After being dimmed by surrounding dust and clusters of gas, it stops from contracting and starts releasing energy. Causing it to shine. It wasn't that bright but it shines and it twinkles. It wants to be seen even from afar, even from millions of light-years away. But above all, it wanted to grant wishes just like any other stars.
- Rhed Vasquez -
My eyes open to the sun shining into the small tent that we've slept in. I slowly turn around to face Clue, who is still asleep. I sat up and softly walked out of the tent, so as not to wake Clue. The gentle caressing of the early wind greeted me.
I breathed deeply and raised my eyes to the sky. The sky is the same as it was last night. The only difference is that instead of dispersed stars, there is a pure blue sky with a few white, fluffy clouds that are concealed from those who are ignorant of their presence.
"Can you tell me why you're up so early?" I was completely unaware that Clue had awoken. "Last night we were up so late," he added scrubbing his eyes.
"It's already nine o'clock, and my class is at two," I responded, looking at my watch. " I think I have to go now"
"No, let's get breakfast first and then I'll drop you off," he said almost sounding like insisting. " I have a class at one as well."
"Fine," I said plainly.
"Good, c'mon."
We returned to their mansion. As we went past the forest I saw how magnificent their mansion is in broad daylight. We proceeded directly to their kitchen, where the maids were setting the meal.
"Good morning sir Clue," one of the maids greeted him.
"Good morning, why are you preparing breakfast?" he asked.
"I heard you have a visitor, so I asked them to prepare breakfast for you two," a woman slightly older than us entered the kitchen. She looked just like the one in the huge portrait in their living room but she looks younger and more beautiful.
"I thought you are not going home until tomorrow?" Clue asked surprised.
"Well, you know. I need to sort some stuff around here," the woman answered. "But enough of that, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"
She turned to me and I was stunned.
He looked at me at first and then turned into the woman.
"This is Rhed, my friend," he throws an awkward glance back at me as he introduced us to each other. "Rhed this is my mother."
Then it hit me. She was indeed the woman in the portrait. She was Clue's mother.
"Pleasure to meet you, ma'am," I said stretching my arm offering an uncomfortable handshake.
"I'm glad that Cluefer finally brings a friend here. Usually, I met his friends when I have time to attend events in his school"
"And the last time was ages ago," Clue interrupts his mom which in return gave him a slightly stern look.
"Yeah, I've been busy lately, so I'll leave the two of you for now," she said. "And Rhed, I hope you had a good stay here."
Clue's mother had left the two of us in the kitchen. After she left, no one spoke until Clue opens the fridge and takes two bottles of orange juice, one of which he offers to me.
"Thanks," I took the glass and chugged down half of it.
"How was it?" he asked.
"It was good, I like it"
"It's one of our businesses," he said as he drink his own orange juice. "It was exported from Canada"
"You guys have a lot of businesses, don't you?"
"Yeah, we do" Clue agreed.
"That explains this house," I said. Clue just responds with a little laugh and we continue to eat.
After that, we went into Clue's room.
"So how are you and your mom?" I asked but I sensed that Clue didn't expect this question so he busied himself rearranging his bed.
"We don't talk really," he said not looking up.
"I'm sorry," I said watching him. And on a fraction of time, I know that I might have overstepped. I should have not asked that. But he looked at me and smiled.
"It's okay, you don't have to feel sorry, it's just I don't really want to talk about them"
I just nod as I also finished arranging his things.
"Let's go now?"
We headed straight to my place. We didn't talk during the ride maybe because we were both still a little weary. I notice that both of us appear to be thinking about something we are unable to share at the time, but I'm not sure what it is.
"Rhed," Clue taps my legs which sends a strange feeling in my spine.
"What?" he asked agitated.
"We're here"
"Oh, yeah I'm sorry I'm still a bit sleepy," I explained.
"Yeah, me too," he agreed as we went out of the car. "It's just eleven, we can still make some sleep"
"You drop me off here just to sleep?" I asked in disbelief. "Why don't we just sleep on your mansion? I'm sure you'll be more comfortable there."
"No. Even though your pillow smells like rotten eggs, I sleep better here "he said trying to tease me. "And besides, I don't want to stay there. Even simply staying in that massive mansion made me feel smothered but here I feel frisky and at ease, so please let me sleep," he said making a huge yawn. Leaving me without choice.
I just sighed and lay on my bed and eventually, I began feeling heavy. I felt Clue hop into my bed as well. I was half asleep feeling Clue's heavy but calm breathing. I rolled and looks at him. My bed was smaller than his making our body closer and felt the warmth each give. It was there, I am feeling it again. Something was fluttering in my tummy, small movements similar to feathers brushing against the surface of my skin but lighter, odd yet I enjoy it.
Before I realized it, I find myself caressing his face. I can hear my heartbeats rushing, and the room is progressively heating up. But I continue to gaze at Clue as I gently separate strands of his hair off his face, and a question enters my mind at that time. Why? Why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel fragile and vulnerable whenever we are together? With these ideas in mind, I gently place my head on the same pillow as Clue slowly feeling my heavy eyelids covers my wit.
The blaring sound of my alarm startled me awake. I looked over at Clue and saw that he was still sleeping, despite the fact that it was just half-past one o'clock in the afternoon. Because I knew Clue's class would begin at 1:00 p.m., I chose to tap his face to wake him up.
"Hey Clue, it's already twelve-thirty, you'll gonna be late,"
"Five more minutes please?" he mumbles trying to go back to sleep.
I didn't listen to him. I don't want us to be late so I pull out his hands.
"You have to wake up already, or you are going to be late. C'mon Clue"
"No, five more minutes Rhed, please!" he whines as he felt the impact caused by the shock to his head. "Five more minutes please!" he said one more time. But I was determined to wake him. So I gathered all my strength to pull Clue out of the bed.
But because of his silliness, he lost his balance and we both tumbled into the bed, one on top of the other. I got carried away and the next thing I knew is I was looking into his brown eyes. We were that close that I can clearly observe the crevices on his iris. But what paralyzed me was this feeling of his soft but dry lips pressing into mine. I was thunderstruck that I cannot move, making us remain in that posture for almost good five seconds. Until I came into my senses and parted.
