547Please respect copyright.PENANAeCWhl8tr9o
He was waiting for his contact to appear holding the contraband. The white sphere with glitering jewls was clearly Eldar in nature. It was illegal to have alien technology in your possession, something he thought was stupid. In world where a loaf of bread cost 150 credits and you made 8 credits day, you needed every advantage. Alien technology could save billions and restart the stagnated imperium. Instead it's outlawed and techpriest cling to their fabled STCs.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAokUgyaODyP
Almost to prove his point his communicator beeped. She is early. The thought of talking to his beloved made his heart stir. "Hey hun," he says with a completely changed tone.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAGuGCFjNV18
"Has he arrived," she asks in sweet tone?
547Please respect copyright.PENANAqLWsu9ylZ7
"No forplay," he jest?
547Please respect copyright.PENANAdDjBZPiZ9A
There is a barely audible chuckle, he looks back at the drab city behind him. It was barely better than his lower city.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAXJDA4ewnxR
"Your such a tease. Sorry, no time hun. Maybe when you get home."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAKF5KWnil57
"I'm sure he'll be hear soon." He says bent over with his right foot resting on the outer balcony.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAmsmCfojdEf
"I hope so, it was hard securing it from my sisters. I hope you'll be home soon. Love you."
547Please respect copyright.PENANA7o47LfqKhX
He smiles even though she couldn't see it. "Love you too, I'll be home soon. Bye." He gives a pauses before hanging up incase she wants to say something else.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAqPOqjx6fuf
A crunch on gravel refocused his attention on the shady person in front of him. "Your late," he says to him.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAAO1XPe1BmY
"Sorry," the man says in unreadable tone "authority is tight."
547Please respect copyright.PENANALpnujmQoIv
He step forward with the Eldar artifact in his out stretched hands. "Here is the Eldar artifact."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAn38fQAzvtF
"Thank you," the man says taking the artifact and handing him the 1010 credit payment. The man gets closer as to stuff an extra 150 credits in his pocket. Then without another word, but curt nod of his head, stalks into the shadows.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAVnpfl9LVyE
He gives a huff, "not much of a talker are you?" He lights up a cigaret. After taking slow drag, he starts heading home.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAnzweRkLZk1
Halfway home he noticed the local PDF following him in secret. Well best as heavily armored and armed men can do. He pretends that he didn't notice them, browsing store fronts and stopping to smoke. If they wanted him, he would have already been captured. They were tailing him. Except he sort of knew this area. They wouldn't follow him past the midcity, he just had to escape. He jerkingly turned a corner and burst into a run. After rounding another corner, he ended up right where he wanted to be, an endless maze of backallys. It is exactly as he had planned. Now he was weaving left and right in the maze following a route only he knew and no one else.
547Please respect copyright.PENANA8LGwdpQqlt
Eventually he found the exist out of the backalleys, but PDF guards were stationed outside of it. The soldiers weren't paid enough to chase down smugglers and were looking up and down the street disinterested. He didn't have to put up a fight to get past them. He simply walked past them and blended in with the crowd.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAnLmF6fdFtd
He though for sure he lost them, manging to reach decending lower road connecting midcity with the lowercity. On bothsides were massive concreet and steel warehouses surrounded by chainlink fences. The loading yards was maze of shipping containers. A a hundred feet back a lone guard spotted him. Before he even aware, the pdf had in the sky and on the ground. They were trying to follow him, why not try to arrest him. He didn't get it.
547Please respect copyright.PENANANasL1PtQix
Hopping over the gate, he zigzagged past the many row of shipping container and loading vehicles. Before climbing over a second fence and running down the street towards lowercity. Once he reach the sids routes on either of two main highway, he pauses to see if the guards would pursue him. They had formed up at the entrance next to a large green directional sign. One of them, supposedly their leader, wearing the sigil of Ramthas was on a vox unit. He says something and the troopers halt. That was that. Where they tailing him? Were they just chasing him out for of midcity? He never did find out.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAlC4DERDS6B
She hadn't heard back from him in a while and was starting to worry. He should have been home by now, but he had been late before. She gets off of the dirty mess of burgandy colored patchwork fabric that counts as a couch to get a drink. The apartment is small, like most in Somburg, living space is at a premium. The carpet is synthetic plastic material that use to be a light-grayish brown but is stained a much darker color from the dirt tracked across it's surface.
