I apologize for going way over the word limit. I understand if this causes me to lose points.
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The Angelic smiled as the babe was placed in their arms. The small babe’s smile lit up the room.
“Remember- sixteen years until her Pairing,” the doctor reminded that parents, but they did not need him to. They knew the purpose of the Angelic.
The parents of the babe smiled at each other then looked down at their beautiful girl.
Sixteen years was plenty of time.
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Sixteen years later…
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“Angelair! Breakfast!” my father called up the stairs.
“Coming!” I replied then quickly reviewed my outfit in my mirror. Flattening down my snow-white hair, I smiled at myself, approving my outfit.
Racing down the stairs, I tucked my wings in closer to my body to enter the narrow doorways.
“Morning, Dad!” I said cheerfully, taking a seat at the table. “Where’s mom?” I asked, looking around.
“She had to go to work. Something about her Paired’s kid getting sick in the middle of the night.” Dad shook himself, thankful it was not his own Pair with the trouble.
“When will she be back?” I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping.
“Probably not till tonight, Honey.” He patted me on my head then took a seat next to me.
I felt as if my bubble had been popped. “She’s going to miss my Pairing?” I whined.
“Angelair,” my father reprimanded me. “You know we can’t plan these things.”
“Pairs first. Family second.” I quoted the Angelic rule, bummed.
My dad checked the clock. “Hurry, hurry! We have less than an hour to get to your Pairing!”
I engulfed the rest of my breakfast and ran back upstairs to finish getting ready.
Within minutes, Dad and I were in the air, headed to my Pairing.
I took deep breathes along to way to calm my racing heart. This is what I have been waiting for my entire life.
Landing in front of the capital building, Dad and I walked up the front steps.
I was once again amazed by the majesty of the building. The gold pillars rose along the sides of the grand hall almost washed out by the white that covered practically everything else.
“Happy birthday, Angelic one,” the chief stood up from his throne, welcoming me.
My dad and I both bowed respectfully, then my father took his place with the other spectators along the walls.
“Angelair,” the chief said my name as if it were to explain something. “I am sure you know why you are here. Another Pairing has come upon the Angelics.” The chief turned to address the other Angelics with the ceremonial explanation of a Pairing.
But all I hear was my own thundering heart, threaten to break out of my chest. Who would I get Paired with. A male? A female? What would they be like? Would they be kind or cocky?
“Angelair, it is time.” The chief nodded to me.
Knowing what to do, I walked up to the podium standing in the middle of the room. I took the three stairs, reminding myself of the Angelic rules as the chief said them out loud.
The first step- Paired first. Family second. I was familiar with this rule. My family lived it out properly.
The second step- Protect your Pair with your life. I knew what was at stake. My entire existence was to protect my Pair.
The final step- Never fall in love. Definitely no problem there.
I lifted my chin as I took small steps to the center of the platform where a knife rested on a shelf next to a crystal-clear water pool.
Taking a deep breath, I picked up the knife. The chief nodded to me again, signaling that I should begin.
I took the knife and laid the sharp end against my left wrist. Gritting my teeth, I brought the knife across my wrist, immediately causing blood to run down my arm.
Holding my arm over the pool as I have seen countless Angelic before me do, the blood dropped into the water, tinting the clear waters.
I rested the knife back on its stand and watched the waters.
The blood started to swirl around the edges. I held my breath.
The map started to form. Slowing zooming in to show my Paired’s house.
Milky Way galaxy.
Planet Earth.
I was to be paired with a human. I smiled small, rejoicing silently. I had always hoped to be with a human.
The America.
Finally, the pool zoomed in closer to reveal the exact location.
Alright. I could do this.
I took a mental picture of the map, then turned to face the crowd of Angelics.
They started to clap and cheer, knowing another of their own had been Paired.
The chief approached me. “Now is your time. Go to your Paired. Learn about them. And prepare to protect them as long as they live.”
I nodded my understanding.
“Now, go.” The chief motioned for me to leave and to go find my Pair.