"You're so heavy!" I said as I get out of Clue's top. I can feel my face burning and I'm sure that it was as red as my name.
"No, you're heavy" he replied almost as nothing happened. "Why are you keen on waking me up by the way?" he added
"It's almost one in the afternoon and you have your class remember?" I plainly said without looking at him.
"What? Oh yeah shit. We're gonna be late. Let's go Rhed" he said looking at his phone.
He rushed to the door but stops before opening it.
"Hey, common let's go," he told me.
"My class starts at two so I'll be staying for a while," I said still trying to shrug off this uneasy feeling.
"All right, see you later," he said as he walked out the door, but the door swung open again just as I was about to turn, and there I see Clue popping his head with a taunting smile.
"And by the way, your lips are soft," then he closed the door again. I, statued and befuddled, am left alone in the room. His shadow was engraved on the window as he walked to his car and drove away.
I had no idea what had just happened; all I could do is stand there and attempt to piece together what he just said. "Your lips are soft," it echoes on my head. What was he thinking saying that? That kiss was an accident. I mused to myself as I fixed my eyes on the door as if expecting someone to come in any second.
I returned to my bed and lay there looking at the ceiling. But now perplexity stems, not from what Clue said, but rather from how I felt about it. I wasn't offended or angry. It is something I might actually admire. When he spoke those words, I was elated. As I rolled back and forth on my bed, I can't help this smile plastering on my face.
- Cluefer Alcantara -
I can't explain but I felt unusually light and cheerful as I drive to university. I know that Rhed and I were getting along swimmingly. But, given what happened just a few moments earlier, I am baffled. I don't have any idea why my heart does a somersault every time he sees Rhed's haughty visage. However, the weird thing is that I always enjoy it. Being with Rhed gives me a certain sense that I can't define. But based on his reaction just a while ago. I'm not sure if I should inform him about it. I might acquire such an interest in him but I understand that I must keep it to myself at least for the time being.
As I entered the room, I immediately spotted Jade seated on our usual spot near the window. But I don't think that he was aware that I had come.
"Hey, why so quiet?" I asked the moment I sit beside him.
"Nothing, I'm just thinking about something," he replied quickly as he fiddled with his phone.
The professor enters, and the classes resume as normal. But I can't concentrate on the lecture. I'm curious as to why Jade is so somber today. He even gave me one-word responses every time I came to ask him. I felt odd because Jade is typically not like this.
After class, I immediately face Jade to ask him what was really wrong.
"Hey. What's wrong man, you've been ignoring me the whole period"
"What? Why am I ignoring you? No, I'm just tired and busy and..." he appears to pause for a moment before continuing in a clearly scornful tone. "Oh yes, you wouldn't know, you're so busy with hanging out with Rhed, I nearly forgot."
"What? What are you talking about?" I was totally confused, I completely don't have any idea why Jade say that.
"You can ask your new friend Rhed because I have practice," Jade said then left immediately leaving me clueless about what he really meant.
- Rhed Vasquez -
It was four in the afternoon and my class had just finished. But I wasn't in the mood to go home just yet, so I found myself strolling towards the field. It wasn't my thing to go around the campus but I felt that something had changed since I hang out with Clue.
I sat on one of the benches beneath the huge acacia tree, mindlessly watching the students play in the open field.
"Hey! What are you doing here alone?" a voice coming behind startled me and with an annoyed face, I slowly turned to look at the person I already knew.
"What brings you here?" I asked making a room for Clue to sit. "Wasn't your class ended an hour ago?"
"You remember my schedule huh?" He said looking at the sky.
"Yeah of course I remember," I replied casually. It's true by the way, I remembered his schedule because we hang out almost every day. And when we don't usually the other one is in class. "So, why haven't you come home yet?"
"I know that you already knew why," he said. In response, I just nod. Knowing that Clue isn't comfortable when he talks about things at their home.
"Hey, what gotten into you?" He suddenly asked me. He might have noticed that I seems to be in a light mood this afternoon. In fact, I also felt strange why I act this way.
"What do you mean," I said with a weird bent obvious in my voice.
"You seem nice today, are you sick?" Clue said bringing the back of his hand into my forehead.
"Stop it! You're so annoying," he chuckled as I try to avoid his hand. "You're so always annoying," I told Clue as I looked into my watch. "It's getting dark, I think we should go."
"Can I join you? I still don't want to go home yet,"
I looked directly into him. He insisted on, keeping a hopeful look on his face. He continued speaking despite seeing my puzzled expression. "Take me to Briner's. You often order dinner there, but I haven't been able to visit."
"I thought you said that the food there isn't real food?" I asked, remembering he said that last time.
"I didn't say that those are real food, I said food delivering isn't really preparing food," he said in a matter-of-fact tone.
"If that will stop you from annoying me. Fine then," I said.
We proceeded towards the parking lot, and as I got into my car, he followed me.
"Aren't you going to take your car?" I asked as I couldn't understand why he got inside my own car.
"Yeah, I'm not in the mood to drive, so I'll just going to stick with you," then he looked at me again and give me his usual annoying smile.
"Whatever," I drove the car out of the university and went straight to Briner's. When we got there, Clue went out of the door immediately. It wasn't that it was the first time for me to go inside Briner's but it would be the first time for Clue and I am excited and curious to see how he would react inside.
"Good evening Rhed," Mrs. Mich, greeted me.
"Good evening Mrs. Mich, quite busy?" I asked, looking around and seeing that the Briner's has a lot of customers today.
"Yeah, we've been serving non-stop since morning. But I won't complain, we have bills to pay," she said as she pull out a small pad from her pocket.
"ehem," Clue faked a cough which I assume was to get my attention.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I almost forgot. Mrs. Mich this is Clue, my friend. Clue this is Mrs. Mich the woman behind the Briner's," I said introducing them to each other.
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Mich" Clue politely said shaking Mrs. Mich's hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." She stated this as she examined Clue from head to toe. "That's interesting; for the last year, you've always eaten here by yourself. And now you have a pal. Rhed, I'm delighted for you, you're making friends again."
