“River, remember to take the trash out,“ Joshua, my sister's boyfriend said, as if he owned this place. He didn't. I did. He was just living there because he couldn't afford to live anywhere else.
“Joshua, take it out yourself. I have to get to work, since someone isn't helping with the bills like he said he would.” I grumbled. He looked at me slowly, like what the hell? and I stared back. One task wouldn’t hurt him.
“What? No, no. You're supposed to take the trash out. You always do it.”
“Yeah, exactly. I always do everything it's either start doing more crap, pay the rent, or leave. I don't know why you had to shack up here, but if you aren't going to help out, leave.” I grabbed my bag and left.
I could hear him cursing quietly as I left, but I didn't care. I walked to my SUV, got in, and drove to work, an old run down place that served as the police department. I was greeted by my partner, Maxwell Byers, with a cup of coffee and a file.
“What type of case?” I asked, sipping the perfect cup of coffee and starting to open the file.
“Double homicide. Some teenagers found the bodies behind an old warehouse. Weapon was what appears to be a crowbar, but no weapon was found. The victims, a young woman and older man, had alcohol in their blood. Weren't dead for long. Don't know who the young woman is, but the man is Gayle Corsberry. Forty-three years old. Young woman appears to have been raped then killed, and she appears to be about early to mid twenties,” she explained.
As I looked over the photos, multiple of one woman with multiple open wounds on her body, scrapes, cuts, huge gashes on her face. The male appeared to have less damage, a few scrapes, then the main murder point, a huge gaping hole on top of his head where, whatever the weapon was, hit.
“Male looked to have been caught in the crossfire. Murderer was probably trying to just get the girl, but the second victim interfered. I’ll take a look at it. I still have to wrap up the last case we had. Also, get me a report on the autopsy.” Maxwell nodded and headed down the hall, to her station.
I sat at my desk and fired up my computer. I still had to get the last touches on the arson case we had a couple weeks ago.
“Hey, stranger,” a familiar voice said.
“Hey, Danny,” I said, acknowledging his words but still turned away from him. I needed to get my work done, especially because of this next case. It was going to be a doozy on a lot of us.
He clearly didn’t understand brush offs. “You haven’t been in the office lately.”
“Yeah, well, I have other things to do. Priorities.” I continued to give him hints to back off. I pitched through the last pieces of the arson case, submitted the files, and looked onto the new one.
“Well, that’s nice. Hey, maybe we can go out some time. Y’know, get a beer or two,” he offered. A date? No way.
“Well, Danny. I’m not looking to date someone right now, I don’t drink, and I sure as hell am not getting involved with a coworker. So, thank you, but no.” I turned back to my work, and he went away for the rest of the day.
As I finally turned off my computer, at a late 9PM, I yawned and trudged outside. I was greeted by Washington’s cold weather. I was sure it would snow soon, even if it didn’t stick. I pulled out of the lot and drove back to my house, in a shady part of town. It was all I could currently afford, as I had to use a lot of my money for food, clothes, and essentials. I barely had any entertainment, besides my phone and Kindle.
I parked and got out of the warm vehicle. I could hear Joshua’s radio once I got inside, and heard him in his room. The garbage was overflowing with junk. “Joshua!!” I shouted over the music, and he came out of his room. “I told you to take the trash out,” I said, annoyed.
“Oh. I didn’t think you were serious.” He said. I sighed incredulously.
“Go take it out. Now. And I expect you to put a bag in too. I’m not living with a damn animal.” I said over the music, and he started whining. “If this trash isn’t out by tomorrow morning, you are gone. You can pack your crap up and leave.” I said calmly. I was giving him a deadline. I didn’t care. I’m done with his crap. He can leave if he is going to live like a packrat.
I trudged off to my room, changed into pajamas and went to bed.
When I woke up, there was a pounding on my bedroom door and Joshua’s voice shouting something I couldn’t even comprehend. He sounded intoxicated. Like, really intoxicated. I groaned sleepily, rolled over, and checked the time. 7AM? What the hell? I muttered curse words under my breath and sat up. I was off work today, having to go to a few medical appointments and drive over to meet my parents for lunch.
I opened the door, and I could smell the beer falling off of Joshua in waves. He was extremely intoxicated. “Joshua, what the hell?” He leaned heavily on me and I almost collapsed under his almost 250 pounds of muscle. I herded him to the couch, where I saw two guys passed out, two blondies. I set Joshua next to the one still awake, although he didn’t look to be too drunk.
I muttered under my breath. “Damn drunk. I swear, I should arrest him. See how that works out for him.”
“I got him home,” the guy sitting up said, looking at me. “I’ll get Jacoby home, too. Sorry I bothered you. Are you his girlfriend?”
“Ew, no. My sister's his girlfriend. He’s been crashing here for a while,” I muttered. “Who are you?”
“I’m Angel, Ange for short. I’m one of his friends, used to work with him,” he stood.
“I’m River.” I murmured. His eyes were captivating. A dark blue, mixed with slight green shades. He was tall, at least 5’9”. Maybe taller. That was tall for my 5’2” height. He went to pick up the other friend, and I saw his biceps flex as he lifted the friend over his shoulder.
“We’ll get out of your hair now. Unless you want me to move Joshua into his room?”
“That would probably be helpful. If he throws up in there, I don’t have to clean it,” I said.
“Okay, let me get Andy to the car, and then I’ll put Josh in his room. Then we’ll be on our way.” He smiled slightly, and I felt myself melt. I smiled back, and then he went to his car, getting his friend settled in the back, lying down. He came back in, and picked Joshua up. After setting him on his bed, Angel came back and went to leave. He paused for a moment and turned back.
“Is there any way for me to get your phone number?” He asked, almost shyly. “In case Joshua needs help, of course.”
“O-Oh uhm. Yeah. Here,” I handed him my phone, which was in my short’s pockets. He put his phone number in and then left. I had a smile on my face as he drove off.222Please respect copyright.PENANAAWEoKXChzy