INT. MAYOR'S OFFICE - NIGHT173Please respect copyright.PENANAzZxwWMPYIH
173Please respect copyright.PENANAED02sSX61b
Mayor Griffon stands in front of his SPOTLESS DESK, an OPEN WINDOW behind him as well as a SHINING LAMP. He's dressed exactly how a mayor should be, formal just like before.173Please respect copyright.PENANANq38kPRM0P
SVF is brought in by TWO GUARDS. The Mayor grows a slight grin just as the guards exit the room and leave the two gentlemen alone.173Please respect copyright.PENANAQ860NAsIXT
173Please respect copyright.PENANA8y8jQ8H9gZ
SVF173Please respect copyright.PENANApzBWwu9vIh
You wanted to see me?173Please respect copyright.PENANAToArPUWv0j
173Please respect copyright.PENANATzEfWNrm0K
MAYOR GRIFFON173Please respect copyright.PENANAGJ4kvPgbmu
You took out that Lycan Cerberus much quicker than anyone had anticipated.173Please respect copyright.PENANA667E96LxWy
173Please respect copyright.PENANA9XMZ8LyuEI
SVF173Please respect copyright.PENANAV06GJWR8qV
And?173Please respect copyright.PENANA8Z1GWnu31I
173Please respect copyright.PENANAj014O7ciZv
A beat.173Please respect copyright.PENANAHB4UzYpJoW
173Please respect copyright.PENANAI3dSxb9008
MAYOR GRIFFON173Please respect copyright.PENANASI0t1eYx0i
It happened again, didn't it?173Please respect copyright.PENANA2mr8FKqnfh
173Please respect copyright.PENANAZkrszBLozt
SVF crosses his arms and Mayor Griffon raises an eyebrow.173Please respect copyright.PENANAELmYi0Y15v
173Please respect copyright.PENANAqzAb4cvtu1
SVF173Please respect copyright.PENANATuTPYMEa5L
I couldn't control it-173Please respect copyright.PENANAvFutjP0kwm
173Please respect copyright.PENANA0LifukoJ0P
Mayor Griffon holds his hand up and SVF immediately shuts up and uncrosses his arms.173Please respect copyright.PENANAC33HgIynwp
173Please respect copyright.PENANAHVbceNzyze
MAYOR GRIFFON173Please respect copyright.PENANA1kTV6z8Xpp
No need to explain yourself. I knew very well what I'd be dealing with when I asked you to help take out... whatever the hell these things are.173Please respect copyright.PENANAt2N0nuB1sH
173Please respect copyright.PENANAXhfK6GU3Q8
SVF173Please respect copyright.PENANA02ujQ3Qm9y
Slaying demons and fucking up monsters? That's what was in the job description.173Please respect copyright.PENANAs9U61Svbdj
173Please respect copyright.PENANAUpdKu8M8Dj
MAYOR GRIFFON173Please respect copyright.PENANALT3IyInd1a
Strange that the very thing Satan tried to use to kill you only made you stronger. And ever since you were exorcised-173Please respect copyright.PENANAkmWHrmheMv
173Please respect copyright.PENANAkVFUpce7k2
SVF173Please respect copyright.PENANAwcwaQszBTw
Don't even get me fucking started on that. We both know the occult magic shit deteriorates my strength. I've never really been fond of the occult anyway.173Please respect copyright.PENANAgmC6YBOcpl
173Please respect copyright.PENANAIFskCSstOd
Mayor Griffon scoffs as he goes behind his desk and opens a drawer. In the drawer is a PISTOL as well as two CHECKS: one for SVF and one for the ORPHANAGE.173Please respect copyright.PENANAfpJfGHhOIM
173Please respect copyright.PENANAPZqZ1U9CEx
MAYOR GRIFFON173Please respect copyright.PENANAKwj9qbQ6vV
I got your next checks here from the last few gigs of yours. One to you and one to the orphanage as always.173Please respect copyright.PENANAgbqE4SjOJ2
173Please respect copyright.PENANA3AAKBU3c2N
SVF173Please respect copyright.PENANAbr5Tc203Kl
Thanks.173Please respect copyright.PENANAFleK2wGiVU
173Please respect copyright.PENANAPkn8PnPyzK
The Mayor hands SVF the checks and they shake hands. The Mayor sighs, causing SVF raises an eyebrow.173Please respect copyright.PENANAZKh6DO2uGw
