Caleb and I were talking in the kitchen when Camri walks into the house.
“Logan! Dinner’s almost ready,” I call down the stairs.
Camri sits down on the bench at the island while Logan walks into the kitchen.
He avoids making eye contact with his brother as he sits down next to Camri.
Caleb does not take his eyes off Logan while he sips his coffee.
“How do you guys like your bacon?” I try to lighten the mood.
“Soft,” Caleb answers.
“Crispy,” Logan glares at Caleb.
“I’m a vegetarian,” Camri muttered quietly.
Caleb stops mid-sip to stare at her.
“Oh, dear. I will respect that,” I rush to the freezer and peer in. “I have some veggie burgers, if you would like one.”
Camri smiles thankfully. “That would be nice. Thank you.”
I pull the box out of the freezer and prepare to cook one.
Caleb chuckles and mutters “vegetarian” to himself.
“Are you mocking her?” Logan inquires forcefully.
Caleb takes a step back and holds his hand up in an I surrender motion. “No. It is fine,” he says sarcastically, “Not only do I have to now home two teenagers, one of them has to be a vegetarian.”
“It’s fine!” I step between them before it becomes violent. “It will only change things slightly. Now, you two- stop. Try to go the entire night without arguing, please?”
Caleb gives a finally glare at Logan before he turns away and leans against the counter.
“Thank you.” I turn back to the food.
Logan leans against the back of his chair and takes a small glance at Camri.
She has her head rested in her hand. Her eyes open but not seeing.
Caleb intervenes the silence, “Since we are already in a bad mood- Camri’s family’s heart rates have gone under. The doctor fears we may lose them within the next week.”
Camri gasps and covers her mouth with her hands.
“You say it like it’s no big deal!” I stand up suddenly and throw my fist unto the counter, causing a loud bang that echoes in the small kitchen.
“We knew it was coming. Next, it will be our family, then we all will be left with nothing,” Caleb takes a threatening step toward me.
“No,” Logan calmly corrects him, “We will still have each other and Tesa. Camri will be left with nothing. And, nobody said we would lose our family.”
“Face it, Logan! There is no way our family is going to make it!”
“So, let’s just give up hope then?! And forget they ever existed in the first place?”
Camri silently slips out of her chair and walks upstairs.
Logan watches her leave.
Wiping my hands on a towel, I say, “I’m going to check on her,” then stride toward the stairs.
I hear Caleb and Logan take their argument to the next level when I am not there to referee it.
I met Caleb in college. Two years after the “incident” happened. It is almost stupid the way those men hold grudges against each other. They took something so simple and let it ruin their lives.
Once reaching the top of the stairs, I wait a few minutes before using my knuckle to lightly tap on her door.
Camri opens the door; her eyes were puffy as if she had been crying.
“May I go see them?”
“Of course,” I nod my head, “We can go now.”