That's what I assumed, that's what we all assumed when we all started noticing the switch. Some days it was Karin Sky, and other days, it was the same Karin Sky with snow white hair. We just called her Sky.
Despite the obvious difference in appearance, the two girls were practically the same. They were identical in every way possible. So much so, that a majority of the school just think they're the same girl who just can't decide on a hair color.
The girls got harassed a lot. That's what happens when scholarship students attends a prestigious university. All the "upper class" with their trust funds and promised positions always looked down on people around them. Some have more class to preserver their name, keeping their hands clean while their "fan club" did all their dirty work for them.
Needless to say, the girls got the worst of it. Jealousy has yet to set the sisters free.
Cynthia Davis, daughter to a 1 precenter, had made it her job to see the girls stay as brief and terrible as possible. Her minions constantly harasses them in the shadows, pulling strings to distract their studies, sabotage their extracurricular, and expending endless resources to dig up dirt on the girls.
That's where I came in.
Just an average guy, also here by scholarship. But I've been known to have a particular skill set to benefit a collective of particular someone's.
Personally, I have nothing against the girls. In fact I much prefer the sisters over Cynthia, but I was hired to do a job.
However, over the weeks I've developed a preference for the company of Sky over my own solitude. Which puts me in quite the predicament.
Betray the only brief but truly genuine connection I had in a long while. Or watch as Cyntha tears down everything and everyone who was even just assosiated with me?
What would anyone else have done?
The answer was clear for me. Maybe I'm stupid to risk it all for a girl I've only known for three weeks, who may very well not even care for me. But she's a friend none the less to me, and I have little to none of those these days.
I rehearsed the bad news over and over in my head. I prepared myself to feel the weight of the world crumble around me, when I got the words out to Sky.
I had snuck into the chairman's office for their address. All the secured files were for the chairman's eyes and only kept as hard copies.
Strangely enough the address was not of the area. In fact the location required flying to get to, since it was on a island. I called the number listed in the file to see if the listed address was a mistake.
An assisted male voice answered abrubtly yelling "Sir, I just told you the Mistress is still in the meeting! Until she's out there's noth~"
Confused, I cut him off "Hello? Is this a bad time?"
"Oh" followed by a long pause and some mumbled noise I hear "I'm sorry Sir, I thought you were the disgruntled Mr. Davis. How can I help you?"
"It's alright. I was calling to check if this is the resident of Karin Sky?"
Long pause. Please take your time sir I'm totally not dying over the phone or anything. Just knots crawling up my throat and burning my chest.
"Depends on what?" I was a bit taken back.
"Depends on who's asking?" He said more simply.
"Ahh, a friend?"
"I'm going to need a name."
"What?! Why do I need to state my name."
"A name please."
"It doesn't matter can you just tell me if it is or isn't~"
"I need a name sir"
"Damn it! Really!?"
I swear it sounds like he's enjoying this torture.
"Fine! It's John Freaking Doe!"
The second I finished I heard an all to familiar burst of laughter escape through the line.
Meanwhile, the fit trying to maintain his own resolve, replies in complete seriousness "Okay, John Freaking Doe, yes you have have called the resident of Miss Karin Sky."
Seriously couldn't just have told me?
I heard some mumbling, then"Why are you looking for Lady Karin Sky?"
I was so agitated I just vomited out everything"I'm a concerned friend who needs to reach her immediately and i was just calling to check if this was her address but you just had to make it ~"
"Understood well have a jet come pick you up in half an hour on the sky deck of the university, we'll see you soon." Then beeping.
I just stood there stunned for a few minutes.
What just happened?
I thought the girls were commoners. Why would they live on an island and how did they get to school? A jet?
The whole ride there, made no sense. I was sitting in a plane with leather interiors, two flat screen TVs, with an endless amount of champagne constantly being offered to me, despite my refusals.
It was until the island came into sought did I feel the rock drop from my stomach to my guts.
"No way" I mumbled incoherently to myself as giant ten feet high letters greated my entrance, spelling out Sky Ward Resort.
"Not that Sky"... Dumb founded I tried to figure out how I could possibly have not put it all together. I watched as we flew over the resort to get to the other side of the island were a large mansion sat.
When the plane lands, I tried to pull together everything I knew about the Sky family from the news. They practically owned an empire. Their resorts attracted everyone from entry corner of the world. However, there was just one nagging question.
"But I thought the Sky's only had one daughter?"
The secretary that came to walk me in smiled at my confusion and answered "You're right, the young Mistress Karin Sky".
"That's right, she's the Lady of the house now".
As we stepped through the door, I saw a red silhouette, nothing like the innocent brown hair, brown eyed girl in her usual black dress.
My breath caught as she made her way down the grand staircase.
"Sorry I couldn't come get you from the school. I wanted to fly in but I had to get back to Mr. Davis about the funding he wanted for the next project he had wanted, I'm technically still on the phone with him though".
I realized from her playful grin, that it was actually Sky under that brown hair. Contacts and a wig and there's really no telling between the two.
"Come on lets get you inside" She ushers me in sweetly.
When we reached a room in which we were alone the questions circling my head spews out "who the hell are you?"
"Depend who you're asking about?"
Giving up on even trying to follow her I just replied with "what?"
"If you're asking about Mistress Karin. Well then I am the sole owner of the Sky Corporation" she remarks sarcastically. Then meekly she ads "And if you're asking about me... Then I am Sky, simply the stand in Shadow of the Lady of the House.".
Something In her voice, made me wish i never asked.
A/N: I ran out of time. Just found this prompt as it was ending. (Had to sneak in my entry between work). Sorry for the sudden cut off at the end, and terrible grammar. I may apply this into an actual story. Thanks for reading.