Parental Guidance is advised for this entry. Violence is very soft though.
Judges, please excuse me I did cross the word limit. Just by 150 words, but I'm confident my entry is worth it. Thanks. Enjoy.
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Loud knocks invaded the front door and rudely dragged Lonwabo out of his sleep. He groaned and grumbled as he forced himself out of bed and shot a few glances out of the window. Just a second before they had disappeared behind a corner, Lonwabo's sight caught a man – dressed in a tailored white hoodie – accompanied by two pitch black dogs that looked like they were famished and starving to death.
He shifted his sight to what they had left behind, a strange looking box. “But why at this time?” He questioned himself, it was exactly midnight. “And from who?”
He scanned his mind thoroughly – maybe there's something he bought and it somehow slipped his mind. For a couple of minutes he dwelled deeply in thought, he shook his head, nothing made its way to the shore of his mind. And so the box's place of origin remained a mystery, well for now that was…
Nevertheless, reluctantly, he made his way downstairs and put on his 'tough guy' attitude.
The blizzard had just finished terrorizing the city a few nights back and as any human would guess: it left a bitter taste behind; a bitter taste that stained the area with a brutal merciless cold.
Anyways, Lonwabo opened the front door, took the box and returned to his room. He placed it on the table and inspected it. The 'warning labels' plastered all over the box heightened his senses of caution and brought him a great wave of discomfort. He brushed aside all of that, pulled out a knife from his drawer and cut up the tape that sealed it. He suddenly had the urge to scratch his ears and he could swear the box emitted snarls.
Nevertheless, the box was quite heavy when he had brought it to his room, this sparked his curiosity only more. He was certain whatever was inside waiting in anticipation to be discovered, didn't come cheap at all.
But to his surprised, his expectations were crushed, a swirl of confusion almost cursed him with a headache and had him convinced for a split second that he was losing his mind. He couldn't believe what his eyes were telling him. There was nothing in the box, he lifted it and turned it upside down, only dust particles were pulled out by the gravity. And he realized the box was now mysteriously light.
He assumed this was another one of those cheap pranks initiated by his friends, he shook his head and got into bed and fell asleep.
Thunder roared heavily in the skies and shook the grounds with a gentle fury and rattled the windows. Lonwabo sat up in an instant! Sweat covered his entire body and trickles made their way down his face. Something was very off, he wasn't sure what it was. Something just wasn't quite right. An unwelcoming, cold gloom and darkness had suddenly plagued the room.
His heart beat intensely, the box – which was seated on the table – naturally drew his attention. He could have sworn it moved. That's not how he placed it. He gazed at it deeply and then the box – out of nowhere – just, suddenly, shifted.
He gulped in a deep breath and his heart almost ripped out of his chest. But this was just the beginning…
A few moments later and floating before him was a strange orange and black figure. Hurls of deep, sadistic laughter emerged from this vile thing. It drew closer to Lonwabo, it stopped at a close enough distance, it threw a slap and it landed flat on Lonwabo's cheek. “Return the stolen goods!” It demanded. Its voice was demonic, diabolic and devilish.
Lonwabo's eyes shot wide open as he let out a roaring scream, tossing the blankets aside. The first thing he stared at was the box, it was in the same position he placed it in before he slept, or was it?
Lonwabo washed up and went to work, it was another ordinary day, nothing special. The moment he got home he opened his cupboard and grabbed a hold of the secret stash: A golden plated wrist watch and a silver chain, each worth a few hundred dollars. He and his boys had picked them up at a jewellery store they broke into a couple of nights back. He headed back downstairs with the goods in his pocket with one thought in his mind: ‘I got to come back with some good money.’
He tried the front door, it was mysteriously locked, bewilderment and confusion dominated his facial expressions. He twisted the key – well attempted to – but nothing happened, it was jammed. “What the hell,” he whispered under his breath.
He went to the back door, and history only repeated itself. A grave disappointment befell him tailed by a high level of frustration. “Unbelievable!” He roared as he made his to the front door again, this time he tried the door again with a lot more aggression and power and just as before, he accomplished nothing.
“I said return the goods!” A voice shouted from behind. He swung around in an instant jolt before he could contemplate anything, he was knocked across the head by the box. Lonwabo fell instantly to the floor. Way. Out. Cold. and the box landed next to his head.
He awakened late night, he struggled to his feet. “The hell happpened?” He questioned himself as he held his head. He roved his eyes around until they set themselves on the box, he stepped forward, grunted heavily and swung his foot forward, upon impact, the box flew across the foyer and into the kitchen. He marched into the kitchen, he ripped the box to shreds and then set the pieces alight in the tin garbage can next to the kitchen sink.
He strided to his room, assuming it's probably over.
He approached his bed and pulled aside his duvet cover, little did he know what horror awaited him.
A kindgom of large, thick black insects scattered everywhere. He had never seen so many insects in his Life, let alone living right under his blankets!
He stepped back a couple of times and tripped over something. It was none other than the box – fresh and as good as new. “The goods! Now!” A demonic voice yelled. The insects crawled off the bed and began making their way to Lonwabo. Lonwabo tried to get up, but his legs were now mysteriously paralyzed. The insects drew closer, and as they did Lonwabo cried out, “Okay! Okay! Just stop! Fine! Take back what belongs to you! And just leave me alone!”
The box levitated into the air and opened up, the insects had disappeared completely now. Lonwabo wasted no time placing the stolen goods in the box. “You got what you wanted, now go!” He demanded.
The box closed up, it transformed into a bunch of bright lights swirling together, followed by one big flash. It disappeared together with the jewellery that was placed inside.