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Arjun was furious as he stormed up to the gathering, and he felt smug pleasure as Scarlett recoiled from his anger, her eyes wide. Good, Arjun thought. Let the stupid little bitch suffer! "Just what is the meaning of this?" he demanded, glaring at the night elf who dared to hold his daughter's hand so protectively! "I was expecting Raksha, not some reject from the factory!"
The night elf raised an eyebrow. "My, the grapes are sour today," he said, screwing up his mouth as if he tasted something bad. "My esteemed cousin has chosen to step back, on account of how a better match was found for him."97Please respect copyright.PENANAZgWitdfaCx
Arjun clenched his fists. "I don't know what game you're playing at," he said through gritted teeth, "but you will leave. I will not have my future grandchildren sullied by a night elf! If I had my way, all your miserable kind would've been exterminated a long time ago!"
"Well, it's just as well you didn't get your way," the night elf said, open anger in his voice. "Let's cut to the chase, my friend. Raksha has stepped back, citing a better match from within his own tribe. He has very kindly asked me to stand in his stead, and I have acceded to his request. You still get your precious grandchild, but with the added bonus of having a night elf father who has some sense in his noggin, rather than a noble sun elf who follows honour before reason! But then again," he said, his voice smoothing until it flowed like silk, "that's been the way of your kind, hasn't it?"
"You speak of matters beyond your comprehension," Arjun growled. "My daughter will not wed with the likes of you, let alone bed you! I'd rather she be dead on the streets!"
"Like I said, honour before reason," the night elf remarked. "My friend, let's get down to the heart of the matter. You want to rule your daughter's fate, because she is the only child to have survived the late disease you and your people used to cull the less desirable members of your population, all because they didn't have the traits your elders so desired. In doing so, you have cut off your own noses to spite your faces, and you've been forced to call for outsider aid, with the hope that you could stem the tide before you died out completely - and good riddance to you all, I might add!. But now you have your precious child, and you seek to breed her like a mare so you can have more precious children to kickstart the master race you so desperately want to perpetuate. And from there it will continue, until you have acheived your master race, and set out on a campaign to ruin and despoil the rest of the known galaxy!"
Arjun clenched his fists again, but as the night elf spoke, a curious low roaring started in his ears, until all he could hear was meaningless sound, the words buzzing around in his brain until they blurred together, overwhelming his senses. He cried out, dropping to his knees and clapping his hands over his ears to try and shut the terrible sound out, but it persisted, and he screamed.
Then it was all gone; Arjun blinked, staring at his hands. He was on his feet, and everyone was staring at him. "Father?" Scarlett whispered, putting a hand on his arm. "Are you alright?"
Arjun shook her hand off. "Don't touch me," he snapped, shaking his head. Something had happened, but he couldn't work out what it was; the more he tried to grasp it, the more elusive it became, and he felt a headache coming on. What had he been so angry at? He shook his head in frustration as he gave up, muttering as he looked at the night elf. Hadn't he been angry at this intruder for taking his intended son-in-law's place? No, surely not. That's right; Raksha had given up the suit in favour of his cousin, and Arjun shoved the whole tangled mess of confusion aside. "I'm sorry," he said. "I must've had a fit or something. They come on me without warning. You were saying?"
"It's quite alright," the night elf told him. "I am Ihenri Drovniu. You've only just arrived; I can tell you were in a bit of a hurry. As I was about to say, Raksha was meant to stand in my place, but he received a better match, and I was asked to take his position as husband to your daughter."
"Of course," Arjun said, relaxing. "Yes, you did say that. I'm sorry; I've been so wrung out arranging this marriage. I don't know what came over me. I guess I was in such a hurry to meet you I must've hit my head, or I left my lunch too soon." He offered his future son-in-law a double wrist clasp of amity. "You are aware, are you not, of the conditions of this marriage?"
"Of course," Ihenri said smoothly. "Raksha explained it to me, and I intend to fulfil them to the letter. You need have no fear, nor will you need to stand guard; the day I marry your daughter, I will take full responsibility for her, and I will ensure she does as is required of her."
Arjun nodded. "Good," he said, rubbing his hands together, his odd fit forgotten. "In that case, I expect you present yourself for dinner tonight. And I expect you to be on your best hehaviour," he added to Scarlett, who nodded. She still looked slightly confused, and Arjun sighed. "Stop that," he snapped. "I'm fine."
His gaze then swung to Ishan. "You are dismissed," he said coldly. "My daughter has no further need of you, and I will not have you sullying her."
Ishan bowed. "Of course," he replied. "I recognise a 'fuck off' when I hear one." He turned and stalked out of the garden, his back stiff, and Arjun sighed again when he saw Scarlett's eyes follow him.97Please respect copyright.PENANAh3k8i4toXC
"Enough!" he snapped, glaring at her. "You can go to your room and stay there until I call you! If you're still going to act like a child, I'll call the whole damn thing off, and you can rot in the streets for all I care!"
Scarlett's eyes went wide, but she knew better than to say anything, and she hurried out of the garden. Arjun took a deep breath. "I apologise for my daughter," he said to Ihenri. "It appears she still isn't mature enough to understand just how important this marriage is. I can call it off and find you a more palatable match, if you so desire."
"Oh, there's no need," Ihenri assured him. "I believe Scarlett is simply hurt at losing her friend over this. There doesn't appear to be any lingering passions between them."
Arjun frowned. "She wasn't looking at him like a lost friend," he said crossly. He sighed and rubbed his temples. "I'm giving you a chance to back out gracefully," h e said in a slightly more controlled voice. "Scarlett still hasn't learned, despite the punishment I meted out to her last year. I will call for a postponement of the marriage, but truly, I would find it better for all concerned if it was cancelled altogether."
"That won't be necessary," Ihenri replied. "However, if you do feel as if a postponement will give your daughter time to adjust, then by all means. I do not wish to have this marriage cancelled, and I would be rather unhappy if I found out you were not willing to give your daughter a chance to prove herself to me."
"I understand your concerns," Arjun replied levelly, "but my daughter is..." He stopped and rubbed his temples again. "That is," he said, "I can see some wisdom in your words. Very well. We'll postpone the marriage until my daughter has grown up some more. I will call upon you when I feel she is ready to finally act like an adult and not like a spoilt child."
Ihenri nodded. "I understand," he said, bowing deeply. "I will take my leave. Until next time, my friend." He bowed again and left the garden, and Arjun turned his glare to his daughter's remaining playmates. They needed no further urging; in moments the garden was empty, and Arjun readied his isolation bubble as he made his way back into the house. It was time for round two.
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