The day started out like any other. However, as soon as I woke up, I quickly realized I wasn’t home in my cot with my little sisters. I wasn’t in Zagori or am I just in the other 45 villages of Zagori. A quick movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention. “Ah, she is awake! Wondered when you would awaken child,” says this beautiful woman dressed elegantly and she adorned a lot of jewelry with her blonde hair flowing down her back and her eyes a deep ocean blue. I must be dreaming this couldn’t be who I thought it was. “Aphrodite,” I murmured under my breath. “Yes you are very correct! Aphrodite goddess of love and beauty at your service!” she said with pride. I looked around a bit and I noticed I was laying in the most elegant bed ever! The chamber itself was giant but empty with only a wooden bath in the right corner, a wardrobe to the left of the bath, and a fireplace on the left wall. Aphrodite sat next to me and said, “Empty I know you must have a grand room filled with all different assortments.” I gulp and say shyly, “Actually this room is the size of 3 of my huts.” She looked at me stunned and spoke harshly under her breath, almost inaudible but I got a few words in, “Dare- Goddess- Queen-” I stared at her blankly then she said, “Nothing to worry about dear oh my I am rude aren’t I! What is your name dear?” “Vasiliski,” I say shyly. “Wonderful! Your human family made a correct choice in the name though I’m sure your father told them what to name you,” Aphrodite said. “My dad? My father hates me; he would never have suggested a name like this!” I said. “Oh child you're silly I meant your birth father,” she says calmly. I stared at her in shock, my eyes bulging and my mouth dropped open. “Then who is my father,” I asked her. Right then a man decked out in the finest armor imaginable, his face cleanly shaved with only the finest hint of stubble, his long red hair framed his face but the most noticeable thing were his brown eyes which had a hint of hazel in the mixture the weird thing is his eyes looked identical to mine. He starts talking, “I see she is awake now kid you probably know me I am-” I cut him off, “Ares God of war, courage, and battlelust.” Baffled a little that I cut him off he says, “ Correct but weren’t you taught to not interrupt a god?” “No, because nobody alive today has even caught a glimpse of one you all ceased contact with us 70 years ago,’ I say. He looks into my eyes and says, “ Hello my beautiful child.” “I want to see my sisters, not him,” I say harshly. Taken aback by this Aphrodite says, “He’s your father those girls weren’t even your sisters dear forget them!” “I want to see my sisters! At least show me them!” I yell at them. Ares sighs and pulls out a glass ball and says a spell and suddenly the ball fills up with smoke and shows her sisters doing house work. “We had to make them forget you. If you go back to them they will turn you away,” Aphrodite says sadly almost as if she were ashamed. “What? Why would you?” I said in complete shock. A woman then walks her blonde hair put into a simple bun, her dress plain but still ornate enough to let you know she is of worth and value in many ways. Her eyes flashing gold and it seemed if you looked into them long enough your eyes would hurt from the strain of trying to take in such a masterpiece. “Well? Ares why did she seem sad when I walked in?” she asked Ares. “Human family business love,” Ares said, intimidated. He was so intimidated I almost laughed. “Well our daughter needs some aunt and mother time so shoo,” she said to Ares. “So Circe enchantress and minor goddess is my mother?” I asked. “Yes now we know you're wondering how would Ares fall in love with a minor goddess and even be intimidated by her,” Aphrodite says. “Easy I say I am an immortal and Ares even though he is a son of Zues loved me the moment he laid his eyes on me my beauty drew him but my determination kept him coming back,” Circe said unfazed. I’m guessing this is a moment of mother morals from her life I thought almost laughing. “Now soon to be sister-in-law, don't bore the child to death with you and my brother’s love story,” Aphrodite says, making me think she heard the story one too many times. “You and Ares aren’t married even though you had me?” I asked, deeply confused. Aphrodite sighs and says, “My father forbids the marriage of your parents but with you we can finally overpower him.” “Overpower? Me? I don't understand,” I say even more confused than before. “Well your other aunt, Athena, is helping us so dont worry its not just you well it is almost all the Gods and Goddesses,” Circe says almost as if this was as easy as walking. “Well where is Ath-” I start asking but get cut off by someone walking in. This woman in