not, Hope would have to ask very calmly and very politely to have her daughter returned to her. It didn't help that she had to do this in front of a number of several rather disapproving old vultures, and more often than not, they took their sweet time in bringing her daughter back to her, often leaving it until 24 to 48 hours later before the baby's crib was rolled back into the room. It seemed the only moments of privacy she had was when she was in the toilet or shower, but she knew she could never indulge in those stolen moments for long, lest she find her daughter's crib gone from her room again when she came out.
To make matters worse, she wasn't allowed to name her daughter, the implication being that this was the province of her husband. Arjun, however, had not been present for the baby's birth, and as Hope recovered and learned how to be a mother on her own, he never once stopped by the hopsital to see her, even though she was the mother of the first baby to survive birth in almost a generation.
Neither Mia nor Emily were permitted to visit, making the isolation even worse. Hope had to ask to be allowed to send them a message to let them know her baby had been delivered safely, and was thriving despite the extenuating circumstances her mother was going through. Thankfully the nurses delivered her message, and presented a message of congratulations from her friends and their husbands. Life was progressing well for them despite their barren state, and their husbands were treating them like queens. Hope had been praying for the same attention from her own husband, but as her discharge day approached, he never appeared, nor did he send word to congratulate his wife. Hope told herself he was busy doing police officer work, but even Jhansi and Saanvi had sent congratulations, and Jhansi was a full time police officer herself.
Discharge day soon came, and as Hope got ready, she thanked her lucky stars that she'd escape the never-ceasing vigil which was preventing her from fully expressing her emotions as a mother. But she kept her face calm as she finished signing her release forms, only for that calm to be shattered when she saw she was the only one being released; the default spot where her daughter's name would have gone was blank. It took all the strength she had to remain level-headed as she asked about her baby. "I've done all you asked of me," she said steadily, despite the renewed fears crawling in the pit of her stomach."102Please respect copyright.PENANAtAHXijU6c6
"You have," the head nurse said grudgingly. "But our orders are clear. The baby stays here pending a decision by the council."
Hope felt the blood drain from her face. "But they promised I wouldn't be separated from my child," she said, fighting to keep herself under control. "Arian himself promised on oath that I'd be allowed to care for and raise my daughter!"
"You will be allowed to care for and raise a daughter," the head nurse corrected her. "Your firstborn is now the province of the council, and her fate will be determined in time. You are free to go, but you will not be permitted to leave the city until it has been determined if the disease yet works in your system. If you prove to be fertile, you will be permitted to conceive another baby, and that baby will be free for you to raise and care for, once the requisite tests have been done."
"My firstborn is not a guinea pig!" Hope said, furious now. "What if she's inherited the gene that causes the disease? What will you do then? Turn her out on the street and let her fend for herself? Or will you subject her to an autopsy after you've decided to kill her and see what can be salvaged should she turn out to be a carrier?"
"That is enough," the head nurse warned. "If you keep this up, you will be immediately escorted to the station and sent home!"
Hope gave a bitter laugh. "I see how it is," she said coldly. "Mia and Emma are treated like queens even though they're barren. I, on the other hand, am subjected to tests to see if I turn up barren, and my daughter is now the property of your scumbag council until they can determine for themselves if she's a good investment!" She drew herself up to her full height. "You can send me home if you want," she said. "That just proves your council are a bunch of liars, and that no Pandoran can be trusted to keep their word!" 102Please respect copyright.PENANAZLAJyuIARW
"Leave," the head nurse told her. "You are no longer welcome here. And once I've finished speaking to the council, you will no longer be welcome on Pandora!"
"I'll go," Hope said, "but I won't be leaving without my daughter, I can promise you that." She turned and stalked out, tears streaming down her cheeks as she left her baby behind, subject now to the fate she'd prayed the tiny life would never be subjected to, her heart breaking with every step she took. I will get you back, she thought, even if I have to tear the place down myself!
Outside, it was raining, and Hope shivered, painful memories of almost a year ago coming back to her, slamming her in the face with the full force of an express train going full speed. But she had no desire to throw herself into the nearest body of water; instead, a powerful need for justice drove her, and as she hurried through the wet streets, she already knew where she was going. And like the rain beating down on her head, she was ready to come down with the same force on the one man she'd thought she could trust above all others on this miserable planet.
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