Look deep within your core and know the heat925Please respect copyright.PENANA1P8Dmdbt7O
of longings that have been so long denied.925Please respect copyright.PENANAG5Q4WbgU6a
And voids that echo, empty, incomplete-925Please respect copyright.PENANAOfzEdYbbbh
The ash of passion smoldering inside.925Please respect copyright.PENANAUZsrzp09CM
Now, take my hand, and I will take you where925Please respect copyright.PENANANJ8DJSpUcy
the dampened lavas of your longing hide.925Please respect copyright.PENANAY4UoLB1xUq
And safely guide you where you do not dare925Please respect copyright.PENANAVix5Lj1jLY
refute the pulsing wants that yet abide.925Please respect copyright.PENANAEqzHRfcZMA
We'll wipe away the waste of barren years.925Please respect copyright.PENANA4M2xwkFciP
And raise the shattered ruins of hot desire.925Please respect copyright.PENANAwGQIWmutTJ
I'll fan the coals, still sodden with your tears,925Please respect copyright.PENANAvCSG7yUhqH
and cauterize your soul with tongues of fire.925Please respect copyright.PENANATCNQnTYh51
Oh let me lead you, borne on wings of trust,925Please respect copyright.PENANAXtQW6vF5Fy
to where "I can't" becomes again, "I must!"925Please respect copyright.PENANAckOpNLkCBv
925Please respect copyright.PENANA3hoQV1ZDDN