Stepping off the platform, I opened my wings and flew through the hallway and out of the door with the cheering crowd behind me.
I reached the portal in record time, my previous excitement returning.
With a deep breath, I stepped into the portal and entered the Milky Way.
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It only took a few hours to make my way through the galaxy and find Earth. Recalling the picture of the map, I followed the directions to a state of the America that humans call New Jersey.
With it being such a small state, I had no trouble finding the street my Pair lived at.
I landed with a small thump on the road and walked past a couple houses before finding the one I had seen in the water pool.
I took big steps up the driveway and onto the porch, not even bothering to open the door, I walked through it and into the house.
Humans and their cheap material.
The quietness of the house startled me. I had expected a bustling family but all I got was silence.
I turned in a small circle, taking in the house. The furniture was modest and not over extravagant. The decorations were very few, causing the house to lack a home feel.
Suddenly, a door opened and shut.
“Carlie! I’m leaving!” a human woman’s voice broke through the silence. “Dinner is in the fridge. Don’t stay up too late!”
The human walked right past me, but I did not need to fear her noticing me. Angelics were invisible to humans and other Angelics while working. I knew her Angelic was near, but did not even try to find them.
The woman grabbed a bag off a table and rushed out the door, shutting it quietly behind her.
I walked to the stairs that were off on the side of the room. Taking them two at a time, I reached the top and looked around. A door was cracked open, and I could hear music coming from behind it.
I smiled, knowing my Pair was right behind that door.
I slipped through the wall and immediately saw her.
She was leaned up against her bed, scrolling through something on her phone. She was pretty, but a natural pretty with long blonde hair and a tall, tender build. She leaned against her bed in such a demeanor that I knew she was confident with herself.
Then I noticed the other being in the room.
He noticed me as soon as I saw him.
He jumped up from his seat at a desk and in a faster motion than I could follow, tacked me against the wall, but of course, we both fell right through.
I struggled against him in the hallway, but he was easily able to overpower me and pin me to the floor.
“What are you doing here?” he growled against my face.
“I’m an Angelic,” I squeaked. “This is my Pair.”
He seemed to be trying to remember something, then cursed in a way that would make my mom whip me if the words ever left my mouth.
“Her sixteenth birthday. The Angelic Pairings.” He swore again. “Look,” he leaned in closer to me, close enough that I could feel his warm breath against my cheeks. “This is my Pair. I was here first. I will not let you just come dancing in and take over. I run this joint. Understood?” He looked at me expectantly.
I nodded my agreement but crossed my fingers behind his back.
“Good.” He rolled off me then stood up, not helping me stand.
I took the time to observe him. He had unruly dark, curly hair that seemed to stand up at odd angles around his face. His darker clothing gave a comfortable appearance but made him seem ominous and daunting.
“How long have you been here?” I asked him, only half expecting him to answer.
“A year. The Demonic Pairings happen when we turn fifteen. You Angelics are always behind us.” He brushed himself off then turn and walked back through the wall.
I followed him, reentering the room.
The girl remained at her bed, not knowing what just took place in the hallway.
Ignore the Demonic who returned to his original position at the desk, I walked around and started to observe the pictures hung on Carlie’s wall.
I saw a picture of a tattooed man that lacked his shirt. I squinted at it for a moment, trying to decipher its purpose on the wall, before giving up and moving on to the next poster.
This poster contained a group of teenage boys who stood in a circle. It almost looked as if the boys were wearing make-up.
I thought that was only a human girl thing.
I felt the Demonic glaring daggers into my back as I continued around the room.
More posters alike the other two. I wondered their meaning.
I then turned to the far wall where a cork board was hung against the wall with pictures pined to it. Carlie was in multiple photos.
This is what I was looking for.
I saw a picture with Carlie and another girl. A friend perhaps?
I saw her with a group of girls, all of them wearing a similar uniform. Most likely a human game.
