Jeffray groaned and half opened his eyes. A pair of piercing ice-blue eyes looked back like knives. Cutting almost through his eyes and mind like iced daggers. A cold shock of realization overcame Jeffray's entire body and sat up straight lightening fast with large eyes. "Wh-what?" Muttered Jeffray almost unclear. His mind first now started to collect information around him and the woman with the ice-blue eyes is his teacher. He quickly blinked, looked around and gathered that he had fallen asleep in the last two lessons, again. Nervously Jeffray put on a broad smile and scratched the back of his head.
The woman rolled her eyes and scoffed while crossing her arms. "Jeffray, this is the third time you fell asleep during lesson. Are you having trouble sleeping at home?"
"I sleep perfectly fine, Miss Snow."
"Huh, then why still falling asleep here?"
"Well, I should go earlier to bed. I always forget time after dinner." Jeffray still smiled nervously and his cheeks slightly flushed.
"Then put a timer on to know when you should go to bed. Your marks are very good in those lessons you always fall asleep but please try to remain awake. The other students are beginning notice it in a negative sense. Well, you know what I mean." She walked off without another word.
Jeffray blinked. An unnessecary disscusion and time wasted. Quickly Jeffray stood up, grabbed his school backpack and looked up to the clock. 23 minuets passed since the last lesson ended. Quickly he paces towards the door to head home.
Suddenly something bright and blue caught his attention from the corner of his eye. He turned to see. A simple sky-blue note book lay flat and closed upon a desk. Jeffray could not recall to have seen it before in a student's hands or at that particular desk.
Curiousity got the better of him and thus walked over to the desk with the book.There was no name; nothing to identify. Quickly he opened the cover page. As his fingers touched the page, the paper. A shudder went through his entire body. He ignored the shudder and turned over the page. Nothing. Only blank white pages. An unused note book left behind. "From whom?" Wondered Jeffray under his breath and closed the book. His eyes were still locked to the note book.
Suddenly a snowflake landed upon the note book. Jeffray blinked and rubbed his eyes to be sure he was not dreaming. The snowflake slowly began to melt away. The air around him began to grow by the second colder. Clouds of vapour rolled out of his mouth. The crisp freshness and coolness slightly stung his nose and ears. "Wha-?" Gave Jeffray surprised as he looked up to see where the snowflake came from.
Above him was no sand coloured ceiling as he used to know but a view of tall mountains covered in white coats of snow. Their peaks appeared so far, so small and distant that Jeffray realized he was looking up from a valley. "How can a classroom be connected so close to mountains?" Gave Jeffray confused and looked down what lies before him. To see if the classroom remained in sight. The room he knew was gone without a trace. Only the note book lay visible in the snow. Gently Jeffray picked up the book and brushed off the snow. "Something's not right. How can a simple note book bring me here? Why me? Why here?"
"Are you talking to the note book or to yourself?" Wondered a girl's voice from behind him. Jeffray froze with widened eyes. Slowly he turned to face where the voice came from. A young girl, head shorter than him looked up with curious large amethyst violet eyes. Her cheeks and nose were rosy. She wore a turquoise cloak with a large hood. The rims were covered with some sand coloured knitted wool and appeared thus warm to wear. Long golden-brown braids hung over her slim shoulders, almost reaching to her elbows.
Jeffray was speechless and stared at her for a long time. Trying to collect the right facts in his mind.
The girl blinked and took a step back of caution. "Are you alright? What's your name?"
"Jef- Jeffray." Stuttered Jeffray still in disbelief.
"Jeff-ray." She pronounced the name. "What a different sort of name. I'm Mellina." She gave a grin. "Come with me. You look lost." She turned and walked ahead with the same grin.
Jeffray stood frozen and watched how she walked ahead. It took a while until he realized; shook his head and quickly sprinted after her to catch up. As he caught up with Mellina he had one burning question to ask. "Erm, Mellina where are we?"
"Where? Why in Forcennia, of course." She almost giggled.
"Forcennia?" Repeated Jeffray in thought. Not very long Jeffray felt the coldness through his clothes. Quickly he wrapped his arms round himself and followed Mellina closely.
"Jeff-ray is it? Where do you come from? Why did you get lost here? Wha-"
"One question at a time Mellina." Halted Jeffray. "I'm still confused to why being here. Being here and talking to you. I only opened this simple note to find out whose it is and bring it back and this is the result. I landed here in Forcennia. It is difficult for me to believe this is no dream. No offence to you." Jeffray's voice remained controlled but underneath his composure he was frustrated and confused with fear. He was not sure whether to feel angry or afraid at the moment but knew very well that none of those emotions should break out in front of Mellina. Jeffray knew it would not turn out well. He took a deep breath and sighed deeply out.
Mellina only stared at him. Jeffray tried to make out what her eyes were saying. "I'm not mad if that's what you think."
"Silly me. I should have known when I saw your eyes. You're not one of us. No wonder you're lost here and did not know the name of the land." She spoke distant.
"Us?" Jeffray raised an eyebrow. She looked ordinary at first sight, aside her eyes. As she moved few of her hairs behind the ear Jeffray noticed something more out of the ordinary. Her ears are long and pointy like that of, "an elf?" Gasped Jeffray with widened eyes.