It's official. This book is one of my favorite pieces I have ever put together. I had so much fun sharing these old stories with y'all! The more I work on the book, the more I can't believe how much my writing has changed over the years... to the point I now have an undiscovered gem before me. However, this anthology is only a smidgen of everything I've written since 4th grade. I'm considering doing a second collection, but I'll first see how this one does, even though I still have so many stories I want to share.
A few of my favorite stories in this bunch include Monastario Taxes California, The Bridge Between Tribes, Bittersweet, The Death Lion, and the Star Wars and Claxton stories. Grammar should be the least of your worries in a book like this. The plot is more important. These are old stories, so they don't qualify for how I write today. The memoir chapters showcase my modern writing skills.
I don't want to return to reality, but eventually, I have to. However, I hope this collection will do well, eventually. I want to show people they should be open about uploading their old writing pieces. It's a lot of fun. It's just as much fun to read your old works, too. I'm so, so glad that I got to share this journey. It will be nice to refer to this when I return and rewrite these pieces. Until then, feel free to tell me which stories you think I should rewrite. Thank you so much for reading, and may the Force be with you!
- Victoria/Viktoria