"Thank you, Mrs. Mich," I said politely
"So what can I get you two?"
"For me, the usual," I said turning to Clue. "How about you?"
"I'll just have the same," he said.
"Okay, coming up."
We sat opposite each other.
"So, Mrs. Mich, you two seem so close," he asked.
"Yes, this restaurant has been here since I was a child, and we used to come here every Sunday after church. It's simply... I stopped going here when. You know the accident happens." I said avoiding Clues eyes to relieve the awkwardness I felt.
"I'm sorry," he replied and I felt the sincerity in his tone, making me a little guilty.
"You don't have to be sorry, I'm fine now. Really," as I said that the waitress appears and handed our orders.
"We didn't order this," I pointed out the two chocolate shakes on the table.
"It's on the house sir, Mrs. Mich said that it was a welcome drink for you and your friend."
"Well, I can say now that I like Mrs. Mich," Clue said as he slurp the chocolate shake. "Hey, it was so good Rhed you have to try it."
"I know it's good, Mrs. Mich knew that that's my favorite,"
"Well, it's now my favorite too," he said taking another sip on the drink.
After we both full ourselves with the most excellent meal according to Clue, we bid goodbye to Mrs. Mich.
"Do you want to go to the lake?" I asked him.
"The lake? Why?"
"I don't know. To walk maybe, it helps clear the mind. I also haven't been there for a long time but you don't have to go if you don't want to, "I stated. But deep inside, I long for Clue to join.
"Sure let's go," he agrees.
We went inside my car and make our way to the lake.
"Can I ask you a favor?" he asked me as we walk beside the small lake watching the reflection of the orange sky glittering on the water.
"What?" I asked curiously.
"Can I be honest to you?"
"About what?"
"You know what, I envy you" he blurted out making me even more curious.
"What? I meant why do you say so?"
"You see. You are so free, you can go wherever you want and you can actually do what you really want to do. You know, you have a choice. No one is controlling you."
"What got into you?" I said trying to diffuse the confusion and the awkward feeling I am feeling right now.
"I just felt it. You know what never mind. Just forget that I said that," he said, walking faster and leaving me two or three steps behind.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. It's just I was taken by what you said," I explain as I chase him. I put my hand over his shoulder and said, "you know what, you can always be honest with me and you can always tell me everything."
Clue looked at me puzzled but he smile.
"You're weird but thank you,"
"I know I'm weird but I'm not the one who is overly fascinated by stars," I said teasing Clue.
"Don't even go there, I'm telling you, Rhed Vasques," I smiled as he laughs while we slowly walked beside this lake. Where it all began.
"But you know you don't have to envy me. Don't make anyone the be reason why you can't see what's good in your life."
"What do you mean?" Clue asked confused.
"Well, you see for the past year I was in a very dark place and I distance myself from everyone including my friends making me think that I am the loneliest person in the world. But as time goes by I got to think that that's not true, especially when you annoyingly force me to be your photographer. That makes me believe that it's not the end for me. That I can still continue to be who I am by making the choice myself." I can see that he was keenly listening to what I am saying and it seems that he sees my point.
"Hey, who are you? And where did you bring Rhed Vasquez?" he said trying to tease me again but I just keep on walking.
As we continue to stroll almost halfway around the lake, I took a glimpse at him. The sunset was hitting both of us, showering on the orange sun rays almost seem like we are glowing.
Without words, I take out my phone and take a picture of the sunset.
"Hey, look here," I said, and the minute Clue glanced at me, I take a shot. And even though I had completed taking the photograph, I'm is still looking at him through my phone.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked finally bringing me back to my senses.
"If you would go to Canada would you ever come back?" I replied. Asking out of the blue.
He looks at me for a while before he answers.
"Actually, I don't know. I haven't been able to think about that. Because you know. I really don't want to go so I haven't thought about going or going back," he stated.
"You know what, I read an article on the internet that stars can predict the future," I said blankly, making Clue look at me. "Also according to the article, gazing into the stars is similar to making a wish. If we gaze at a group of stars and we really think about it, we can really get what we want. The star will make the wish come true."
"Yes, I know. They say that the movement of the heavenly bodies, not just the stars can predict the future," he explained in return and I believed him. He is the one who's always drawn to stars so he surely knows this stuff.
"Why don't we ask them?" I suggest. "Let's go there and make the stars tell our future." I grab Clues hand and face the lake reflecting the deep purple sky now.
It sounded silly but both of us, side by side looked up at the sky, full of twinkling stars.
"So what's next?" He asks looking back at me.
"I don't know. I think we just stare at them and make a wish or ask questions."
"And how are we going to know the answer then?"
"I also don't know. Maybe someday when they are ready to give us the answer to our questions they will find a way to tell us," I said looking at the sky again.
"I can't see you being this poetic," he giggles as he teases me.
"You really underestimate me huh?," I said smiling.
For about five minutes both of us just looked awed at the sky, not really doing anything.
"Did you ask or wish?" He asked me.
"Both" I replied shortly.
"What did you ask then?"
"I asked if you would come back here if you ever you go to Canada. What about you, what do you ask?"
"That, I don't want to say," he said. "They might not be granted if I'll tell"
"Okay, Let's just have a deal."
"What deal?"
"We are going to tell what we wish or what we asked when we have the answers"
"So you also wish and ask?" I said acting surprised.
"Yes, I asked one thing and wished for two"
"Okay then, if one or all of our wishes came true then we'll tell each other," I just sighed in determination as we both grinned at each other. As we sat on the bamboo bench at the side of the lake where we can soak their feet in the water.
We stayed until we decided to go back.
It was almost 10:00 in the evening when we went back to my house.
"So, I drop you off at the university then?" I said.
"Why?" Clue asked confused.
"To get your car"
"Rhed, it's already 10:00 PM, the university is closed," Clue stated. "Let me just stay here"
"What? Your mom will definitely be mad,"
"She won't. I'll tell her. Just give me a moment," he went outside to call his mom.