But what was brought to my attention most was the abundance of photos of her with a male human. He seemed to be the same age as Carlie. I remember learning about this is school. Humans were known for their significant others.
The bed creaked, drawing my attention away from the pictures.
Carlie set her phone on a shelf nearby and lay down on her bed, pulling the covers over her. In one swift motion, she flipped a switch, plunging the entire room into darkness.
I felt the Demonic brush by me and exit the room.
I took the cue to follow him.
He walked with confidence through the hallway and down the stairs, striding right through the door.
The sun had already gone down making it hard to see the Demonic.
I heard the Demonic open his wings, preparing to take flight.
“Wait!” I called out.
He turned around. “What?” He looked at me with little patience.
“I didn’t get your name.”
He glared at me. “Why should you care?”
“We will be working together. I wanted to know what to call you,” I answered.
He took a threatening step toward me. “We work against each other. Didn’t you learn anything in Angelic school? I am here to make sure Carlie has fun with her life. You’re here to ruin it.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Well, that was rude.”
“Stating facts.” He took another step closer to me. “I know everything about Carlie. What is her best friend’s name? Her boyfriend’s? What is she scared of? What does she like to do most?”
I knew none of these answers, and he knew it.
“That’s what I thought.” He turned back around and started to run down the driveway.
I took a deep breath. “My name is Angelair!” I yelled at his retreating back.
He stopped running and spun around again. “Angelair? That’s a mouthful.”
I rolled my eyes. “This is where you tell me yours.”
He snorted at my boldness. “Demaire. The name is Demaire. Now good night. Go drown in a river.”
This time, he turned around and took off into the air, flying the opposite way I had come.
I smiled at his cockiness. This would be a challenge.
Jumping up, I flew towards home.
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The next morning, I returned to Carlie’s house way before Demaire. Now was time to do some research.
I ran through the door and bounced up the stairs to my Pair’s bedroom.
Carlie was still sleeping peacefully when I slowly stepped into her room.
Demaire had not yet returned, so I cracked my fingers.
Now was time to get to work.
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When Demaire appeared right as Carlie was beginning to stir, I was prepared for him.
He sighed as if he was hoping I was just a dream.
I got up from my seat at the desk and stood in front of him.
I took a deep breath. “Carlie’s best friend is Becky. Her boyfriend is Jaxson. She is scared of spiders but she never told anybody. She loves to dance, and she is a guitarist.” I held my hands in front of me. “Any more questions?”
He took a step back as if he was surprised I had found the answers to his questions so soon. Smirking, he asked, “What is her favorite boy band?”
I took me a minute to understand what he was saying. “Oh! BTS!”
He raised he eyebrows. “What does that stand for?”
I froze. “Oh, dear. I have no idea.”
“Yeah.” He looked at a poster on the wall that supposed was a picture of the band. “Me neither.”
I stifled a laugh.
Carlie pushed herself up and started rubbing her eyes just as her phone began to create a noise. Grabbing her phone and quieting the noise, she ran out of the door and down the stairs.
“Where is she going?” I asked Demaire.
“To get ready. Duh. Bus picks her up in thirty minutes.” He patted me on the head. “You still have a lot to learn, Angelair.” He turned and walked down the stairs to the dinning room. “Angelair. Still a mouthful to say.”
I followed him down the stairs.
“It cool if I call you Gee?” he shouted to me, his voice echoing in the small house.
“I guess?” I dodged out of Carlie’s way as she bounded down the stairs and grabbed a bag off the counter.
She ran to the door, opening it and disappearing around the other side.
“Come on or we’ll miss the bus!” Demaire ran after Carlie.
“Why do we need the bus?” I opened my wings as if to remind him that we had them.
“Oh, pfft. Why fly when you can ride on the roof of the bus? Come on! It’s fun.” He ran through the wall.
I shook my head. Angelic school definitely did not prepare us for working with Demonics.
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Minutes later, both Demaire and I were perched on the roof of the bus as it took us around the neighborhood.
“I wonder how many other Angelics and Demonics are on this roof right now,” I wondered.