173Please respect copyright.PENANALPOeNsm9j6
SVF173Please respect copyright.PENANA9k0vCq4Zb2
You doing okay, sir?173Please respect copyright.PENANAQr5vdyF0Sr
173Please respect copyright.PENANAofHVLg5cEl
MAYOR GRIFFON173Please respect copyright.PENANA7ebp0ueTCL
Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. Just still getting used to some of the attention we're both getting from this whole... monster hunting thing.173Please respect copyright.PENANAGwuul2g7WP
173Please respect copyright.PENANAn62pX2YgPB
SVF accidentally lets a scoff escape from his mouth.173Please respect copyright.PENANAJGVTHTO7rO
173Please respect copyright.PENANAzS0hXeqpT1
SVF173Please respect copyright.PENANARAOGz9ObhE
Like I said, monster hunting and kicking ass are in my job description. It's not exactly something people willingly sign up for.173Please respect copyright.PENANApv4eOWLUgQ
173Please respect copyright.PENANADtUGl0N0DH
Mayor Griffon scoffs.173Please respect copyright.PENANACYMX4vYSkz
173Please respect copyright.PENANAjEx7O59S7S
MAYOR GRIFFON173Please respect copyright.PENANAnEDUUMU9vI
You're not wrong.173Please respect copyright.PENANAZpadCbyMOI
173Please respect copyright.PENANAvmlrbjfflT
SVF173Please respect copyright.PENANAhcHUU6kHS8
Doesn't help that I'm a monster myself, but whatever gets the job done.173Please respect copyright.PENANA9AYyzwi1vJ
173Please respect copyright.PENANAvb8OhQuTMR
SVF locks onto the check made out to the orphanage.173Please respect copyright.PENANAGNHvLRbfq5
173Please respect copyright.PENANAMyN4vm9Z6T
SVF173Please respect copyright.PENANATLMNpJApmF
I'll be at the orphanage sometime later.173Please respect copyright.PENANAfR64skpsE4
173Please respect copyright.PENANAAtX2MJncbK
SVF makes his way to the door and leaves Mayor Griffon's office.173Please respect copyright.PENANA1hp5kSGeru
173Please respect copyright.PENANAN7XwYSNiNH
INT. HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA - DAY173Please respect copyright.PENANAfgVVBGIZfp
173Please respect copyright.PENANAlA7fxNIKsJ
The cafeteria is as expected: Packed full of teens ranging from freshman to senior, all in their own little cliques.173Please respect copyright.PENANAeoaUjUbiSx
VERONICA (late teens) sits with her friends: HILARY, JASON, and ANDREW (also late teens).173Please respect copyright.PENANAKcE9AGoP1D
Veronica and Hilary wear polar opposite outfits, Veronica's more MODEST, Hilary's more REVEALING.173Please respect copyright.PENANAfTVHf3M0YJ
Jason is dressed in a thin TANK-TOP and SHORTS, involuntarily FLEXING his slightly above average muscles. 173Please respect copyright.PENANAfD4r5vsK4K
Andrew on the other hand, wears a BLACK LONG-SLEEVE SHIRT with RIPPED JEANS.173Please respect copyright.PENANAsfxRL8fH0X
Quite literally EVERYONE is on their PAPER-THIN IPHONES and SAMSUNG PHONES looking at something or scrolling.173Please respect copyright.PENANAKbQ49ZKNKw
Hilary frowns at her phone, Veronica notices out of the corner of her eye.173Please respect copyright.PENANANeJr77MHCS
173Please respect copyright.PENANAoNiIC2dTr3
HILARY173Please respect copyright.PENANAeSnNdi1rPl
What the actual fuck!173Please respect copyright.PENANAvPU4oefN9R
173Please respect copyright.PENANA9LQpSNatXC
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANAEcKoIC9RXq
What?173Please respect copyright.PENANAG5rOCwoBI9
173Please respect copyright.PENANAJmgB8sBsY2
ANDREW173Please respect copyright.PENANADr7ZlP7hEv
Your biggest fan tried sending you a dick pic again?173Please respect copyright.PENANAioKsnK27BG
173Please respect copyright.PENANAYDUhsdwY6V
Hilary lets out a loud, frustrated groan.173Please respect copyright.PENANAm1hu74JNSt
