One winters morning when the snow is falling like feathers from the sky, Chris is up early and is wondering what to do. He gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom to get washed and dressed. The young god then makes his way downstairs and as he is passing the small table, that lies in the hallway, he notices on the surface there is a letter addressed to him.
Chris picks it up and turns it over to discover the wax seal has an impression of the letters DM. The young god stares at it for a moment, then it dawns on him the DM stands for Dungeon Master.
Chris is all excited and questions out loud, “What? Uncle Darkness has placed me on a quest?”
“A quest for what, my dear nephew?” Josh asks trotting down the stairs to him.
“I have only just picked it up. I’ll open it over a cup of tea.”
“Good idea, my boy.”
They make their way down a narrow corridor to enter the kitchen to discover the heath is already lit and a pot of tea is being warmed beside it.
“Zǎo ān,” comes an emotionless voice from inside the larder.
Josh trots over to the open doorway. “Zǎo ān, Shūshu Límíng.”
The Founder of the Hidden Order holds up large dish. “I was going to do congee. Unless you and Chris are wanting something else?”
“Bù, Shūshu, I am happy with congee,” answers Josh turning slightly to look at Chris.
The young god is seated at the table reading the quest and just gives his uncle a happy nod.
“Ah, Chris is also fine with it too.”
Límíng wù’s lips form in to a soft smile and makes his way over to the hearth, just as Chris blurts out:
“Wait, there is a sword in the West wing?”
“Is there now?” Josh enquires raising his eyebrows.
Chris nods and carries on reading.
The Founder of the Hidden Order can tell from the aged paper that Hermes has placed the young god on a quest.
“Ah, the Dungeon Master has asked you to retrieve a sword? What kind of sword?”
“Apparently it is a magical sword that used to belong to a great and powerful White Wizard. The sword is the ultimate weapon to defeat the Dark Mage. I must climb the stairs to the first floor. Get through the Corridor of Shadows in order to reach the room where the sword lies and deactivate the barrier. Only then will I be able to retrieve the Sword of Devine Light. Ooh.”
“That sounds like a good challenge. Are you needing one of us to come with you?” Límíng wù asks trying to sound concerned.
Chris shakes his head and confidently answers, “No, it’s all right I think I can manage this little quest.”
Josh grips the young god’s shoulder. “All right, my dear nephew, have fun.”
Chris rises from the chair holding a different piece of paper. This one has been burnt around the edge and there is the odd hole here and there within its surface.
“Right, I have the map. I’m sure I’ll be back in time for breakfast.”
“I’m sure you will, son. Just take care and do not do anything too risky.”
“Shì, I will be careful, uncle Límíng,” replies the young god with a confident nod.
Chris then trots out of the warm kitchen up the corridor to enter the hallway. He takes a moment to grab a shawl from the coat stand and wraps it around himself. The young god continues on through the house whilst looking at the map. Chris soon finds himself in a poky hallway and begins to make his way up a set of shallow wooden steps to the landing, where he goes on to check the map.
“I need to enter the Corridor of Shadows and my destination should be at the other end.”
Chris is a little hesitant to step in to the narrow icy cold corridor. He takes a good look around before he enters and waits to see what happens. The young god watches the shapes upon the walls begin to move and form in to a creature which starts to follow him.
Chris knows it is nothing dangers for it is just a spell Darkness has raged up to react to him. Then it dawns on him uncle Narsus is also an expert in this form of magic. This makes him start to sniff the air for the sent of Opium or the herb tobacco the Eíen nos and Pure-Bloods smoke to control their thirst for blood. The young god’s nostrils soon pick up the faint sent of Opium coming from the room at the end. This makes Chris more curious to find out what his uncle Narsus will do next.
The shadow creature continues to follow him up the corridor. It shoots across the floor and starts to rise up in front of him blocking his path.
Red glowing eyes appear and a deep voice seems to come from nowhere:
“What brings you here?”
“I have been asked to collect the Sword of Devine Light,” informs Chris in a bold voice.
“Ah, then answer these three riddles, child. Number one, I follow you all the time and copy your every move, yet you cannot touch me or catch me. What am I?”
Chris goes over the riddle and quickly answers, “My shadow.”
“Yes. Number two, I can fly yet I have no wings, I can cry even though I do not have eyes. What am I?”
The young god has a think and replies, “A cloud.”
“Correct. Last one, the more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?”
Again Chris takes his time and answers a moment later, “Darkness.”
“You are right, you may continue,” informs the shadow creature as it disappears.
The young god waits until it is completely gone then he continues in to the room. There right before him is a beautiful sword, floating in the middle of the room. All of the scabbard is encrusted with gems and the hilt is made from large red gem.
