Kaza sat on the bed and looked at the small boy sleeping on the bed across the room. He smiled, tilted his head then stood and softly shook the small boy. The boy sat up, groaned, and rubbed his eyes. He quickly slipped back. "W-Who are you..?" He said, shyly. Kaza sat down on the chair and folded his hands on his lap. "I am the owner of this house. I found you on my property, asleep near my rose bushes." He said. "Now to pressing matters. Who are you?" He asked. The boy looked at him with a shy gaze. "Mesabi... J-Just calls me Mesa." He said shyly. Kaza smirked. "Hm, Do you have a reason for being on my property, Mesabi?" He asked softly. Mesabi looked at the floor. "I-I smelled food and followed the scent to this place... It looked empty like no one was home so I thought about sneaking in to get some food and go..." He stuttered and went to touch his neck. He let out a gasp and looked at him. "Y-You put a collar on me..?.." he asked. Kaza nodded. "I can't have you running away, besides, It looks a bit cute on you," he said and crossed his arms across his chest. Mesabi pulled his knees to his chest and laid his head down on them. He hated this. He had gotten caught for the first time in a long while, but the first time the owner of the house made sure that he wouldn't do it again by leaving a permanent bruise on his arm. He worried about the punishment. Kaza walked over to him and lifted his face to get a better look at him. "I guess you are wondering what I'll do to you. Hm, I guess I'll keep you here until I say otherwise~" he said with a light chuckle. Mesabi whimpered. "Though, I have rules." he finished. Masabi tried to control his breathing, but failed and passes out in his arms. Kaza held him, picked him up, and held him against his body. He smirked. "Don't worry~ You'll enjoy your stay~ Trust me~" he growled lowly and laid him on the bed softly. He slipped cuffs on his wrist and bound them then left the room, locking the door behind him as he went off to his room. One of his butlers entered and bowed. "Sir, You have a couple of guests at the door, looking for a little boy." He said. Kaza stood and walked up to him. "At ease, Salik. Lead me to them If you would." Salik nodded, stood, and led Kaza to the men at the front. Once arriving at the front, One of the men looked at him. "Ah, what might you need from me?" Kaza asked, looking at them. The blondette looked at him. "I need the kid you have. He, erm, owes us." He said back to him. Kaza crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm sorry but he won't be going anywhere. He belongs to me now."