173Please respect copyright.PENANAU3rmbaZVve
HILARY173Please respect copyright.PENANAgsdfFWOqEo
No! How the fuck does this dude keeping getting away with this... I can't even!173Please respect copyright.PENANAS8PkEdFUzK
173Please respect copyright.PENANA9b173B6zK9
Hilary turns her phone to Veronica to show a picture of a BLOODIED, MUTILATED CORPSE of Lycan Cerberus with the caption: "SVF SLAYS YET ANOTHER BLOODTHIRSTY MENACE."173Please respect copyright.PENANA2vVBRF3eyq
173Please respect copyright.PENANAf7MdoH5Ew8
JASON173Please respect copyright.PENANAxp7shH0TX8
Ain't he the dude that Mayor Griffon hired?173Please respect copyright.PENANAkTAhz37QHo
173Please respect copyright.PENANAOBMG5lYobd
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANA2DFTETgj7w
Yep. Parents always told me that my uncle was the crazy one.173Please respect copyright.PENANA2BIudCr1mk
173Please respect copyright.PENANA1SZoTQEeS4
ANDREW173Please respect copyright.PENANA9krxh7BHcb
That crazy one just happened to become the mayor.173Please respect copyright.PENANA8w9SU14jj8
173Please respect copyright.PENANAGyIMIWR1pg
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANAsN5vW8swLM
Mm-hmm.173Please respect copyright.PENANAnYdCVefNql
173Please respect copyright.PENANAHvalYWUrrl
The three of them just stare at Veronica, she can feel them trying to get her attention. She glances up and looks back at them.173Please respect copyright.PENANAhH7RYqb7EU
173Please respect copyright.PENANA8P3wO6QlNm
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANAxixNSNuRHR
What?173Please respect copyright.PENANAzI9M8Oihah
173Please respect copyright.PENANAAXocMpNFkT
HILARY173Please respect copyright.PENANASDIVbUdonG
You still live with him, don't you?173Please respect copyright.PENANAbdeFhLNDXy
173Please respect copyright.PENANApWRFKwEzjU
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANAuXVeXIkPdo
No, I don't! He got me my own apartment, but it's been a pain in the ass trying to get hired anywhere that pays better than what I already make.173Please respect copyright.PENANAHtfNXlSp8A
173Please respect copyright.PENANA8BHUQN4YJu
JASON173Please respect copyright.PENANAf7k8Pspzvb
Why don't you work with me as a job coach? Or with Andrew over at Jolly's?173Please respect copyright.PENANAL2Fk3O9Qdl
173Please respect copyright.PENANAL2sMhxMegg
ANDREW173Please respect copyright.PENANAod9aS5Ls4Q
Fuck that place, dude. It's basically a bad knockoff of McDonald's or literally any other popular fast food chain.173Please respect copyright.PENANAMBbePsbQV2
173Please respect copyright.PENANAZcx0K6FrSG
All of them shrug and nod in agreement.173Please respect copyright.PENANAmvkZwN66ey
173Please respect copyright.PENANAqKN3USnYce
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANAGGDeLUhkel
I mean, he's paying for me to live there until I'm able to get a job, but still.173Please respect copyright.PENANATse4DmWnyP
173Please respect copyright.PENANAY4uF5dRMi0
BUZZ! BUZZ!173Please respect copyright.PENANAZAYrYyt0VK
Veronica's phone pops up a TEXT notification: "UNCLE MAYOR SENT YOU A MESSAGE." Veronica lets out an irritated sigh.173Please respect copyright.PENANAV7Eyxoe507
173Please respect copyright.PENANACpMtwjkt2v
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANAFimYqMzufc
Speaking of my uncle...173Please respect copyright.PENANARK8N9YXoaK
173Please respect copyright.PENANAVRRLm40SVd
Veronica opens up the text.173Please respect copyright.PENANAyjlBgsAF38
173Please respect copyright.PENANAf3KtVw4W4t
MAYOR GRIFFON173Please respect copyright.PENANACKjTpJaLhD
(text)173Please respect copyright.PENANAipEItZzZIG
