At least this was believed to be the case however the Ork Wargh-Boss Gorrag was bored and ordered his hordes of large and brutal green savages to charge the settlements and holds of any human.
His hordes burnt down every filed and sacked every barn they came across razing whole towns to nothing but ash. All the looking gave the Orks the weapons they required to take on even the best equipped troops and all the violence gave them blood lust and determination they needed to take on a major city capital.
Gorrag lead his hordes to a large well established city. The Ork hordes couldn't control themselves and launched goblins over the city walls using poorly built catapult's. The goblins overwhelm the men guarding the gates making quick work to lower the bridge and open the gates.
The Ork hordes charged into the city centre slaying anyone and anything that got in there way including the butchers dog, However when the Orks reached the city centre they got confused on where they should go next.
(Orks what can i say, I got confused reading the other published sections seeing as it went from a mad person to something about revenge and then something about a queen? so my response is WARRGH) (I hope someone gets the reference)