While he was there I prepares my bed and get extra pillows and blankets. After a moment he went back to the room.
"So what now?" he asked.
"She said it's fine"
"Okay then, If you need anything I'll be in the other room," I said carrying the pillow and blanket.
"Wait, why?"
"You are not expecting us to sleep on one bed, don't you?"
"Why what's the matter with that? We slept together in the tent last night, what's the difference?"
"We slept there because we only have one tent but now we have two rooms"
"Ahh, you're making no sense. Just give it here and let's sleep," he said then grabbed the pillows and blankets that I am holding.
"Hey, hey hey. What are you doing?" I said flushing red. "What the..."
I didn't finish what I am going to say when both of us fell on the bed again the second time today. I felt my arms under Clue's, and my head is on his chest. It's weird because I heard the sudden change in the rhythm of his heartbeats.
"Hey," Clue said.
"Yeah?" I said whispering as I looked up to him.
"I, Err, I'm sorry I..."
"It's fine. It's fine" I cut him. We looked at each other, still in that position, feeling the beats of each other's hearts almost synchronizing.
We stayed in this position for minutes. Not talking just staring at each other until he finally breaks the silence.
"You're heavy," he said teasingly smiling again, making me stand up in an instance.
"Sorry," he said awkwardly.
"I don't mind it," he replied sitting in bed again.
"I... I should probably go to the other room. Goodnight," I shut the door and turned off the lights, leaving Clue alone in my room.
Now only my parents' room is available for me to sleep in. I went inside and lay on the bed. Still thinking about what happened earlier. My heart is still racing as I recall Clues face so close to me and his scent and how our heartbeats go in sync.
I buried my face into the pillow to get rid of these thoughts. And I tried my best to sleep but didn't work at all. Apart from that constant idea, I don't feel particularly at ease being in my parents' room.
It was almost midnight, and I didn't appear to be getting any sleep any time soon. I got to my feet and began pacing about the room. The moonlight is the sole source of illumination and I can only hear crickets somewhere outside the window.
I riffled through the room's desk, which contained only our family photograph. Mom, Dad, and me. I remember it being taken when we celebrate Christmas in New York many years ago. And, despite my best efforts, melancholy engulfed me once more.
Even if I'm worried. I get all my things and slowly went back to my own room, where Clue is probably sleeping.
I opened the door quietly, hoping not to wake him but I noticed that he wasn't asleep as well. He was simply sitting on the bed, with the phone in his hand. He looked at me surprised.
"Hey, you're still awake?" he asked me as I approached.
"I can't sleep," I hesitantly said. "I can't sleep in my parents' room."
"I told you you can sleep here," he replied trying to make a room for me. "Or if you are not comfortable with someone else on your bed, I can sleep on the floor."
"No. It's fine, I mean. Just make sure you don't snore too loudly." I then went into the bed and lay down facing the other side of the bed. Clue also turned off his phone and lay down as well.
"Why are you still awake?" I asked Clue.
"I don't know. I can't sleep," he replied. "I am usually a very sound sleeper."
"It's the same for me," I remarked. In an attempt to relax, I turned my body to face Clue, who, to my astonishment, did the same thing. We were now facing each other. In a dark room, our faces are barely inches apart, as I can smell his minty breath, yet we can't see each other that well. But I know that that he was also looking at me.
"I saw your bucket list" out of nowhere I blurted out almost in a whisper.
"What?" he asked just as soft.
"Your star bucket list. I happened to see it when we were in your house."
"Ah, that. I remember now. There are just a few places there that I haven't got to do stargazing,"
"Do you want me to help you?"
"I'll join you, do stargazing," I said still looking at Clue's face. "Just tell me when and where."
"You sure?" He asked like waiting for my assurance.
"Hmmm," is the only response I give him.
- Cluefer Alcantara -
In the past few days, I can say that Rhed and I were both completely at ease with each other. But it doesn't ease me to this another thing that I also wanted to sort out. Jade is still refusing to speak to me. Whenever I tried talking to him, he constantly had an excuse. And I am actually starting to get annoyed.
"Hey, have you seen Jade?" I asked Arah.
"There," she replied pointing at Jade who is just entering the classroom.
I looked at him. Still wearing that blank expression. I was expecting him to take a seat here on our usual spot, but he didn't. He took a seat at the opposite end of the room from us without even looking at this way. Me, Arah, and Patrick exchange startled looks as we wonder why Jade hasn't joined us.
"What happened to you two?" Patrick asked me knowing that we are the only ones who might have misunderstandings.
"I seriously don't know. He just won't talk to me!" I complained. "I thought that he was just tired or having a bad day at practice that's why I didn't try to approach him this past days."
"Maybe this time you should try to approach him again," Arah remarked emphasizing every word she say.
"I will, I'll talk to him now," but the moment I stand up on my seat. Our professor barged in, losing my chance to talk to Jade.
"All right, good afternoon class, please sit down and hand in your homework so we can go on to studying the function of value in pricing in various economic situations."
The lesson continues as usual while I occasionally glanced at Jade seeing him focused. Not on the lesson but outside. After a lengthy three hours of discussion, recitation, and a little debate, the lecture finally ends and this is my chance to talk to Jade.
When the professor exited, I dashed over to where Jade was seated, but he was no longer there.
"Hey, where is Jade?" I asked one of my classmates.
"He said he will be going out for practice."
"He was definitely avoiding me again, and I'm not enjoying it," I reasoned to myself.
I grab my things and rushed out of the classroom. "If you have practice, then I'll meet you at your practice and you can't avoid me," I said as I make my way into the swimming pool area.
When I eventually arrived, I saw that the pool was empty. But there are splashes of water near the diving area though, causing me to look up to the highest diving platform. And there I spotted Jade, who was completely unaware of my presence, getting ready to leap.
The water splashed once again, and I made his way to Jade, who was taken aback when I appeared in front of him.
"What are you doing here? This area is exclusively accessible only to club members "he stated matter-of-factly.
"What exactly is your issue with me?" I confronted him but I remained calm.
I can sense that he was caught off guard by my casual exclamation but managed to resist the urge to look away from me.