547Please respect copyright.PENANACdWNuLe1Pk
The walls are covered in peeling wall paper stained yellow from the pollution in the air, the newly installed airfilter could barely keep up with the demand. She tried her best to make this her home. Besides Aethelwulf, this wasn't her home. It was a temporary sanctuary nothing more. The holy arua kept the ever hungry slanesh at bay and the legion of inquistor kept cultists away. It made the city safe.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAYBGRwikEMg
She moves to the kitchen. Opening the built in refrigerator, hearing it humming long before she saw it. Somedays she felt the humming was in her bones. It was like a ghost haunting her. She opened it and took out a strange imported juice. Fruits had a hard time growing on this world and this was closest equivalency.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAzJC7F4xMDM
When the door flew open, it had startled her. She turns around to see a sweaty Aethelwulf breathing in ragged pants. She takes a sigh of relief on not seeing the artifact, but she new something is wrong. "What happened," she asks with concern?
547Please respect copyright.PENANAb10iOlvzKp
"Ran into my old friend the pdf. This third time in last two weeks. They had me dead to rights." He pauses knowing she had a hard time grasping human's idioms. "They had several opportunities to make an arrest, but they never did. I can't tell if there trying to chase me away or trying to follow me."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAawUdry2ofR
"Damn," she says. "We might need to lay low for while." He nods in agreement before stumbling to the couch ten feet away. It squeaked in protest against his weight.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAAsTRsfqEBu
She moves into kitchen, but he didn't follow her. Instead turning on the local holocord. A live broadcast is playing of Xur Ramthas talking to a selectively gathered crowed.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAnKjtmH7ZDD
"My run for ellection will change everything. Wicked will punish everyone. Crime in the mid upper will be brought to a halt. We are entering a new age."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAFSJizWuVlB
He laughed at the way the crowd robotically applause the speech. These people were obviously preselected because of their loyalty and support. Xur message was a joke too. My ass, he thought. And I'll end pollution and make it rain candy from the sky. Your just another dumb politician getting into power through lies.
547Please respect copyright.PENANArjOQYrBLIi
His wife turns his thoughts from holocord. She was bringing with her a dish full of food, it made him notice how hungry he was. He tore into the food and she giggles, even her laughs were like music. There is a brief moment where he is lost in her crystal blue eyes. When he finally broke their gaze, he watchswith grace and swiftness she vaults up and over the couch landing besides him.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAmMtiVVHl4Q
"Show off," he says snickering. He says drawing her in close and holding her tight. Her breathes become purrs as she is drawn in close. Their arms envelope each other. He caress her cheek and she cranks her head making it easier for him. Her entire face becomes flushed and he can feel the blood pulsing under her skin. Her temperature always spike a few degrees when she was turned on. You could pick it up on a thermal reader, he should know, he had tried it. The curiosities of her species, the possibilities of the future. Maybe in another universe where things turned out differently, humanity knew the answers. Now the only lingering faint echoes of truth were in that room between two star struck lovers.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAZwYNhUsCNG
547Please respect copyright.PENANAFculwxEnwq
The next day a massive storm caused by the industrial devestation to planet rocked the hive city. You could hear the storms even from the bottom of the hive city. The noise drug him out of sleep and out of bed with a yawn. His beloved whimpered but did not stir.
547Please respect copyright.PENANA80oKOnApYH
He reaches for his jeans and T-shirt, neither of which had been or would be washed in months, and went out of his room into the L shaped corridor, through the living room into the kitchen. Taking what passed as coffee, he put the ground up herbs into the tray. With a flip of a switch the machine comes to life and he existed the kitchen for the bathroom. In the bathroom he finds the toothpaste is nearly empty. He sighs to himself. It was 850 credits and it went so fast.
547Please respect copyright.PENANA4EiQa4qd7H
Once he brushes his teeth, he waited for the taste to subside by turning on the antique music player. It comes to life with a chugging scratching sound, like cats escaping a metal box. The music of choice: classic music from Abaenu, his home world. It's overt depressing tone were overlaid with happy tones from before the fall of man. It would swell with sad tones before climaxing with happy tones. As music filled his ears, he stared blankly at the living room mural of a tree in front of a massive ocean, the two kept from meeting by a vast strech of sandy beaches. He forces himself to stare at it. It was something he did everyday. Until he traced every line of the mural, until he could see it when he closes his eyes. The second pass by as the need for coffee reaches fevered pitches. Overwhelmed, he gets up to pour a cup of coffee and sits back down. Once again imagining he was there. The waves crashing against him. The smell of salt in the air. No matter how far away, reality came crashing back demanding his attention. It was time to get his day started.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAofELOHyxlE
Despite setting off from his apartment briskly and full of vigor, He didn't make it ten feet. A shadow loomed outside waiting for him. "Hey bud," a familiar voice said.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAUWilUqEdgZ
"Byrne," he exclaimed. "What in the Emperor's name are you doing here?"
547Please respect copyright.PENANAGCoW6uuPAi
"Saving your butt," he says. "You dug too deep for a too shinny of a prize. The grand magistrate can see the glitter of gold from space."
547Please respect copyright.PENANACKWAmCwEJ8
"When are we going to stop living on our knees and hiding in the shadows? If we can rediscover are own technology, why can't we rediscover alien technology?"
