Falcon was a beautiful bird with great long wings. He prided himself in his feathers, which he kept in perfect condition. He was always preening them, keeping them glossy and smooth. The other birds were very jealous of his beautiful wings.
Falcon’s mate was not happy with Falcon, however. She and the hatchlings were hungry, for Falcon had not been hunting in days.
“You must find food for us,” she said to Falcon. “Or the young ones will surely starve.”
“Do not worry,” Falcon answered confidently. “I will catch something for all of us to enjoy.”
Falcon took off from the nest and flew away.
Soaring above the fields, Falcon saw Pigeon. “Why, a pigeon would make such a tasty meal for me and my family!” He exclaimed. He flew high above Pigeon, ready to give chase.
Pigeon was smart, however, and knew that Falcon was following him. He pretended not to notice, and began to fly closer to the nearby forest. Falcon was too focused on Pigeon to notice the trees, and readied himself to dive.
As Falcon dove, Pigeon flapped his wings and flew towards the trees as fast as he could. He could hear Falcon closing in behind him, but as Pigeon grew closer to the forest, Falcon began to slow.
“I can’t fly into those trees!” He exclaimed. “My feathers will be damaged and I will no longer be beautiful.” Falcon turned and began to fly back to his nest, forgetting all about his hungry family.
When Falcon returned to his nest, his mate and hatchlings all hurried to see what he had brought to eat. It was only then that Falcon remembered how hungry they all were.
“I’ve made a terrible mistake!” Falcon cried. His mate was distraught.
“Look what you’ve done!” She despaired. “The hatchlings will starve!”
Falcon watched as the weak hatchlings stumbled forward, searching for food. Falcon’s mate left him to protect the chicks as she flew away to hunt. Falcon could do nothing as he watched his three hatchlings die one by one.
When Falcon’s mate returned, she was carrying a small bird. When she saw her three hatchlings, she cried, “You’ve killed our hatchlings because you care only for your beauty!” Falcon’s mate flew away, carrying the bird she caught. Falcon stared miserably after her, watching as she disappeared over the horizon.
“Alas,” Falcon said suddenly. “Her feathers are beautiful too.”