armor, her Corinthian helmet in hand, her black hair cascading down her back, her eyes a mixture of green, blue, and a hint of gray she looked beautiful in so many ways. “I am going to take her for training her powers now bye sisters,” the woman says. “Alright bye Athena bye my dear child,” says Circe with a sigh. I walk out with Athena almost taken aback by the size of the hall and how ornate it all is. “Well come on we don't have time to admire a hall my niece,” Athena clearly a little annoyed. I hurriedly followed Athena as she walked down multiple hallways which looked the same as the first. Finally about 5 minutes later we come to a huge door and Athena opens the door to reveal a huge room, the floor white sand and the walls with vines covering them. “Woah,” I say in disbelief. “Chop chop we need to get you trained and ready for the march up to Olympus to battle Zues and the gods and goddesses who stand with him,” Athena says. “Wait, why are we battling Zues?” I ask a little overwhelmed. “You are stronger than him even when you were in a womb you were stronger than him so demanded you dead and ever since then he has killed all of the gods and goddesses offsprings that are under the age of 25,” Athena says sadly. I stare at her in disbelief then grab a wooden sword and a metal shield. Athena laughs and says, “You won’t need those, you are the goddess of All you have every power imaginable we need to train those powers.” “Alright let's start then,” I say determinedly. For the next 4 hours we train non-stop. We finally stopped for the day. We are both thick with sweat, my blonde hair falling out of my ponytail. “You are good at controlling your powers for a beginner but you let your emotions control them, learn to control them yourself don’t let your emotions reign over you,” Athena says. I call my owl and tell him to make the notes from today. Athena walks out and I follow. Athena then says, “Go to your room and take a bath. Your room should start being decorated immediately as you learn about your powers.” I went to my room and when I opened the door I noticed a drastic change from the last time I was here. The room was almost half way decorated. Where my bath used to be there was a pond and where the wardrobe used to be there were vines hanging from the ceiling holding clothes. The bed changed to a golden frame and the stitching on the blanket are now crowns and lightning bolts. The fireplace was now a charred black with a gate holding hell fire in. By my bed was a tree with a nest. My owl was sitting in the nest sleeping. On the other side of the bed was a desk with a chair. Parchment was on the desk filled out with ink. The writing was the notes I told my owl to take. I go and take my bath and ask my vines to make a wall in case anyone walks in. When I finish my bath I dry off and put on a simple white dress and put up my hair in a messy bun with a simple gold crown holding it together. I decided to practice my water powers a little more with my pond. I control the water to make a nice water sculpture. The sculpture was a pegasus on its hind legs looking ready for anything. Someone coming in takes my attention away from the sculpture and the water splashes on the ground. I become soaked and so does my mother. “Sorry! Let me put the water back into the pond then I will dry us off,” I immediately say. I then use my powers and put the water into the pond. I use my fire powers to dry me and my mother off. “I came to ask if you were hungry since your aunt takes training to another level. “Oh yes! I am starving. I will go make my food right away!” I tell my mother as I start to get ready to leave. Circe stops me and says, “We have people to make our food just stay in here.” “Oh okay,” I say. “Also I’m guessing what you did with the water was a pegasus? Since now there is a pegasus painting here now,” Circe says. I whip around and see the painting of a pegasus doing the exact pose of the water pegasus she made. Circe laughs and leaves. “Dio!” I yell for my owl. Dio swoops down from the nest and lands on my shoulder. “Alright food should be here soon. Would you like a piece of my food?” I ask my owl as he walks down to my arm and nods. He flies back to his nest. I decide while I wait to look over my notes from the training. I study the notes for about 30 minutes until a maid comes in and gives me my food. The maid bows and leaves when I dismiss her and start eating. Ares walks in and says, “Are you done eating yet we have to make battle plans.” I turn around and glare at him and say, “I’ll tell Circe when I am done eating.” “Don’t use that tone with me young lady and call your mother by mother not Circe,” he scolds me. I ignore him and beckon to my owl and give Dio some food. Ares sighs and walks out as