“I just wonder how that could’ve gotten better though!!” Dreams soft voice spoke “so dreamy” Gogy thought “Gogy? Your camera is off!” Gogy was too busy staring into Dreams sparkly emerald green eyes on half of the face reveal he had sent Gogy. “GOGY!!!!!!” Gogy jumped from his seat “Hm?” Gogy could here dreams deep breathing through the silence of the VC “Please answer me” Gogy sighed “Stop streaming-“ came randomly out of Gogy’s mouth Gogy could tell that Dream was looking at him with the weirdest face “Hehe-what?” He could tell by the silence George was serious “Ok than” Dream turned his camera off and turned to face the VC to see that George was blushing like hell “Blushing?” His calm voice said quietly “What I- I- I’m not blushing” Dream chuckled quietly “WASSAP DICKHEADS!”Quackity yelled “AH” George threw his headphones off and onto the ground “Shut up!” “Oh well here comes overprotective Dream!” Quackity says. Dream kicked Quackity from the VC and started speaking in his soft quiet voice again “Are you ok?” A soft voice came from the headphones lying on the ground beside Gogy also on the ground crying “How much I wish you were gay” he quietly said to himself George grabbed his headphones and turned them off to hear Distra and Dream talking about so and so going to Florida “Clay?” He sniffled “Hold up Distra George seems to be crying”
“Bab- Gogy are you ok?” “WELL YOU SCREWED YOURSELF THERE!” Distra yelled handing patches to Dream “Bab?” “Fuc- ok why did you sound like you were crying?” “Who is Bab?” Gogy said Distra laughing like a maniac in the background “Clay just say I lo-“ Dream had left the VC leaving George still in tears “WHY THE HELL AM I EVEN CRYING!? Yeah it was loud But the fact that clay-“
-About an hour later-
“Awww we are ki-“ George said looking at the Dreamnotfound fan art “Oh shoot he’s calling me- wait face timing me?” His finger hovered over the accept button than the decline he built up enough confidence to accept “Hi” his soft voice said “Are you under the covers?” He giggled “Yeah” George rolled his eyes “Do you really have to wear your mask right now?” “HE DOES!!!” Yelled Distra “WAIT GOGY WHERE IS YOUR SHIRT?????!!!!!!?!!!?!” Fucking shit then Gogy’s world came crumbling down and a dark hole swallowed him up whole “I was sleeping you idiot” George could feel dream roll his eyes “Oh so you weren’t on Twitter liking dreamnotfound art?” George started blushing “No…………… why would I do that? That’s stupid” George looked down at his purple and yellow bed sheets and smiles to himself he looks up to see dreams mask is now on the ground “Holy fuuuuuuu-“ “SHUT UP DISTRA I AM TRYING TO- shit you were not supposed to see this George”