Chris puts out his hand and steps forward. Soon his hand makes contact with a barrier that shimmers when he hits it.
“Ah, a simple barrier and I just need to say, Kin da um si ka min daaa.”
Cracks start to snake across the surface of the barrier and a moment later it shatters and turns to dust. The lovely sword starts to drift down to be gently caught by the young god.
Then comes the sound of someone clapping.
Chris turns around and happily calls, “Uncle Narsus.”
“Well done, lad, well done.”
Chris is all excited to see him and quickly responds, “Arigato, uncle. That creature of yours was amazing.”
Narsus gives a nod and tells him, “I did not want to do anything too hard and it had to go with Hermes’ theme for the game. A simple shadow monster.”
“Simple?” Chris says with a gasp. “I would not call it that. It looked like quite a complex spell. I guess not for you?”
“Īe, he was child’s play,” remarks the famous actor adjusting his mask.
The young god giggles. “Right, I had best get this back to Darkness.”
“Hai, let’s go.”
They make their way back through the Manor to arrive in the North hallway just as Shǒuwèi is coming down the stairs.
Chris trots over and announces, “Uncle Darkness, I have fulfilled your quest.”
“So you have, my boy, for I see you are holding the Sword of Devine Light. Then allow me to bestow upon you the crystal of great visions.”
The young god is shocked to see a piece of Sodalite appears in front of him.
“Uncle Darkness, I cannot take that,” he stresses and starts to fiddle with the left cuff of his sleeve.
Narsus strokes the top of the lad’s head and informs him, “It has been used by your species since the Dark Chapter to improve their psychic abilities.”
Chris looks up at him with eyes full of wonder. “Really?”
“Hai, really. It is perfectly safe and not a strong one even for a child to have.”
“I understand. Thank you, uncle Darkness,” says the young god placing sword across his slender hands.
The invisible god gently strokes the top of the lad’s head. “You are welcome, my boy.”
The sword is also taken from Chris’ opened hands and seems to disappear. He can sense it was not Darkness who took it.
“Grandpa Celest, that lovely sword belonged to you?”
“Hai, it was a gift from my lovely husband to celibate our long marriage and our wonderful children.”
Chris claps his hands to his chest. “That is beautiful what wonderful gift.”
“It sure is and something I was not expecting.”
Darkness gives him a pat on the arm. “You know how spontaneous my dear brother can be.”
“True. Anyway, Chris did you enjoy your little adventure?”
“I really did, grandpa. Uncle Darkness, thank you for giving it to me. I hope to another one soon.”
“Ah, in that case I might have another one for you very soon. The quest for the sacred scroll of light.”
Chris emits a happy giggle and announces, “Ooh I cannot wait.”
The family all laugh and move on in to the kitchen where they all settle down to breakfast.
Narsus is about to put up the screen when he notices the young Annihilation Deity is staring at the crystal Darkness gave him.
“You can place it by your bedside or keep it on your person, is that not so, Josh?”
Josh finishes his mouthful of congee and nods. “Yes, you are correct, uncle. I always have mine next to my bed.”
Chris sets it down on the table. “I think I will do the same.”
Josh strokes the top of his nephew’s head. “Good idea.”
They all carry on eating and once the young god has finished he goes and places the crystal in his room, setting it down his bedside table. It makes him happy to part of a family who do not suppress their abilities and open to using safe enhancements. Then he hears the rumblings of a portal and Josh calling:
“Poseidon, it is wonderful to see you.”
This makes Chris quickly head back downstairs to greet his grandmother with a hug.
Poseidon puts him down and leans down to him. “Now I have got a little challenge for you whilst all this snow is here.”
Chris looks at him all intrigued and enquires, “What kind of challenge?”
“To melt snow with your fire when you are unable to see the fireball. Melting the snow from within. What do you say to that, my dear grandson?”
“My that does sound like an awesome challenge. Yes, let’s do it.”
“In that case, dear grandson, you will need these.”
The young god sees his grandmother is pointing his hands to a pair of thick cloth boots. The same kind most of the family were in bad weather or winter.
“What? Oh my they are lovely,” he cheers giving him a hug.
Poseidon gives him a kiss on the top of the head. “Glad you like them. When you are ready we will head in the garden and find the biggest snow drift we can find.
Chris nods and goes on to change his slippers for the boots. Inside they are all soft and beautifully lined to keep his little feet nice and warm. Josh helps him to put on a thick coat and puts up the hood.
“Now remember to keep your gland warm and the moment you start to feel the cold come in, all right?”
“Yes, uncle.”
“All right, go and have fun.”
“We will,” announces Poseidon putting out his hand.
Chris takes it and walks with him out of the house.