Good afternoon, Veronica! I know you're probably getting tired of me texting you everyday, but I'm just checking in to make sure you're doing okay. Call me when you get out of school.173Please respect copyright.PENANApfs2UQ4QUI
173Please respect copyright.PENANA2bv6DYxdlD
The others resume playing on their phones as Veronica turns hers off.173Please respect copyright.PENANAnQCCZERIJV
173Please respect copyright.PENANAqkHVCV3E4U
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANAwtjzJRR98t
He literally does this every day.173Please respect copyright.PENANAn5vzOEOEkc
173Please respect copyright.PENANAG5SJ4zUmJm
HILARY173Please respect copyright.PENANAEGf44AKUSB
What, texting you like "Hope you're okay. I wouldn't wanna have this SVF guy protecting your ass." Or something like that.173Please respect copyright.PENANAFOsvVtaMAr
173Please respect copyright.PENANABXJzbV3XQN
ANDREW173Please respect copyright.PENANAc8jg4DL8SR
Why the fuck would your uncle even have the guy protect you anyway?173Please respect copyright.PENANAChBYWfsWUT
173Please respect copyright.PENANA6mbcqhvtEU
Jason punches Andrew in the arm, making Andrew wince and give Jason the finger.173Please respect copyright.PENANAYVSwBdja5E
173Please respect copyright.PENANADCvjHlctZ1
JASON173Please respect copyright.PENANAiZZZjTzrBi
Real smooth, jackass.173Please respect copyright.PENANAAfyWIfI9KM
173Please respect copyright.PENANAkBW5Ou83na
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANAVwzwnGqu3A
He would do it because SVF's practically immortal and nearly indestructible.173Please respect copyright.PENANARkpo6Y2VH7
173Please respect copyright.PENANAAXJ8WMLz59
ANDREW173Please respect copyright.PENANAq0m5y0n7UJ
How the fuck did that happen?173Please respect copyright.PENANArfYyJBkrdF
173Please respect copyright.PENANAj2kweg8d3U
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANADsS5t4bT3p
Well, believe it or not, Satan tried experimenting on him, but everything went to shit pretty fast.173Please respect copyright.PENANAILy19uB25C
173Please respect copyright.PENANA9a1c6RbaH0
Hilary, Jason, and Andrew all stare at Veronica for a moment. She awkwardly stares back at them.173Please respect copyright.PENANAwnB2178CwY
173Please respect copyright.PENANAtqSWoJiSYs
ANDREW173Please respect copyright.PENANAVhsuSizciR
That fucker has literally been through Hell and back, right?173Please respect copyright.PENANATXuoaGQogR
173Please respect copyright.PENANAio2GhPGGHn
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANA0qHvh5dL6A
Mm-hmm.173Please respect copyright.PENANAjnRxVXJebb
173Please respect copyright.PENANAT4MEFPxCyd
HILARY173Please respect copyright.PENANACZ0I3cfseI
Wait, how the fuck did Satan even get SVF in the first place?173Please respect copyright.PENANAVql3J452sH
173Please respect copyright.PENANAb3qBgBQoRE
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANAz3JXKVzZdO
He was in a fatal accident or something. Just before he died, Satan took him away, and then he escaped.173Please respect copyright.PENANArIv0OM9lMS
173Please respect copyright.PENANAfTFeV5V16h
JASON173Please respect copyright.PENANAs3dFNWybfZ
And now he kicks a lot of ass for your uncle.173Please respect copyright.PENANAU5f6eReLHI
173Please respect copyright.PENANA50nPrwhI2R
ANDREW173Please respect copyright.PENANAoZWVbPvVt7
Makes you kinda wonder what he's doing right now honestly.173Please respect copyright.PENANAlRDx5wR5pI
173Please respect copyright.PENANA0DgnzB9VJV
VERONICA173Please respect copyright.PENANAb9yVtLUksf
Probably killing a demon or having a drink with my uncle.173Please respect copyright.PENANATxfNyewI0P
173Please respect copyright.PENANAI4nhGkcsOx