I continue eating. When I am done I call for Circe. Circe walks in saying nothing and just beckons for me to follow her. Confused, I follow her for about 5 minutes before my curiosity ruined the silence. I ask, “Circe why are we not talking where are we going?” Right then a large crash comes from up ahead and my owl flies up to us and lands on my shoulder. “We are being attacked, come on we have to go!” she says in a panicked voice. I immediately quiet down and hurriedly follow her. When a lightning bolt hits right in front of us we stop and when our eyes adjust we see Zeus. “Well well well look what we have here little Circe and her maid?” Zeus says almost laughing. “Daughter,” I say distinctively. “Circe with a child? Ha! Her child died the minute it was born.” Zues says. I laugh and summon my hell fire whip. Zeus looks at me confused as he summons his lighting bolt. I myself summon a lighting bolt. I lash out the whip and he dodges but the flames seem to turn into lighting hell flames and are attracted to his metal armor and burn him. “So he isn’t all mighty afterall right mother?” I say in a devilish tone and laugh. Dio when I had started fighting went and flew off and came back now with Ares, Athena, and Aphrodite close behind. Zeus looked shocked at Athena and Aphrodite. “I raised you 2 and how do you repay? By following your lousy excuse for a brother!” Zeus says angrily. While he is yelling at them my hair as I get angrier turns into my father’s red hair and my hair starts to turn into hell flames. Everyone except for Athena is astonished. “How in the world! Not even Hades can do that!” Zeus yells. “Well father, there are many more tricks to your beautiful granddaughter,” Athena says mischievously. Suddenly harsh winds topple almost everyone except for me. My eyes start to turn blinding white with lighting coming from the tips. I feel my feet come off the ground as I use my gravitational powers. I make the gravity on Zeus almost unbearable even for a god. My family looks bewildered even Athena does as we never practiced this power. I use a magnetic force field on one of the walls making it specialized for only Zeus’s armor. Zeus’s armor starts to fly off his body and heads toward the wall. Leaving Zeus in only in a simple drab gown. My parents started to laugh at Zeus. As the other gods and goddesses arrived the battle became more active and dangerous. My mother threw unforgivable spells left and right. Some people tried to attack me and stop my attacks on Zeus. Athena and more always stopped the attacks on me right before they hit me way up in the sky. When Zeus finally got the strength to hit me with a lighting zap he took it. Pain hits my side, my blinding white eyes falter, turning back to my usual eye color. I grab my side while trying to contain Zeus. Golden blood drips from my side as I lose some strength. Then I remember that I have every power imaginable. I use the power of healing like Asclepius to quickly heal my side. I go back to using my gravitational powers in full action of Zues. I feel lightning on the tips of my fingers and decide to send golden lighting bolts toward Zues. Hearing his pained yells as he tries to send more bolts of lightning makes me smile. My smile falters as I hear the cry of my mother. I took my eyes off Zeus to look for Circe which was a mistake because as I looked toward the source of the noise I saw Echo, the goddess of sound, laughing. As I realized my mistake I felt electricity hit my back. I start falling back down to the battle below. As I started to lose consciousness I felt horse fur below me but this horse was different; it had wings. “Pegasus,” I mutter, drifting out of consciousness… I gasp in pain as I shoot upright, my back in immense pain. Opening my eyes I see I’m in my room. Wait, this is my room right? Perhaps it wasn’t because there was a green tree dripping a weird liquid where my face was. There also was a weird field in the corner of this room where things were floating. Other than those things the room was identical to mine. Dio swoops down to me or well tries to. I quickly catch the tumbling bird. There seems to be a splint on his wing. “Did you get hurt during the battle?” I ask worriedly. The poor bird nods and hops down onto the bed. He chirps loudly and almost immediately Circe rushes in. “Vasiliski! Are you ok!” She starts exclaiming. I only nod. She looks at me skeptical but lets it go for now. “Did we win?” I ask. Circe shakes her head in a distinctive no. The color drains from my face as I think of everyone that could've died. “Hey don’t worry we all retreated once Pegasus caught you,” Circe says rubbing my back. I let out a sigh of relief. (You may now continue in the comments)102Please respect copyright.PENANAbhlPYi5vsp