I haven't had many dreams recently, so here's a slightly older very odd one.
Date: July 2022
I was waiting at a train station... or maybe an airport? This was because I was going to stay with an old couple in the countryside. This old man who was very nice comes to get me, and takes me all the way to the house ( not sure how we got there, but we did) and I stand in front, taking it in. It's quite pretty, but this is where the weird stuff starts.
Here's a picture I found on the internet and drew on that sort of looks like the house:
I walk forwards, and turn to my left where there are some open patio doors, and inside on the sofa there is a goofy brown dog wrapped in bandages and having a seizure. I ask the man, but he passes it off as 'normal'. I meet an old lady, and she's quite nice at first, but this changes quickly... She starts going nuts and trying to attack me and the old man. He says that she's been infected with some virus, and that we need to get her to drink to medicine to save her and us, so we rush to this table that randomly appeared in the garden, and start trying to cure her.
For some reason, the old guy's - no, he needs a name. He kinda seemed like a.... George. Anyway, for some reason George's plan was to get the plastic litre bottles of water (you know the ones) and chuck them at her. Seriously, he kept filling them up, not even putting the medicine in the bottle, and just waving the bottle around to make her wet. All this time she was like trying to attack us, but in a weird fashion so that she never actually touched us.
I had the genius idea of putting the tablet medicine to dissolve in the water then handing it to her to drink. Then she was cured!
Later, she goes evil for some reason (an affect of the virus?) and they get divorced; he moves out. Then, it turns out they were TikTok stars? She posts a video saying that George and the dog won't be in her TikToks anymore and the comments are all hyping her up, 'You go girl!' and 'you're better off!'.
There were several dreams in/ around this one, but I don't think they belong in the same thing.