INT. ABANDONED MANSION - DAY173Please respect copyright.PENANAuCvevsEcSr
173Please respect copyright.PENANAUrjDclrKgF
The mansion looks almost ancient and untouched by any man. Torn and worn out FURNITURE in every room along with rusted SILVERWARE AND DISHES.173Please respect copyright.PENANAxdWhZyzFCy
Dark PATCHES cover various spots on the walls and flooring.173Please respect copyright.PENANAY3ZNhif1XQ
Victor stands in the-173Please respect copyright.PENANA9SJC82pm3v
173Please respect copyright.PENANABiraSArH4F
INT. LIVING ROOM173Please respect copyright.PENANAuifYeeOHrK
His arms are crossed as he's frantically pacing back and forth across the creaking floor, rambling.173Please respect copyright.PENANAcboJNyZQqe
173Please respect copyright.PENANAKWgHqj570E
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANAB9IJbgO87i
He like totally fucking beat the shit out of me! And I coulda sworn I had him for a second, but nope!173Please respect copyright.PENANARSg1HVXNhD
173Please respect copyright.PENANAmiebHaWmnA
A man dressed in a well ironed purple tux and black slacks stands with his back turned to Victor until he slowly turns his head, revealing a bloody scarred pentagram on his forehead. It's Satan!173Please respect copyright.PENANAWCahxTHxWU
173Please respect copyright.PENANAvsiRtoty9k
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANA4uMervgbJn
You underestimated him, huh? Let him beat you and humiliate you like that?!173Please respect copyright.PENANASmT3Cy5u2x
173Please respect copyright.PENANAXqwZkD4Ic2
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANAWFj7cAOYY8
How was I supposed to know that was gonna happen?!173Please respect copyright.PENANA1mliqVs5Ek
173Please respect copyright.PENANAKmzuqpb7yH
Satan turns and grabs Victor by the neck.173Please respect copyright.PENANAAI31eCC40q
173Please respect copyright.PENANApSkp0amUst
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANAMKwX5LPBSE
Because that's exactly what I fucking told you!173Please respect copyright.PENANArEBK57nzhJ
(beat)173Please respect copyright.PENANAr2MoMMk3kn
"Don't do anything stupid to SVF, or he's probably gonna kick the shit out of you and make you look like a fucking coward!"173Please respect copyright.PENANAcoPujYPPEb
173Please respect copyright.PENANAc190wCYVB7
Satan throws Victor down onto his back. Victor gasps and winces as he grabs his throat.173Please respect copyright.PENANAp9cCp9dS9d
173Please respect copyright.PENANAZprzMWPLxT
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANAkQGSLI28be
Weren't those my exact words?!173Please respect copyright.PENANADGWZvRkDg7
173Please respect copyright.PENANAtM5a5mBynT
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANA5ahrh8Rm5z
Umm... To be honest, it was a bit much.173Please respect copyright.PENANAP28PogYpDw
173Please respect copyright.PENANATThrz0YirI
Satan shouts and stomps violently, creating a LARGE CRACKING DENT in the floor.173Please respect copyright.PENANA3aogl9lars
173Please respect copyright.PENANAmwFwcyVTzk
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANA9RFrVMjwOo
You've been wasting my time!173Please respect copyright.PENANAxsjJc3nraf
173Please respect copyright.PENANA4qwJzkTBQa
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANA47L2e5cZZi
Wait a minute here, let's not forget that I was the one who brought you back in the first place! I could've left that fucking ax in your head, but I didn't!173Please respect copyright.PENANAMUCnY4ufUr
173Please respect copyright.PENANA509oCmKEw9
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANA6lhFyljzEo
Don't remind me, why don't you just-173Please respect copyright.PENANAm5MAkSuYzM