"Why do you think that I have a problem with you?" he asked.
"You're avoiding me since last week. Why don't you just tell me if I ever did something wrong so that we can make it up."
"I don't know. I thought you're so fine with Rhed that you don't need me anymore. So what's the point of talking?"
"Rhed again? What's your problem with Rhed?" he asked more annoyed than confused.
"I don't have a problem with him, okay, and I also don't have a problem with you. It's just you seem better and happier when you are with him,"
"I can't understand you, Jade you're not like this,"
"I don't know okay, I also don't understand why I'm like this so how I'm supposed to explain it to you?" He said loudly. "I don't understand. It's not about Rhed, and it's not about you. Maybe its about me again"
He turned away from me. I don't know if it was because he does not want to hear more of my contrariness or because he was about to cry but I can see it in his eyes.
"You should have told me about this," I said in a tone meant to sound friendly but came out harsh.
He turned around to face him again, a frown on his face. "What? How can I tell you? I haven't seen you and I haven't been able to talk to you because you're always with Rhed."
"Wait, why does it sound to me that you are jealous?" I meant that as a joke but Jade's response left me appalled.
"What if I am?"
He stared at me as I was trying really hard to process what he had said. "Wha... What do you mean. I don't understand Jade... I thought... What do you mean?"
"Yes Clue. I am jealous of you and Rhed getting along so well. And seeing you that happy when you are with him hurts me. I know I shouldn't feel this way but what can I do?" He said as he tried his best not to cry.
"But... Jade... I don't.."
"Hold it. I don't want to hear it. Don't hurt me even more" he cut me off and stepped back. At that moment other members of the swimming club arrived.
"Just leave," Jade said wiping his tears and joining the other members of the club.
I left the pool area much more confused than before I went there. I still can't process everything Jade had told me.
- Cluefer Alcantara -
I had a difficult week, with a lot of paperwork, assignments, and reports. Plus knowing that my friend Jade sees me as more than just a friend, really exhaust the hell out of me. The only time I felt at ease is when I'm with Rhed as if we became each other's rest.
[Hey, I'll wait for you at 7:00 at my house don't be late, bring your telescope] I reads Rhed's message again.
"What does he mean?" Iasked myself, though I already knew what Rhed was talking about. Does this mean that Rhed will join me stargazing? But where exactly?
I was well aware that Rhed had seen my stargazing bucket list and that I only had a few options. It might be eighter on the mountains or on the beach. But anywhere else is fine for me. As long as I'm with Rhed.
When I arrived at Rhed's house, I stepped inside without knocking and saw him cooking a meal. Not our typical Briner's delivered food, but a full supper.
"Are you actually preparing a meal? I mean, I'm not going to get poisoned from it, am I?" Teasingly, I said.
"It's just four o'clock in the afternoon. Why are you here so early?" Rhed asked, not even surprised that I'm actually inside the house.
"Glad to see you too Rhed," I said cynically. "I haven't seen you in a week, so tell me. Where are we going?"
"You'll find out soon," there he is again. Always in his deep, arrogant and boring tone.
"I already know what we're going to do. We're going stargazing, and it's either the beach or the mountains, so why don't you just tell me? " I confidently stated as I examined my telescope, the same one we used way back on our house.
"Yes, you are correct. I told you. I'm going to join you in crossing off all the items on your star bucket list, but with a twist." he said turning off the stove and transferring the food to a bowl.
"What twist?"
"I said you'll find out soon. But now let's just eat first."
We ate the food that he had prepared and to my surprise, the food was actually good.
"You don't tell me you cook this good," I remarked.
"I just followed the instructions on the YouTube" he stated as he poured water into each of our glasses.
"I know you're lying," I countered.
"I don't have reason to lie to you. And you know that." looking directly at me he said. And I cannot disagree anymore.
After having to rest, Rhed decided that we need to go.
"Let's go," he invited. SoI got my bag and went out.
"So we are going to use your car I suppose?" I said waiting for Rhed to lock the door.
"So I'm going to drive?" I said almost sounding annoyed.
"No, much better," he replied as a grin expressed on his face. "Just wait here"
I'm not much fond of his sudden grin. I always think that it only means that he was planning something to annoy me.
He walked into the back of the house, and after a time, I heard the thunderous sound of an engine starting, and there he was, wearing a helmet and riding a motorbike.
"We are not going to use that aren't we?" I asked almost terrified.
"Why not?. C'mon. Use this," he gets the extra helmet and give it to me.
"Wait. Y... You can use that and I'll use my car," I suggested.
"No. You have to ride with me. You said you want to be free right? Then this is what free people do. You'll feel the wind and you will feel the night," He explained getting out of the motorbike. "Here let me help you put this on."
I can simply glance at him while he puts on the helmet and adjusts the strap.
"There. It's good. Now common," He stated while giving the helmet on my head a little knock.
He mounted the motorbike once again and waited for me to do the same.
I am still hesitating, but after a moment, I also mounted the motorbike. "Just make sure I'm not going to die tonight Rhed."
"You're not going to die tonight, Clue, I promise," he said as he restarted the engine, and the thunderous roar made me worried. I've never ridden a motorcycle before, Jade always invites to go on rides with his motorbike but I never agreed. But now here I am, actually riding it with this arrogant man from the college of engineering.
He was telling something about waste but I can hear it.
"Hold on my waist. Like this," he said then grabbed both of my hands and wraps them around his waist. "Don't let go and you'll be fine."
I hesitates but end up heeding Rhed's advice. I situates my hand on holding Rhed's waist.
"That's better, now let's go," Rhed remarked and we accelerated on the highway. The sudden increase in speed made me close my eyes and intensify my clutch on Rhed.
"Relax, you're quizzing me,"
"Hey, I told you. Don't worry I'm not going to get you in trouble. You just have to trust me okay?" Rhed assured.
I barely heard it but it gave me assurance to ease and just enjoy this ride. I slowly lift my head and opened my eyes. And there I felt the cold night air colliding on my bare face and the flashing streetlights almost like glimmering.