547Please respect copyright.PENANARNa3lCOlrM
"You know these superstitious fools will never allow it. They would have us blessing toasters. Closer to the earth, more superstitious they become." His friend was right. He takes a seat by leaning against a near by brick wall.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAi9wLslYSME
"So you know who ratted us out?" His friend scratches his head and then shakes it.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAIZudKOmpuO
"No clue. How about the foremen at the dig?"
547Please respect copyright.PENANAtfXBsUhFWm
He thought about this. "Phill? Not a chance. He is too afraid of the authorities to go to them. Got to be Dan."
547Please respect copyright.PENANA82uybnPDsg
"That snake," his friend says with distain "He doesn't have enough of a spine to sell us out."
547Please respect copyright.PENANASYXNE7keUi
He nods in agreement, but is secretly betting it was Dan. He was a mover of things, gets them from place to place with no qestions asked. But the man seems sketchy on first meeting, is sketchy even after knowing him, and is slimy as pond scum; which is fitting because he is scum. This is a guy that took cruel pleasure in insulting you ever chance he got. Back seven years ago when Aethelwulf's mom died, he called her weak for dying so easy to cancer.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAwKXIFPSdoF
547Please respect copyright.PENANAtmUQggaCJT
Byrne proposed somebody else, "Should we ask Yamada Tolvoko?"
547Please respect copyright.PENANAdGxovEBtdI
His friend shook his hand dismissively believing this to be popsterus. "Big cheese himself? risky?"
547Please respect copyright.PENANAfCfL40zz7g
"Worth it," he says slowly releasing a drawn out sigh. "For the business." Being unable to convince his friend causes him to shake his head out frustration. Finally he gives up and decides to go along. They both had come to an agreement that seeing the boss was not only the best plan, but the only one. If they didn't catch the rat, the entire organization could be threatened. So they headed for the temporary headquarters.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAbLeNXn5Kps
In unison, they stood up and follow the weathered and dirty sidewalk around a corner of a grey cinderblock building that was fenced off by a thick chain link fence. There the car was parked next to a butcher shop with a lit up neon sign. "Their never going to fix the artificial sunlight down here, are they?"
547Please respect copyright.PENANA4n8ki5cVSX
His friend gave a laugh, "That implies they care about down here." Byre got in the driver side and he got in the passenger side. They followed the freeway running the Berth of the hive city into the middle class economy zone known as midcity.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAuMoB6KwwXs
They pulled aside a multistory warehouse constructed of pitted and eroded steel sheets held in place by rivets. Every time there was a breeze the haphazardly hung roof creaked ominously. He looks around then cast a glance at Byre. "Somethings is not right. The guards are nowhere to be seen, the warehouse workers are gone. The place is deserted. Even in the middle of the night it's not this deserted. Look around, there are no people anywhere."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAYu4fbSUsDQ
Byre look at him contemplating and then looks around; nodding in agreement, "your right. We should get out incase this is a trap."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAg2vdymX2OW
"No," Aethelwulf firmly. You could see the determination in his eyes. "I need to know what's going on. You don't have to follow me."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAqnjpnBwUb3
"When have I ever abandon you?"
547Please respect copyright.PENANAwt0vFcQo7B
"You been a good friend of mine but you got your own stuff to worry about."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAAxqHmOVQ5O
Byre grabs his hand, "Your not going in there without me."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAA8A0QgPAdK
He shakes his head and sighs, "fine."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAmlYyh7UX5s
They walked around the back of the building to a set of metal stairs leading to a metal catwalk attached to office's entrance. They followed the stairs and stepped inside. It was dark and the only light that could be seen came from down the hall from them. "Hello," he calls out? "Yamada?" There was no answer. The only sound was their footsteps. "I don't mean to disturb you," he felt his hair on the back of his neck prick up, something is very wrong here.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAI1XXHYtTFp
"Do me favor, get car running Byre. Something is really wrong here and we're going to need to leave in a hurry. "
547Please respect copyright.PENANANNqILlyx9Z
Byre nodded adding, "good idea."The man set off down the stairs. Now he was alone and immensely regretting his decision. The rows of cubicle streches off straight to the offices, where the corridor turns left. Despite the cold feeling nawing at his gut, he pressed. In the corridor where it turns left a single light is on. No one is in the corridor only flickering shadows. "Hello," he calls out again but was once again met with silence. Inside the first of many rooms along the corridor, amongst the many shadow is a man standing in silence. Whoever they were, they were standing motionless facing the doorway. Even in the darkness he could sense the danger of a weapon being drawn. He jumps back bypassing a las beam meant to end his life and waste no time running for the exist. The entire way he was sure the man was right behind him, seconds away from killing him.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAnYk3XXAZiC
From Aethelwulf's pale complexion, Byre had guessed he didn't find Yamada. "You find Yamada in there?" The man shakes his head.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAQDZXNh3E0X
"Someone was in there standing all creepy. He was standing motionless like a fucking statue in dark. When I got close, he tried to take my head clean off. Between the authorities and this? I don't know what the fuck is going on. Any other place Yamada hangs out?"