173Please respect copyright.PENANAvqZQ2cYoI9
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANAXajnSvz3z3
Let me tell you something. I'll have you know that SVF does work for the Mayor!173Please respect copyright.PENANAH7q1uKCfYJ
173Please respect copyright.PENANAFjDvs6LNt3
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANAEc37VInfIK
You think I wouldn't know that already?173Please respect copyright.PENANA4lnVF9LrzC
173Please respect copyright.PENANAY1HAC2Fxyu
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANAMgwj7MckwE
Bruh, just hear me out! SVF works for the Mayor; supposedly the Mayor has a niece that he's taking care of. We capture the niece, use her as bait, and boom! Mayor will be crying out and asking SVF to find her and he'll end up here!173Please respect copyright.PENANACGaeYIviPD
173Please respect copyright.PENANASgw1hoRLNg
Satan starts slowly pacing back and forth, clearly pondering.173Please respect copyright.PENANAgRQ3BF9cVZ
Victor shows a toothy grin with a CRAZED LOOK in his eye.173Please respect copyright.PENANADQEj6U4YNq
173Please respect copyright.PENANAFlGjrEPkLz
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANAM4xCavxhYs
This could work.173Please respect copyright.PENANA4reo6Sy8zs
173Please respect copyright.PENANA1Dlub76cbS
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANAhBlUUAKQ9H
See? What'd I tell ya?173Please respect copyright.PENANAkq26yghY6G
173Please respect copyright.PENANA6tA0lmoDPn
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANAfYUkXcKvZc
Jacob! Martin! Ariana!173Please respect copyright.PENANA4EqGrR6zx4
173Please respect copyright.PENANA7aHAn3BtSz
Just then the three DEMONS all appear behind Victor, who jumps at the sight of them.173Please respect copyright.PENANAiM3CBqjOs8
173Please respect copyright.PENANATIW5KfELIX
DEMON JACOB173Please respect copyright.PENANAWykvlzuMRM
The fuck are we doing here?!173Please respect copyright.PENANAoi6EqKoh1G
173Please respect copyright.PENANACGQ7eLJopd
DEMON MARTIN173Please respect copyright.PENANAhHfigCs1yi
We're doing this now? I had plans tonight with 3 of the hottest demon strippers down there!173Please respect copyright.PENANA76Yh9O7eOj
173Please respect copyright.PENANA2UPvhONu7T
DEMON ARIANA173Please respect copyright.PENANACeLMhfsW2S
As long as I'm leading us, I won't complain too much.173Please respect copyright.PENANAJTmm42mdtu
173Please respect copyright.PENANAoBO7yFQIuB
The three of them stand before Victor and stare him down right into his soul. Jacob laughs menacingly and holds his tomahawk under Victor's chin.173Please respect copyright.PENANAd4qy5v99Gc
173Please respect copyright.PENANAoQY3jh2RnH
DEMON JACOB173Please respect copyright.PENANA6dE6cN2a3j
Well, well, well. Look who we have here!173Please respect copyright.PENANANmJyM5H0Kj
173Please respect copyright.PENANAmtgUUUAvCt
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANAB4qhmg18sE
Can you have them not do this so I don't fucking piss myself?! I just got these from Forever 21!173Please respect copyright.PENANAFeCpiqC8fk
173Please respect copyright.PENANAXsZoVDR19o
The demons all laugh obnoxiously and snarl at Victor. Satan immediately silences them.173Please respect copyright.PENANAK3sLCefdBJ
173Please respect copyright.PENANAkAAiH2RcZu
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANAxHdy7s0yrn
I'll need one of you three to help Victor go and find the Mayor's niece. The other two will be staying here with me. I have a little... project that I'll need help with.173Please respect copyright.PENANABCVz9ErV7e
173Please respect copyright.PENANAZWMp1Eyel5
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANA2fKolvNbRv
