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꒱.. The afternoon sun blazes down on the festival that is taking place.
In the middle of it is Shinju, blocking the sun out of her eyes with new shades and winding her way through the stands and shops. Her appetite has been a bit low, so she is headed to the bakery first. Since she wants to save it for this.
She would have stopped by the beauty department's stand, but she saw what Eli was up to. She had decided it would be best if he doesn't touch her hair. But she will come back to say hi to Yeon Lee later on.
"Hey! Fresh hot bread is ready!" Hwan Kim belts out to the passersby. He smiles as it seems he caught someone's attention, it is Shinju.
Shinju waddles up to the baking department's stand of baked goods and her eyes gaze over the options.
"Is everything okay?" Hwan Kim inquires as Shinju huffs.
"Rice," Shinju mutters under her breath.
"I want fried rice."
"We don't sell that," Hwan Kim sweatdrops.
"Ah boo, well then uh can I get the biggest loaf of bread you have?" Shinju requests.
"Uh yes!" He reaches for a long toasty piece of bread and hands it to Shinju.
Shinju grasps the bread with a beaming smile, as she finally gets to eat. Though it is not her fried rice, she will get her brother to buy her dinner.
"Oh!" Shinju exclaims as she almost forgets to pay the man. She reaches into her teddy-patterned purse and pulls out a large bill, and hands it over.
"Keep the change." She winks before skipping off to the architecture department.
Her feet carry her whilst she is preoccupied with the piece of bread in between her hands. "Mes compliments au chef," she mutters to herself in satisfaction.
The walk seems a bit farther than she thought as she passes many students, but she sees an oddly familiar duo amongst them. But she is too lazy to chase them through the bunched-up crowd so she ventures on forward.
"Duck man!" Shinju hollers to catch Damon's attention. His head swivels around to find the little lady with her mouth stuffed with bread and waving joyously at him.
"Shinju!" Damon walks toward her, "How you been?"
"Good good just wanted to see Vasco before seeing the fashion show. Oh yeah, look! I got my photo taken with Oscar," she reaches into her leather purse to pull out a Polaroid and hands it over to him. It is a picture of Shinju holding a duck with a top hat.
"You've been taking care of him eh?" He hands the picture back to her sniffling.
"Yeah, we had a bubble bath last night."
"Glad your having fun kid, I'll catch you later," he bids her goodbye with head pats.
"Kay, bye duck man!"
"Bye, Shinju!"
Shinju walks through the crowd to find Vasco and Jace with their heads in a cutout stand. All it costs is one dollar, so why not? Shinju's eyes drift to the two girls in front of her who are holding up the line.
"I can't do it." The girl sighs and turns around but squeaks when Shinju appears in front of her.
"Do you mind if I use yours, I wanna hit robin hood," Shinju rubs her hands maniacally as the two girls sweatdrop in front of her. "So uh can I?" Shinju begs.
"Sure," the girl mumbles as she hands over the water balloon to Shinju before scurrying off with her friend.
Shinju creeps toward the boys while bouncing the ball in her hand as she makes eye contact with an anxious-looking Vasco. She waves at him before launching the water balloon toward him.
The water drenches Vasco's face, and though it hurts more than he anticipates he is happy. A girl hasn't run from him, it is a strange feeling dwelling within him.
"Oh well, it looks like the fashion show is about to start, bye-bye Vasco I'll catch you later!" She winks at him through her glasses but realizes that he can't see it. "I winked at you by the way!" She hollers at him as she clumsily runs to the showing.
"What's up with that chick?" Jace thinks for a bit before sending a sidelong glance to his leader, who seems to be shedding a tear once more but this time with a low blossom blush.
"Danny! Ah, you saved my spot!" Shinju runs to Daniel but trips and is about to faceplant into the grass below her but is saved by a pair of hands hugging her.
"Hey Ju," Shinju glances upwards to see wavy, raven-colored hair dangling in her face.
"Oh hi!" Shinju cheerfully greets Cho Ma as she regains her balance, "Oh wait did I miss the fashion show?"
"Yeah but you didn't really miss anything," Cho Ma turns to glare at Gong Ji suddenly remembering the hideous outfit he had to wear on the stage.
"Well, I'm gonna watch the next event I'll catch you later!" Shinju chirps.
"Alright well, I'll try to see if I can catch you before you leave okay?"
"Kay kay!"
Before he leaves he presses his lips on her forehead while holding the sides of her head.
"I'm Hwan Kim from the baking department, I'm hosting the show this year. Last year, I was sold for the highest bid, so this year I'm the mc!" The bakery guy appears on stage.
"For this event, girls bid on freshman guys until there is the highest bidder. The winner gets an eight-hour date on the day of her choosing. Dates at night are not allowed so forget that! But the girl can't treat the guy like her slave!"
"Okay! The first slave is Beom Kim from the practical music department!" He introduces the cocky dirty blonde male.
Shinju hums to herself as she hears people shout low bids for the guy. Then it is Ho Jeong and Eli, the bids go higher with both turns. But Shinju perks up at the next name.
"Okay! Next, from the architecture department, Euntae Lee!"
Vasco nervously stands in front of the sea of people as his tattoos pour out of his white tee.
Shinju glances around as no one takes the chance to bid on him so she huffs and raises her hand, "$100!"
"Okay! I don't think there are any other bids, so sold for $100!"
Vasco gasps at the unexpected bid and finds the dyed-haired girl waving at him.
Looks like Shinju has a date.