547Please respect copyright.PENANAXAaKDzMfVm
"The bistro on mainstreet," Byre says.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAdXHzg44xzp
"Guess we're going there," Aethelwulf says kicking the car, starting to pace about nervously with a quick glance back at the warehouse. Finally, he get in with a slamming of the car door.
547Please respect copyright.PENANABmXEWn1B4k
Bistro was nice, even the artificial sunlight worked; low up beat music played in the background. There was quite the murmur from patrons. But no Yamada. His steely grey eyes swept the bar, but once again didn't turn up anything. A waiter bumped him while passing by. The blow to his should is hard enough to sting.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAB22Xlon2cr
As he is watching the bistro, someone is watching him. A man wearing a grey vinyl jacket with a white undershirt and a white vest approaches him. "Looking for yamada?"
547Please respect copyright.PENANAO3eJLXOUfW
"Yes," he replies.
547Please respect copyright.PENANA4FtxTl03Wl
"So is everyone," the man says "He has been missing for days."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAw2OPAdMxOc
"You think ..." He pauses dreading what he is about to say. "The authority got him."
547Please respect copyright.PENANA2cZyQPa19o
"Nah, the authority never got close enough to pin him. Tell you what, why don't you take a seat. Order whatever you like on the house. If Yamada shows up, I'll give you a call."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAhPDjsnExaH
"Thanks," he says with curtly nod. He goes to retrieve Byre.
547Please respect copyright.PENANABIlCIIDTDK
Byre and Aethelwulf's are sitting at a round bistro table cover by white table cloth, togethor in the upper class bistro. Both men are nursing a drink and staring at nothing. Though Aethelwulf's is playing with his drinks as well. The light in bistro turn down low and slow music is playing. Byre speaks first, "I don't like this, first the authority and now Yamada is missing? I'm telling you we have a rat in our midst." Aethelwulf looks up from his drink.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAZ5c3I7CdLE
"We don't even know if Yamada is in danger," he tries to argue, but he does see his friend's point.
547Please respect copyright.PENANARWuCmKk61H
"What can we do next? Yamada is gone for now. We can't peddle technology anymore." Byre adds the next part of the conversation and critical piece of the puzzle.
547Please respect copyright.PENANA20G13C7u4s
"I wont become part of the problem by peddling flesh and drugs. I'll go legitment for while."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAq0j11I4SzF
"Man, there is no money in going straight." Byre replies and dismissed the entire preposterous idea out of hand.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAmtGZ07fN3m
Aethel slams his hand on the table. "I'm not some petty criminal. Your either the solution or part of the problem. No, is my final answer."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAjFfw6P2t9D
"So," Byre asks swooshing his drink in his right hand, "what job would you have me take? A sell sword or a butcher?"
547Please respect copyright.PENANAmqmBIX2odb
"I know these streets Byre, I could guide people through them. I know every backalley and every hidden passage. I can guide them safely, maybe." There is a brief silence between them. "I can be an officer in the PDF." Byre snorted.
547Please respect copyright.PENANA8UQdAXvVpU
"You? In the PDF, fat chance. What about maintance? Your sharper than a tack." Wulf chuckles. "You have a knack for trading."
547Please respect copyright.PENANApoBWUPtse6
Wulf raises one finger adding, "and getting into trouble."
547Please respect copyright.PENANAzvEfsGGx6c
"I'll drink to that," Byre say lifting his glass of ale. Wulf returns the gesture.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAxKVskJCv2X
The glass windows to bristro explode raining glass down around them, las fire erupted from outside, patrons begin to screaming. Those that tried to stand and flee were gun down. Wulf hid under the table, as well as his friend, and drew his sidearm. But dare not move from his postition. The staff had drawn their concealed weapon turning the bristo into a warzone. The entire ordeal took a minute but felt like a life time to those that participated.
547Please respect copyright.PENANAqrqL3OzFKU
"Solomanders," Byre said standing up. "What are they doing this far up. They're an undercity gang. Security in Somburg is terrible."
547Please respect copyright.PENANANLe4cn5FvL
An older man with grey eyes half buried under bushy eyebrows and with the body of a younger man over hears the conversation and speaks up; Wulf looks at him. The man says, "How dare they attack the Yamada family, bunch of petty gang members. If they wanted a war, by the emperor and the gods before the golden age of man, I will give them one."
547Please respect copyright.PENANA6yep5sjssO
547Please respect copyright.PENANAcP3dm6gyOT
547Please respect copyright.PENANAuJXMMWs5mS