"I hate you Madison." Someone said.
Madison turned around to see Trisha walking down the hall towards her.
"You want an Oreo?" she asked holding up the packet to Trisha.
"I just told you I hate you, why would I eat anything from you?" Trisha brushed passed, ramming her shoulder into Madison's.
"Well we both hate each other, so I'm less likely to poison you so openly with witnesses. Now your friends, they're the ones you should be worried about." Madison answered shaking a cookie at her.
"True. But I'm still not eating anything from you."
"Suit yourself."
"What's going on between you and my boyfriend?"
Madison sighed, it's not like it was a secret, Madison was friends with Trisha's boyfriend before they started dating.
"Well he's my friend..."
"You guys are too close to be just friends. Plus he's always talking about you!"
"Okay? And?"
"It's obvious you're up to something."
"Trisha, your boyfriend is my boy friend."
"Stay away from him."
"I've no interest in him." Madison backed Trisha against the wall, she leaned closer and whispered. "You on the other hand, I wouldn't mind."
Trisha pushed her back. "You're a lesbian?"
"Only for you babe."
An arm circled Madison's neck, pulling her into a chokehold, Madison elbowed her attacker. He cried out and released the hold but kept his arm around Madison.
"So what are you guys talking about?"
"See!" Squeaked Trisha "How can you say nothing is going on!"
"Brandon, your girlfriend here thinks we have something going on."
Brandon laughed and shook Madison.
"Trisha, she's cool, relax. She's special, this one." He tussled Madison's hair.
"I know she's a lesbian, but that doesn't mean nothing's going on with you two." Trisha pulled Brandon's arm pulling him away from Madison.
Brandon laughed even louder. "Nah she's not a lesbian, she's just... weird. She likes older men."
Trisha looked at Brandon and Madison. Madison blew a kiss and winked at her.
"The new AP calculus teacher is her boyfriend. Why do you think she gets perfect scores."
"Because I'm smart!"
"Smart... he's giving you private lessons."
"You can't date a teacher!"
"SHUT UP! We were dating before he started teaching here."
"He's 35!"
"And my parents know. You gonna shut up or will I have to shut you up?"
"Madison leave her."
"She keeps yelling like that and the whole school will know!" Madison walked up to Brandon and kicked the side of his leg. "Your fault for telling her asshole."
"Is there a problem here?" A teacher approached them, it was the teacher they were talking about, Madison's boyfriend, Mr. Keller.
"That's..." Trisha pointed at Madison and Mr. Keller.
"No problem Mr. Keller." Brandon made eye signals at Madison and tried to pull a shocked Trisha away.
"Come on Trisha!"
"Madison, I'd like a word."
"You failed your last test."
"We can't ace all of them can we?" She smiled throwing her hands up in question before walking away. She turned back and mouthed 'tonight' before hurrying after Brandon and Trisha.