"I never thought how it feels when the taste of cold air reaches my skin," I thought.
"What is this about?" he asked.
"You said about the cold air? What about that?"
"I said I like the cold wind touching my face. It's calming"
"Is it really your first time riding a motorbike?"
"Yes, it's my first time," I said shyly.
"You should spread your arms," Rhed suggests.
"What? Are you insane? You said don't let go, and now you want me to open my arms?" I said clutching over Rhed's waist even tighter.
"I'm going to slow down. I promise. Simply open your arms and close your eyes. You'll get a taste of what it's like to fly.
"That sounds scary"
"Trust me, flying isn't scary. You just have to try it," I can feel Rhed slows down, so I gradually relaxed my hold on Rhed's waist. I spread my arms feeling the wind hit me. I closed my eyes and truly showered in the wind. For that time he felt free and happy. And just like what Rhed said I felt like I was flying.
"You may open your eyes now if you want to," Rhed suggested again.
I slowly opened my eyes. Images of houses and the street lights slowly flashed past us. I also feel that we are again gaining speed but unlike before, I like it now.
"Hey, you feel it now? Do you feel free?" Rhed asked me.
"Yeah, I feel so free" I shouted in the middle of the highway.
- Rhed Vasquez -
"Rhed," Clue says from behind. We were still on the road on our way to the beach.
"I'm sorry but I need to go to a comfort room," he said awkwardly.
"Really?" He replied as I laughs a little.
"Yeah, I can't hold it anymore."
"Seems like flying had built up so much gas on your stomach huh?"
"Yeah. I think I wouldn't be able to fly anymore if you don't let me go to a comfort room,"
"Okay. Okay, there is a nearby gas station where you can do your business while I refill our tank."
The moment that we stopped at the gas station, he hurriedly dismounted and asked the staff where the comfort room is.
After filling up the gas tank, I parked on the side of the road and waited for Clue. Then another motorcycle came at that point. I didn't pay notice to the man at first. But then he removes his helmet. It was Jade, I remembered but I was hesitant to ask because I'm not sure if he remembered me.
He just stares at me for a while then recognized me after some time.
"Hey. Rhed right?" he said.
"Yes. Where are you going by the way?"
"We had an off-school activity at the beach this afternoon but I'm heading home right now. What about you?" I don't know but I felt a slight tension as we talked.
"Yeah, we're also going to the beach. I'm with Clue. He was just in the comfort room," I said glancing at the place where the comfort room is located. "Oh look, there he is."
"You're going to the beach? Only the two of you?" the sudden change in Jade's voice was undeniable.
"And you just use your motorbike to go there?"
"Let's go, Rhed." Clue said not noticing who the other man in front of him is.
"Hey, Clue why don't you tell me that Jade will also be at the beach?"
"Jade?" he then asked confused.
"Hey, I thought you're not going to ride a motorbike ever?" Jade said, glancing at my motorbike.
"Yeah, It's just Rhed forces me," Clue answered awkwardly.
"Oh, of course, Rhed. I'll be going then." He said then mounted in his motorbike and leave.
"Hey, let's go," Clue told me.
"Okay sure," we both mounted the motorbike and went in the opposite direction of Jade.
"So is it true?" I asked Clue after a minute of the silent ride.
"That you haven't ridden a motorbike ever since?"
"Hmm, yes. It's true. He always invites me to go on a ride with him but I always decline because I thought it was very dangerous" Clue answered.
"And what is it that makes you say yes now?" I asked once again.
"Because it was you," he said without hesitation.
I chose not to respond. I just concerned myself with driving, yet I grinned as I never smiled before.
Finally, we've arrived at the beach. The night beach was never as lovely as I have imagined it to be. The beach was white and smooth. The sky had a pink hue to it. Water splashed and smashed as the waves crashed, creating a symphony of rich but relaxing noises.
"Hey. It's beautiful here Rhed," he said as he went to dismount the motorbike. "How did you find this beach?
"It's a small private beach that we used to spend vacations back then. It was near and the owner is a family friend so I had a chance to reserve it for tonight," I explained proudly.
"Rhed, It was good to see you again; you've grown a lot since I last saw you," Mr. Rex approached us. He was the caretaker of this beach resort.
"Mr. Rex, nice to see you again," I responded as I give the man a little hug. "By the way, this is Clue, the one that I've been telling you about."
"Nice to meet you Clue. Honestly, when Rhed told me that he would bring someone here, I thought it was his girlfriend."
"Wha... What gives you that idea, Mr. Rex?" I awkwardly interrupted.
"Well, that's what you told me last time you're here don't you remember? You said that the next person that you would bring here will be the one for you."
"Really? Did I say that? I can't remember that. By the way, we are quite a little bit tired. Can we go to our room now?" I diverted to escape the topic of the conversation.
Mr. Rex assisted us with some of our belongings, and three of us proceeded to one of the villas. The villa was quite large for the two of us but It was the only one available for tonight because the other ones are under renovation.
"Isn't the villa a bit much? It's just the two of us, and there's even a second floor." he told me. And I found it ironic that Clue was saying this while he was the one living in a grand mansion.
"No, it's not. The other villas are under renovation, this is the only one available right now," I explained and he just nods.
"So I'll leave the two of you here now. The weather forecast says that the sky will be clear tonight so you can do your project just well. If you need anything you just tell me Rhed okay?" Mr. Rex said then left the two of us.
"Okay, Mr. Rex. Thank you"
Clue quickly assembles his telescope as we enter the villa, while I placed our bags in the closet. Then I walked up to the window sill and stared at the wonderful vista of the star-studded sky. I shoot one photograph after another as I make my way to the opposite side. I can notice that Clue was gazing at me almost looking agitated.
"What?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing. I'm just thinking about something," he said unsure.
"What is it?"
"No. Uhmmm. Nothing important," he said but I can see it in his eyes that he lies. "Okay, so is your telescope ready? The sky is completely clear now"
"Yeah, it's ready. Shall we go?" Clue invited me as he carry the telescope.