Hey, man! I can find her on my own! I don't need these freaks to help me!173Please respect copyright.PENANArXbVUeNwV6
173Please respect copyright.PENANARDvMkGVjAJ
The demons growl and glare at Victor. Victor gulps and turns his attention back to Satan.173Please respect copyright.PENANApUtAUXJk20
173Please respect copyright.PENANADGiBmv36N8
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANAp6zbc2RWyQ
Will you suck it up and fucking deal with it? If you manage to get your ass kicked again, then you'll have backup.173Please respect copyright.PENANAX6TJAF1eUV
173Please respect copyright.PENANA5xeuiNfhSF
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANAGUM4Hww6fb
Can't these guys get killed too?173Please respect copyright.PENANAPhoHuJ4alq
173Please respect copyright.PENANAQHsxB4kKHy
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANArh49j3bmNq
I mean, technically. They'll just end up in Hell like a lot of other shitheads. And people in Hell can die countless times... they normally come back within a day or so to suffer again.173Please respect copyright.PENANAdMZrMsIP6C
173Please respect copyright.PENANA901UhL8P1e
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANA79PpKozCVQ
Well then, in that case...173Please respect copyright.PENANApVwvh7LSj3
173Please respect copyright.PENANAMdG5n3IrLF
Victor walks over and stands beside Jacob and pats him on the back. Jacob growls and rolls his eyes.173Please respect copyright.PENANAq7ZzVG18bT
173Please respect copyright.PENANAKMr5Bcv2bw
DEMON JACOB173Please respect copyright.PENANAUH4qT8Wdg2
I was worried about how much shit we were gonna put up with just standing here with this fucker, now I'm gonna have to protect his sorry ass?!173Please respect copyright.PENANAjk6B1kHuMU
173Please respect copyright.PENANAXTGAxSd7WF
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANAq2XEofpaVj
Is there a problem with that?173Please respect copyright.PENANASLhnSF7BYZ
173Please respect copyright.PENANAvxYLKKCc8Q
DEMON JACOB173Please respect copyright.PENANAOTZjUdGMgt
Not as long as I can kill a few things along the way.173Please respect copyright.PENANAMRxw3zz3fl
173Please respect copyright.PENANAnVUpdieV8h
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANAcvjRTdThju
Good.173Please respect copyright.PENANABgmk8Umala
(beat)173Please respect copyright.PENANAwBZKTHnMix
Martin, Ariana, follow me. We'll need to capture another human for the next project.173Please respect copyright.PENANAC5K7YC4R52
173Please respect copyright.PENANAuVoku2IV04
Satan heads to the front door, Ariana following behind while Martin stands in place.173Please respect copyright.PENANAaNwUw6VgXj
173Please respect copyright.PENANAteeqG9XwqA
DEMON MARTIN173Please respect copyright.PENANANpR1uMxS9A
You sure we're not gonna have another "SVF" situation?173Please respect copyright.PENANAFh74xTk4ug
173Please respect copyright.PENANAjEujr3ZMSr
SATAN173Please respect copyright.PENANAehuJOdvjEq
Shut the fuck up and just follow me already.173Please respect copyright.PENANATLEdjkqtWF
173Please respect copyright.PENANAywoSdC9ZVs
Martin rolls his eyes and follows after Satan and Ariana. Victor looks up at Jacob and grins. Jacob glares back.173Please respect copyright.PENANAbpJHQmshqD
173Please respect copyright.PENANAsr9yUFvy4u
VICTOR173Please respect copyright.PENANAfaDNdGttJw
Well, looks like it's just you and me, buddy. I'll make you a deal, you can be Will Ferrell and I'll be Mark Wahlberg.173Please respect copyright.PENANAs6FlfmPCcd
173Please respect copyright.PENANAV7mlOXO5Rp
DEMON JACOB173Please respect copyright.PENANAxPoeSfQLgN
How fucking dandy.173Please respect copyright.PENANA68hP5lKNpb