Mint glared at the shape of her brother through the driving rain. Cold splotches of wet liquid splashed into Mint's eyes. "Where exactly are we going, Crow?" Crow's burning amber gaze shone through the ebony light. "Wherever our paws take us." Mint rolled her eyes. "And where would that be?" she retorted. "There." Mint followed Crow's gleaming gaze to where a light shone in the distant. Her hope building like a tower, Mint charged forwards with a squeal of happiness. Crow quickly overtook her as three cats raced out of a...barn? Mint skidded to a halt in the mud at the foot of the gate, mud splitting in every direction. It hit the cats trotting up to them, but they didn't even flinch. In fact, they smiled at Mint and her brother. "It's a little wet out there, don't you think. Now, now, we love to take in strangers. Introductions inside." The first one waved his tail and others followed, leaping over the gate. Mint and Crow ran after them, with no choice as they slipped inside the barn. A moon slowly rose over the dark and gloomy clouds.
So sorry it's over so quickly. The prologue just about how they how they got into the muddle. And yes, the Outcasts are quite abrupt, wouldn't you say? Anyway, this was kinda a test run. There will be more, I promise. Jade out.