The beginning986Please respect copyright.PENANA6GFGps6pAK
Leonardo had left his family to go and stop criminals on his own since he was now old enough to do so. He's been away from home for so long he can't even remember, but he still remembers his family and it makes his eyes water up from thinking about them and that he chose to be on his own now. Leonardo was fantastic when it came to fighting crime, speaking of which, Leonardo was on the run right now. The city bank alarm went off and the place was being robbed. Leonardo approached the building and ran inside. The thief was holding a gun and a big bag of money. The gun was aimed at the cashier employee. Leonardo spooked the thief by speaking and showing himself. "Hey! That money belongs here at the bank!" The thief was surprised and a bit amused. "You think I'm scared of a frog?"
Leonardo frowns like he's been insulted. "Why does everyone think I'm a frog?! I'm a teenage mutant ninja turtle!" Leonardo kicks the thief into the counter. The thief drops the moneybag and the gun for the result. Leonardo grabs the thief and brings him out of the building and hands him to the police. The police handcuff the man and take him away. Leonardo sighs in relief, "Well, another criminal caught and released." Just then, a strange figure came running up to Leonardo. The creature wore a green hat, an orange shirt, blue jeans, brown shoes, and the figure had the nose of a dog. The figure exclaimed, "Wow! You did great catching that criminal! My name is Goofy. I'm friends with Mickey Mouse." Leonardo almost laughs. "Really? Well, it's pretty dangerous catching criminals, you know that? If you want to fight bad guys with me, then you're going to have to do some serious training." Goofy gets a concerned look. "What do you mean? Watch this!" Goofy grabs a random brick on the ground and sets it upright, he stands in a position like he's about to kick a soccer ball, and he kicks the brick into a brick wall across the street from the bank and the brick shatter into thousands of tiny pieces. Goofy smiles at Leonardo. "Impressive wasn't it?" Leonardo stares for a moment and then says, "That was more than impressive, that was incredible! You can definitely help me fight bad guys!"
After Leonardo had said that, five scary-looking creatures came running down the road. One was a zombie with a scythe riding on a skeleton dragon that had one horn and dark, bony teeth, it stood about 20 feet tall while the zombie was only 5 and a half feet tall, and his name was Su-bak-na. Another was a robot with only a head and legs, the robot's eye could shoot laser balls, the legs had rockets on their feet, the robot had shielded shoulders, a double-barreled machine gun for one arm and a radioactive laser gun for the other. The robot's head could blast an enormous beam of electricity, the robot stood about 8 feet tall, and its name was Death Walker 8000. The third was a 4 foot long sewer rat creature that had spikes on its back, long claws on its feet, and it had 4 eyes. That creature's name is Dund. The fourth creature was a Wyvern, or mythical creature that could fly, breathe fire and shoots fireballs, it could also set off volcanoes. This creature was about 10 feet long and 8 feet tall, and its name is Charos. The last creature, the captain of them all, was a centaur. The captain was a manticore, which is another mythical creature. The manticore had a sharp, triangle shaped tail, its legs and tail were red while its torso was skin-colored but covered in several bloody scars and flesh wounds. The manticore also carried a large pirate-like sword, and its name was Brunak.
Leonardo and Goofy stared at the creatures for a long time until finally Brunak spoke up, "Hello, gentlemen. My name is Brunak and these are my henchmen. Su-bak-na is the zombie, Death Walker 8000 is the robot, Dund is the rat creature, and Charos is the Wyvern. And now, if you'd be so kind, I have a task for you two to complete for us." Leonardo and Goofy looked at each other and Leonardo said, "Why should we help you?" Brunak smiled. "If you don't help us, you'll be putting the lives of millions in peril. You wouldn't want that would you?" Leonardo and Goofy looked at each other again and Goofy said, "Well, garsh. It looks like we don't have much of a choice Leonardo." Leonardo stared blankly at Brunak and spoke, "Alright, we'll complete your little task. What do we need to do?"
"You must go to this area called the Lightning Ocean. It's just off the coast. I need you two to catch the Silverman Eel. It's extremely rare and I would be grateful if you could catch it."
"Alright, Brunak. We'll catch your Silverman Eel."
"Great. Now my henchmen and I have some business to do while you guys are out catching that eel. We'll be meeting up soon again." Brunak and his henchmen ran off and disappeared. Goofy and Leonardo looked at each other like they were going on an adventure and they ran off towards the coast to start Brunak's task. But Goofy and Leo didn't know what Brunak's real plan was, and their not going to be finding out any time soon...