A small robot was flying across the void of space.
That is, JADE was trying to fly it, but she'd forgotten exactly how. Unlike most androids back on her once utopian planet, she had never flown a spaceship.
So it didn't exactly come as a surprise to her when she rammed smack-dab into an asteroid field.
Across the ship, an automated voice echoed: "WARNING: ENGINE FAILURE FATAL." JADE glared at the terminal, whacking it with both of her mechanical hand-stubs, as if that would help. She pulled the wheel up, and the ship swerved towards the planet ahead, knocking her down.
The ship was falling faster now, catching fire as it entered the planet's atmosphere. JADE beeped fearfully, hands waving wildly in the air as she ran in circles. She didn't know what to do, and then it was too late. She'd crashed into the Earth's crust, eyes closed and bracing for impact. When she realized she hadn't been destroyed, she let out a whooping noise of celebration. But the ship...was beyond repair. So JADE was stuck here.
The house she'd landed next to was alight, and a voice came from the doorway. "Hello? Is someone there?" One of the locals spoke. JADE yelped, hiding in the wreckage of the ship. The local came closer...