We walked to the beach, the sand was crisp making rusty sound as we've stepped on it and the sound of the waves smashing on the sand welcomed us once more. I decided to remove my shirt to feel the wind estrangled me.
"Aren't you cold?" he asked not looking at me.
"No. It's refreshing. Common let's swim first then we can start gazing at the stars," I invited Clue as I went to meet the crashing waves. I felt the cold waters crashing into my feet making me shiver.
"Okay," Clue agreed and he too submerged his body into the sea.
We enjoyed swimming in the night that we seem to forget the main reason why we are here.
"Hey Clue, look at the sky it was more beautiful tonight," I said pointing at the starry sky.
"Yeah, It was more visible here because there's less light in here than it was on the town," Clue explained while we went back into the shore.
We sat barely at the sand and looked at the sky.
"Are you making another wish?" he asked me.
"No, I've had enough wish and I won't be wishing again until the first one was granted," I replied.
"Okay, if that's what you want." he said still looking at the night sky.
"So what do you usually do when stargazing?"
"Nothing. The name says it all. You just gaze at the stars. Not wishing, not asking and not doing anything, just watching them sparkle," I remained silent watching Clue awestruck in the sky.
"So, what happened between you and Jade?" I blurted out. Based on their actions back at the gasoline station, I noticed that they seemed to be aloof with each other.
"What? what do you mean?" Clue asked obviously surprised by the question.
"I mean, you and Jade a while ago. You seemed a bit off with each other. You're not like that when we are at the club."
"It's just a little misunderstanding," he said but I didn't buy his lies.
"Didn't I tell you that you can tell me everything? Why don't you tell me what really bothers you?"
"Is it really that obvious?"
"No, it's not. In fact, I barely noticed it. It's just I felt it after we saw him"
"Okay, I'll tell you but promise me that this will be just between us okay?"
"Promise me,"
"Okay. I promise,"
"Now here's the thing. I noticed that Jade avoids me for weeks so I asked him what's wrong but he just said that he was tired."
"Them maybe he is really tired"
"That's not it. I cornered him one time when he was in the pool and asked him what was really going on."
"And what did he tell you?"
"He told me that he was jealous of you," tension rushed into my head and I felt hot the moment Clue said that.
"What?" I asked.
"He said that he was actually jealous of you," he said emphasizing every word.
"I heard you. But I don't understand. Why would he be jealous of me?" I said still in disbelief.
"I don't know, I am as confused and as shocked as you are when he told me that, and I didn't have the chance to ask him since then." he said.
"Okay, but... What about you?"
"Me? What do you mean?"
"How do you feel when he told you that?"
"I don't know. I really don't know what to feel. I was surprised,"
"But, aren't you happy?" I asked standing and starts peeping thru the telescope.
"Why?" Clue responded.
"Well, Jade finally knows what he wants. We don't know how long he has been keeping that. How long he has been confused. And now he finally said it. You know It takes so much courage for someone to do that," I explained still looking on the telescope observing a star I doesn't know the name.
"You know what, sometimes you really make sense,"
"I always make sense. Now help me make sense about this star," I invited him beside me.
He also peeped through the telescope the he looked into the sky without the it and eventually find out that the one I was talking about is Bellatrix, the third brightest star in the constellation of Orion.
"That's the Bellatrix, third brightest star in Orion," he casually said.
"Bellatrix? As in like in Harry Potter?"
"Yes, their families got their names on the stars. Don't you know?"
"I don't," I said, now looking at the sky. "But what is Orion then?"
"It's a constellation, one of the most recognizable constellations, in the night sky" he explained admirably again. "It's named after a great hunter in Greek Mythology."
"And how do you know it's the Orion?"
"See here," he comes near me. His wet shirt makes contact with my naked body and it sent a little chill in my spine. "Give me your hand," he said.
"Just give me," I give my left hand he guided me to trace the constellation he ws talking about. "Here this three bright star in Orion's belt is the most distinguishable part of the constellation, then from there you'll see its hand here holding a weapon and the other one here holding its prey."
As he does it. I just absentmindedly nodded and agreed to what he is saying but the truth is I am feeling really hot even though the night was cold and wet. And there I am staring at him not realizing that he was already done explaining.
"Rhed," he called me but it sounded almost like a whisper.
I didnt answer back I just looked at him staring at me. We gazed at one other, doing nothing and saying nothing. Until he takes a step closer to me. I know what's gonna happen but I don't know how I would react. I was taken off guard and has no idea what to do. Unintetionally I step back away from him but the moment I did that I immidiately regret it. I suddenly felt cold, I wanted to feel his warmth again. But it was too late now so I just gestured to one of the brilliant stars still visible in Orion.
"What about that star over there? That reddish one," I casually asked.
"That... That's Betelgeuse," I know he tried to fake it but it was obvious that he was embarrassed.
"The one you told me, back in the lake right?"
"You remember?"
"Yes of course."
"I see. And I hope when the time comes that it turns into a supernova, I would be able to watch it with you,"
"Of course, I promise to watch it with you," then I gave him a little pat on his shoulder.
"Thank you"
"So what now? Are you going to cross this out on your star bucket list?"
"Sure, I'll do it. Thank you one more, Rhed. Can I give you a hug?" he probed. Despite the fact that it's almost midnight and the only thing illuminating us up are the lamps from the villa, I noticed he is unhappy.
"Yeah come here," Clue hugged me tighter than usual and in return, I hugged him back and it's then that Clue's wet shirt touches my body again almost making the both of us shiver.
"I think we should go inside now, I'm getting cold" I suggested feeling the cold wind engulfing me after we hug.
- Cluefer Alcantara -
"Hey, Clue are you okay?" Rhed said after a loud knock on the bathroom. I didn't realize that I fell asleep in the bathtub.
"Yes, Rhed I'm fine I just fell asleep, I'll be done in a minute," I said.
"You sure?"
"Yes," I plainly resopnded. But the fact is I'm not sure. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened earlier on the beach. "What are you thinking attempting to kiss Rhed, you stupid?" I thought to myself as I stepped into the warm shower, filling the bathroom with steam.
