(Evelyn POV)
馃幎Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise馃幎 Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised馃幎
Bus finally dropped us off.
馃幎Now my neck is open wide begging for a fist around it馃幎 Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it馃幎
"Hey"I hear Mason talking to his friend, "Bruh did you see Evelyn on the bus stop.... It sounded like she was talking to her deadass dad"
"Oh really"I hear his friend snicker, "Wow imagine having both Mommy and Daddy issues"
"I know right"聽
I turn my music up higher. Ignored
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馃幎Agnus dei馃幎
I'm almost there just need to make a right turn to my locker.
馃幎Agnus dei馃幎
"You should try talking to her and video tap her crying"
"Yeah that will take her down a few notches
馃幎Agnus dei馃幎
"Hahaha, mommy, mommy, please don't hit me"
It doesn't matter they will never be great.
馃幎Agnus dei馃幎
I grit my teeth just got the stuff I needed from my locker. I don't understand why Mason makes fun of him. I know he gets beaten too.
馃幎I'm heading straight to the castle馃幎They wanna make me their queen 馃幎 and there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying I probably shouldn't be so mean馃幎
I finally walk into my science classroom.
"Evelyn take off the headphones" I hear my teacher Ms. Di Anglo say.
"Yes Mam" My sit is by the window. As I take my sit all the other students talking about I don't even know what I'm not paying attention.聽
"Alright class settle down now-" like it was planned, the rest of the class just starts throwing paper air planes. Suddenly I feel a hard tap behind my back. Its crazy to think but when I turned around to see Angie for a momment.
"Shhh"I hear her say. She looks at me again and starts point to the left of me. Which you guess it the window. I don't see anything. I turn around to ask what Angie meant by this but she was gone. Okay... this is very weird. I turn back towards the window and I see a bull standing on its hind legs and its just staring at me. Dead in the eye.This scares me. I shot straight up,"Ms. Di Angelo-"
"I'm not Ms. Di angelo child you fully know the name Mrs. Halsey" I...I just look at her in confusion. She's? Her name is not Ms. Di Anglo? Now that I think about it her body shape is totally different. Her once beautiful face is now chubby and fat. And she doesn't have black eyes and hair anymore. Her hair is... blonde?
" I-" cut off mid-sentence feel something choking me. It's Mason's friend. Nobody else has uncut fingernails. I Start clawing at his hands to let go, but he doesn't move....at all? As I'm choking I notice that his hands are getting cold and decaying. Despite that he's still choking me. Nobody in the room appears to notice that I'm dying and continues talking. I feel my face getting cold. This isn't good. He brings his mouth over to my ear and says.
"You should have hung yourself when you got the chance" I feel myself losing grip on my life.
"You know,"I hear Angie talking to me. Wait is that Angie?, "the only thing stopping you from killing him is the mentality" I freeze. Mentality? I stopped grabbing his arms and reached down to his legs. He isn't human anymore he's got horns sticking up on his head. He isn't human anymore. With a snap I break his leg. At this he finally let's go. He screams as I gasp for air. Last thing I see is a skinny white man with a skull on his shirt before passing out.
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