I think that would be so awful if you are not well-trained,hmm,I am sorry,you still are so awful if you are trained because none of us can predict what would be happened.
Yes,we were locked inside the church and some green flash lights kept up flashing our eyebrows to make it seems getting worse.The floor was teared up and shown up a giant wheel teeth ,perhaps that is some sort of ghosts or gate to the hell.
One of my squad,called Dig,shot the teeth and it was bleeding then.DIg said,"Captain,this thing is not a wheel or what,is a monster."
"Stop your weapons,soldier.We have sent the sos to the office and now we find the way out."I tried to calm him down before he made this monster be mad.
THat is NOt A Good IDEA!!
The teeth suddenly shut down and towards us,the bloody teeth made it more fearsome and fierce.That would be our greatest nightmare for sure.We tried to escape to the wall to wall because its radius was too large,we were barely moving.
Dig kept shooting this monster and suddenly,he fell into it.We tried to save him by holding his back but the monster came up as a jump to catch DIg and two of us into it.They vanished by blood was spited everywhere.
"OMG!!" We all screamed and used our knife to cut off those wall but not working at all.
"Captain,When will they arrive?" Soldiers asked.
I knew that would be a suicide mission and it should not done like this,how could they transfer thmselves but I did not know they use this kind of way.
"Hold on,pal,we just need to wait as long as we can."
"But Captain."
"Listen,pal.How could they vanish from one to one.That is the answer."
"But we will die via this."
"No,they survive and they go to the other destination."
"Captain,I don't think that is a great idea." They kept doubting me.
"Well,let me show you something,we don't need to find out by our bodies,we just need to run some test."I throw a grenade into the mouth and suddenly the monster stop eating.
I think they found out.
At this moment,the church celling was broken and the headquarter sent hawks to save our life.
(Hawks are the quick air force which is good at rescues and supply,it could still fight by their guns but it would not be a good idea if you want to do in a quick action,that would slow you down.)
"Hey,soldiers,lets return to the base." The scout sat inside the hawk yelled.