I knew it wasn't simply a simple kiss to tease Rhed as I did the other day when I pretended to fall. It was something I desired. I really intended to kiss Rhed. But he stepped back, and even if he doesn't appear to be upset, I still can't look him in the eyes.
I dried myself and walked out of the bathroom but looked at the mirror first. I went to the room, and strolled out as if nothing was amiss or felt wrong. There I saw Rhed seated on the bed, he peered at me and then returned to watching TV still not mentioning the stupid thing I attempt to do.
I sits beside him and lies my back on the headboard.
"Are you sure you're fine?" still focused on the TV he asked me.
"Of course I'm fine. Really."
"Okay, if you say so, but, did you enjoy it?" Rhed now looked at me patiently waiting for the answer.
"Yeah. I enjoyed it. Before I used to just watch the stars alone but having someone to talk to while gazing at the sky is really worthwhile so, I really wanted to thank you Rhed."
"It's nothing. I also enjoyed it. I never thought that it can be relaxing and calm looking at the stars."
"Right, and it's already four in the morning, we should get some sleep. Remember you are going to drive.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we don't have a car," he said putting his palm to his face which is the cutest thing I see today. "Yeah. We should go to sleep.
With that he turned off the TV and both of us soundly sleeps.
- Cluefer Alcantara -
It has been several days after we went stargazing at the beach and I am still thinking about how I attempted to kiss Rhed and how he rejected it making me really awkward. I can't even reply to his text messages.
[hey want to hang out?]
[let's go to Briner's]
[Mrs. Mich is looking for you]
[Hey I haven't seen you in a while, are you okay?]
[Are you mad at me?]
[Why are you ignoring me]
These are just some of the text messages I have received from Rhed. And still, I don't have the courage to face him. I can only imagine my face when Rhed rejects my attempt to kiss.
But as I walked towards my car where I parked at the farthest end of the parking lot, I was really preoccupied with hiding to Rhed that didn't I notice the person I was hiding to, is actually in front of me, leaning on my car and probably waiting for me.
"Rhe...Rhed, what are you doing here?" I asked stuttering.
"I was waiting for you. You didn't answer my call and texts and you're lazy. I know you don't usually park here," He said, again in his matter-of-factly arrogant voice. Almost sounded like when we first met. "Tell me, are you avoiding me?"
"Huh? What? I mean why would I avoid you? No of course not," I said still unable to look at his eyes.
"Is this about what happened on the beach?" Rhed directly asked still in his arrogant tone that made me froze. "If that's it then come here."
Rhed seized one of my arms and yanked me towards him. It occurred so quickly that the next thing I knew, I was heated, forcing me to close my eyes and feel Rhed's lips rubbing against mine and his tongue forcing its way to play within my mouth. I have no idea how long it has been, but I break it simply to breathe again.
"Rhed," is the only word I can utter after that.
"Come with me if that isn't enough." he grabbed my hand again, this time leading me to his the car.
"Where are you going to take me?" I asked.
"You'll find out soon," he answered smirking.
I had a lot of thoughts whenever he did that. That smirks, but I still doesn't know what to say, my pulse is still pounding, and even though it was plainly chilly inside the car, I felt heated and can't look at Rhed. I was still perplexed as to why Rhed had kissed me all of a sudden.
"Common, let's go," for a moment I wonder where we are but I eventually know that we are in the hospital.
"Why are we here?" I asked feeling dumb thinking that we are going into a hotel or something.
"I want you to meet my mom," Rhed said hopefully looking at me.
The uneasy and awkward feeling that I felt a while ago now changed into something special that I cannot describe. And Rhed was still looking at me seems like waiting for an answer.
We went out of the car and made our way into the room where my mom was in.
"Are you ready to meet my mom?" he asked once again.
"Yes," Rhed opened the door and the first thing that greeted me was the beeping sound of the machines and monitors that helps his mother be better.
"Common, she won't bite," Rhed said grabbing my hands as he guided me towards his mom.
"Crazy," I snorted.
"Hey mom, here he is, the friend I've been telling you."
I watch him converse with his mother as if they were having a normal discussion, except that only Rhed talks, and his mother's sole response appear to be the sound of the machinery in the room. But Rhed was smiling the entire time, and that is what I admire the most. Even though Rhed's eyes are filled with sorrow, he maintains the strength to smile and remain cheerful in front of his unaware mom.
"Hey, Clue. This is my mom. Go talk to her," he told me and without hesitation, I lean forward.
"Hello, Mrs. Vasquez. I'm Cluefer Alcantara, the only friend that can control Rhed. It's very nice to meet you," I felt Rhed's hand over my shoulder so I went up and finally looked at him.
"So what now?" I asked.
'What do you mean what? Why did you do that? And Why did you bring me here?"
"I really thought you're smart, Clue," Rhed said reaching my hands again. "Now let me ask you this question one time and promise to answer honestly, okay?"
"There you are again on your crazy nonsense," I replied trying to free my hand but Rhed didn't let me.
"Just promise,"
"Okay, okay fine. I promise"
"Do you love me?" without even a stutter Rhed asked me.
I don't know where he got all the confidence but the question made me unable to speak. I tried to but no words seem to go out of my mouth.
"My mom is waiting for your answer,"
"What? I... I don't know. Why are you like this Rhed you're making me so confused,"
"Hey, hey, hey Clue, relax. Okay. You don't have to answer now. I'm sorry," Rhed's arrogant and proud tone turned into an apologetic one now and it indeed made me calm.
"It's just everything was so sudden and I haven't had a chance to think about what will happen when this moment comes,"
"So you start thinking about it?"
"So now it's time that you have your answer," Rhed paused for a second to look at his mother then gazed upon me again. "Clue, do you love me?"
"I... I think..."
"Please don't think, just answer. From here." he put his palm into my chest feeling every racing heartbeat it made.
"Yes, Rhed, I am having this special feeling towards you,"
"See it wasn't that hard was it?"
"No, it's much easier now. "
"So let me introduce you to my mom again?"
"What do you mean"
"Come here again," Rhed said making his way to his mother's bed again. " Mom, once again this is Clue, my boyfriend."