Demaire shrugged. “Who knows.”
For the remainder of the trip, Demaire drilled me on facts about Carlie, everything from her preferences to her family.
He was much more open after yesterday.
Demaire froze in the middle of his lecture.
“What?” I asked him as he stared right at me.
He smiled. “You know, you look really beautiful with your hair blowing in the wind like that.”
I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Demonics.
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I watched in awe as Carlie navigated her way through the ginormous school.
Demaire followed right beside her, randomly tripping kids as he pleased.
“There she is!” A boy stood against a wall of the school. “I thought she would be kicked out of the school after that embarrassment she put on for the dance team.” The boy turned to his friends who were dressed just like him with long hair and saggy clothes.
“Shut up, Nathan!” Carlie spitted in his face.
“What did you say?” Nathan stepped forward, threatening.
Demaire turned and whispered into Carlie’s ear.
Carlie shoved Nathan’s chest. “I said, ‘Shut up!’”
Nathan’s friends joined him, forming a semicircle around Carlie.
“Oh, we’re sorry.” One of the friends said sarcastically. “Maybe just drop from the dance team; then we won’t have to deal with your stupidity.”
“Never!” Carlie threw a punch at Nathan’s face.
Demaire stood back and laughed.
A couple of Nathan’s friends jumped on Carlie, quickly overpowering her and forcing her against the wall.
“No!” I screamed. Jumping forward, I easily knocked the boys away from Carlie; then stood in front of her protectively.
Demaire stopped laughing and looked annoyed.
Carlie saw her opening and ran into the safety of a classroom.
I ran after her, watching out for others like Nathan and his friends.
“What was that?” Demaire threw me against the lockers, pinning me. “I obviously had that under control!”
I struggled for breath as he crushed my lungs. “Under control? They had her pinned against the wall! How is that supposed to be good for her?”
He clenched his jaw bone. I could hear his teeth grinding. “I was going to help Carlie finish the fight. You only postponed it!”
I froze, knowing he made a good point.
Still struggling to breath with his weight against me, I noticed just how close our faces were.
His brown eyes had gold flecks highlighting the outside, and his cheeks where splattered with light, brown freckles.
He slowly stepped away from me.
I dropped to the ground, gasped for breath.
“I’m sorry.” He helped me up. “But I’m not all bad. You have to trust me. I am here to protect Carlie.”
I nodded, looking up at him.
He sent me a small smile.
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The wind felt good several hours later on the bus ride back to Carlie’s house.
“So, how did you like your first day of school?” Demaire grabbed a leaf from a passing tree.
“It was interesting,” I answered.
He turned to me and smiled, watching me a little longer than he had to.
Suddenly, a screech caught our attention.
I began to jump into the air as the bus spun and flew off the road, but I was unable to get off in time.
I felt myself slam into the ditch right next to the bus full of kids.
Then everything went dark.
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“Gee! Gee! Come on! Wake up!”
Someone was shaking me.
I opened my eyes slowly.
“Oh, good. There you are!”
Demaire was kneeling over me. His dark hair fell around his face.
“What happened?” I asked him, pushing myself up. He reached out to catch me as I began to fall, dizzily.
“The bus wrecked. It’s really bad.” He turned to the wreckage. “Carlie was on the worst side.”
I saw fear in his eyes.
“Everyone was taken to the hospital. No one was awake,” he continued. I heard how frighten he was by his broken speech.
“What do we do?” I asked him.
He paused, trying to think through his fear.
“We can’t do anything.” He turned back to me. “The leaders of the Demonics and Angelics prohibit us to enter the hospital. They don’t want us to change fate.”
He swallowed. I reached an arm out to comfort him.
“Come on.” Demaire stood up. “I can’t stay here any longer.” He motioned to the wreckage. “I want to show you my favorite spot.”
“Where?” I asked him.
“It’s a surprise. Follow me!” He jumped into the air and flew above the wreckage.
I opened my wings and chased after him.
