This is the first time I ever did any of these contests. This idea is absolutely cringe but it was random so it counts :D
Mimi has a bizarre power. She can make random events happen by writing them down on a magical piece of paper. But when her creativity goes too far, she gets into the heat of a battle she wasn't prepared for.
Characters: Mimi: short and sweet, but a little mischievous. She wanted to test the limits of her power, and is naive. She thinks that everything will work out in the end. Sasha is a tall and pale girl, who is anxious about her social status. She is close friends with Mimi. She likes Ralph and wants to know him better first. Dale is a jock who has a high social status and is one of the single kids within his group of friends. He's very into trumpet and football. Tyler is Dale's closest friend and very much his boogeyman. He always thinks what he does is best and also struggles with what to do with himself. He doesn't have much passion for anything besides getting in trouble. Ralph is friends with Dale and doesn't like him very much, and is also in love with Sasha. Lea is Mimi's closest friend and knows about the magical piece of paper. She worries a lot and especially is worried about the magical paper.
Plot: Mimi is living her normal life, until one day Sasha doesn't come to school. Mimi doesn't know why, so she contacts Sasha. Sasha is having struggles with her personal life and her grades. She worries that she won't have a boyfriend in time for prom and then her strict parents will be dissapointed and make her go out with someone they chose instead. Then, Ralph mentions that maybe if Sasha finds someone to love then she can cope better with it. Mimi doesn't realize Ralph is referring to himself and uses the paper in order to make Sasha look better by helping a popular kid and getting his attention. When it does happen Dale ends up falling in love with Sasha, but Sasha doesn't have feelings for him. Soon, Tyler takes it out of hand and starts berating Sasha for not wanting to be with Dale when Dale asks, even going to Mimi and Lea in order to blackmail them too with a threat to photoshop an innapropriate photo of them. Mimi tries to solve it with her paper but the situation only goes more downhill, with Sasha eventually getting hit by a car when she tries to run away from school-and from Dale and Tyler. Dale is furious that he might not have the chance to be with her for the prom, and was planning on asking her out. Mimi writes down on the paper that she will convince Tyler to be kinder to her and her friends. Mimi eventually confronts Tyler and asks why he was doing it all for Dale, and Tyler explained how he honestly didn't have confidence in himself to venture out into what he wanted to do. He didn't know how else he could find meaning during school without helping Dale. Then Lea shows up and starts yelling at Mimi for being with Tyler when Tyler was a jerk. Mimi tries to explain, but then Lea sees what had been written on the paper and realized that it was all Mimi's fault. Mimi apologizes but Lea instead tears the paper apart, thinking that it had only caused more and more damage. Mimi and Lea have an even longer argument and it seems like they will never be friends. But eventually, Mimi decides that the best way to solve the whole thing is to be honest and not use her power since it only ends up harming others. She tells Dale how Sasha is trying to get away from him, and she tells Tyler that he should be trying to be himself rather than what he thinks Dale wants. She also apologizes to Lea. Lea accepts and they become friends again. Mimi then realizes she has one small scrap of the magical paper left and writes down that Sasha and Ralph would go together since Mimi knew that Sasha had liked Ralph and Ralph liked Sasha. Ultimately, Sasha and Ralph go to the prom together because Sasha heals quickly enough. Dale keeps his distance from the two and it ends with Mimi, Sasha and Lea all dancing together during prom and Mimi smiling, realizing she has everything she could possibly want in the world.
The moral of the story is to be careful of what you wish for and about lying. Mimi lies the whole time and manipulates people and ultimately she gets karma for it, so she learns to accept responsibility for her actions.