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“Here,” he finally stopped, allowing me to catch up to him.
“What?” I looked around me. “All I see is cloud.”
“I know.” He rested his hands on my shoulders, both of our wings still beating to keep us in flight. “Do you trust me?”
“Not in the slightest,” I answered.
“Good.” He smirked. “When I say go, stuck your wings in and fall.”
“What?!” I flew a couple feet away from him.
“Trust me!” he yelled over the wind. “I do this all the time.”
Sending me a final smile, he tucked in his wings and dropped through the clouds.
I gasped as he disappeared.
Taking a deep breath, I brought my wings in and fell through the cloud.
The wind caught my hair, blowing it around my face.
I smiled against the wind as I fell farther and father.
Coming out of the bottom of the cloud, I could see for miles. Just below me, I saw a black figure, knowing it was Demaire.
Suddenly, he disappeared.
Moment later, water engulfed me, sending my vision to darkness.
I swam up, coughing the liquid out of my lungs as I gasped for breath.
Demaire was treading water a few feet away from me. His black hair was plaster against his face, but his smile shined bright than ever. “You’ll get used to it!”
“That was fun!” I laughed as I pushed my now soaking hair out of my face.
“Beach is this way.” He turned and swam toward the shore line with me right on his tail.
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He shook out his hair, sending water droplets all over.
I laughed again.
Demaire reached a hand out to help me out of the water. I accepted it as he hauled me out, using his body as a stop.
He stopped smile and stared at me.
I stopped laughing and watched him.
He seemed just as startled as I was.
“Gee-” he started.
“No,” I cut him off. “I can’t. We can’t.”
“Who ever said we couldn’t?”
“We can’t just break one of the most important rules!”
His smiled returned as he brushed his thumb against my jaw line. “Maybe it’s time you had a little fun.”
“But if Carlie dies,” I began, “I’ll be sent to the Ending.” I referred to the place Angelics went once their Paired died.
“And I’ll be sent to the Finished.” He referred to the place Demonics went.
I looked into his brown eyes.
“Unless Carlie doesn’t die.” Demaire spun around and lifted off into the air.
“Where are you going?” I yelled as I jumped after him.
“To the hospital! I don’t care if I have to fight off Death himself. I will do whatever it takes to stay with you!” he flew faster to the hospital.
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We landed outside of the entry, unable to go any farther because of the barrier placed around the hospital by our leaders.
Demaire sat on a bench, attempting to regain his breath after the long flight.
Suddenly, a figure appeared. He was dressed in a long black robe that bunch up around his feet. An oversized hood hung on his head and drooped over his shoulders.
Demaire jumped up and ran to Death, blocking his path. “Who are you here for?” Demaire whispered, too scared to speak any louder.
Death took a deep breath as if he was annoyed with Demaire. “Carlie Restani. Out of my way.”
“What?!” Demaire was in an outrage. “No! You can’t take her! She still has her whole life ahead of her!”
Death sighed. “Look, this is my job. Get out of my way, please. Good for you. You can now go party into eternity at the Finished.”
“No. I don’t want to go to the Finished. I want to stay here. I want to protect Carlie.”
Death looked between Demaire and I. “I understand this coming from an Angelic, but from a Demonic? What is going on here?”
Demaire was no longer fighting for us. He was fighting for the sixteen-year-old girl he had dedicated his life to. “Please, Death.” He begged. “Take my life. But let Carlie live.”
“You know it is impossible to kill a Demonic!”
Demaire swallowed. “You’re Death. You make the rules.”
Death stepped back as if he could not believe this was happening. He took a deep breath. “Fine. You have fifty years. Then I will return for her and you will have no choice but to give her up.”
Demaire nodded slowly, understanding.
Death turned around and disappeared to where ever he came from.
Demaire spun in a circle, facing me.
“You did it.” I gasped. “You fought Death.”
His smile was bigger than ever. “We’ve got fifty years.”
“Fifty years.” I mirrored his smile. “Fifty years to change the rules.”