TW: drugs and guns
She heard a rawr in the distance. They knew that she was home. She hid under the nice, warm bed, touching her prize. Lets hope they don't notice me. They soon arrived to the bedroom. "Who was here?" Papa bear grunted. "It's stench is strong." With that, Goldilocks pressed the button. She sat up, revealing herself, holding out her gun. "You are under arrest for the illegal distribution of cocaine." 221Please respect copyright.PENANARaTV2EqDq7
She pointed it at the three bears, all bewildered. Then, in the other hand, she held up the cocaine. "We were told that the ones selling this were called 'the three bears'. We searched everywhere but couldn't find anyone who had that street name. We should've known to take it literally."
She jumped out of the bed, landing on the floor. The bears were signifigantly taller than her, but that didn't intimidate her. "The police will be surrounding this house shortly. Everything you say will be used against you in court."221Please respect copyright.PENANAYd2zx1zflG
"Well, how do you know we weren't framed?" Asked Mama bear, the most innocent sounding of the three. "Little bear kept it in his bed for three days. I could tell by the date on it. He would've known that it was in his bed by now. But all three of you were distributing."221Please respect copyright.PENANAloVHyvKSq2
The room remained silent. Goldilocks heard the police sirens ring in the air. They were coming.221Please respect copyright.PENANAXQtIizy1hs
But not soon enough. Suddenly, Little bear grabbed a gun from his back pocket. Goldilocks had no choice but to shoot. Little bear fell on the ground, screaming in pain. Blood rushed out of his shoulder.221Please respect copyright.PENANAD5CmIcttKO
Papa bear rawred, attempting to grab Goldilocks. Goldilocks slid under him and ran downstairs, knowing that she could no longer be trapped in a room with those two. She heard Papa bear dial a call. Oh no. I realized. Henchman. I got my own walkie-talkie and called the other police force. "The hunch was a success. But I'm in a bit of a situation right now. They called for back up. Three, I'm suspecting. We'll need another dispatch."
I ran outside, finding that the cops had just surrounded the house. "I'm going out. Give me a call if they come out. We still need to get those henchman, too." Police officer Piglet frowned. "You'll need back up." Goldilocks shrugged. "Please-I don't want any more people to get hurt." He better show up. They can't know about him.
Goldilocks trekked through the forest, hearing the police call for the bears in the background. She had her gun out, always willing to shoot. Maybe it was a trick to get me to leave? Was there no henchman at all? Suddenly, Goldilocks heard a gush of wind. But it wasn't any wind. The henchman is here. Goldilocks's heart beat faster. He better show up. She thought again. He always did in her time of need.
She heard it's steps now. The big bad wolf. She had her gun out. But then she saw him, clearing a forest with just his breath. "Wolf." It heard her voice. "Are the piglets here?" He asked, his tongue flopping to its side. "I was looking for a good meal." Why isn't he here? Goldilocks wondered. She took a shot, but then he dodged. Only five bullets left. Goldilocks realized. She shuddered. I've got to come close. "I heard that." Goldilocks frowned. "I here your thoughts." Goldilocks stepped back. She knew she could do only one thing: follow her gut instincts. With that, she got out her knife from her leather boot. She attacked the wolf, getting the knife deep into it. But she was shaken off. Desperately trying to get up, she tried shooting her gun. The wolf blew in it's direction, making it go off course. The wolf started huffing. And puffing. Goldilocks knew what would happen next. Where is he? She could only watch as she was blasted back onto the floor, the wolf now seeing its next meal. She couldn't get up once the wolf had blown her down. Desperately, she tried rolling. But then, she realized the one thing she could do. She held her knife out, as the wolf attacked.221Please respect copyright.PENANAH2CeDgWdGz
As the wolf opened its jaw, it's deep mouth being visible for Goldilocks to see as it edged closer. When the mouth surrounded her face, Goldilocks knew what to do: she used the last of her strength, throwing the knife straight into the mouth of the wolf. It stumbled backward. The knife had cut through its skull.
Blood poured out of the wolf. "Help!" She heard in the distance. It was him. And he was in danger.
Quickly getting up, she ran down to the noise. She ran and ran and ran, until she saw the scene. Red riding hood, pointing a gun at Robinhood. His handsome blue eyes were frightened and wide, his body breathing heavily and the bow and arrow in his arms shaking.
Goldilocks pointed her gun at Red riding hood. "If you kill him..." A tear fell down her face. "Always here on time, Goldilocks." His voice remained smooth, like a river current.
"I do my job, and I do it well. Both of you will be down by the end, I'm sure of it." Red Riding hood's voice was also smooth, but that only enraged Goldilocks. "I already know who will be down by the end of this."
After what seemed like forever, another gunshot went through the air. Red riding hood was down. Behind her, was...Red riding hood. "Never trust someone who isn't immune to wolf repellant." She took out a can of it, and sprayed it on the other Red riding hood. The body instantly transformed, revealing itself to be a wolf. "See?"
Goldilocks frowned. "This isn't the smell of wolf repellant. I would know, since I deal with these goons often enough." This might be wolf transformer, if I could guess. The world is getting way too complicated for me. "You're lying." Her voice was deep and clear. With that, Red Riding hood ran off. "After her!" Goldilocks yelled at Robinhood, who still had his shaking bow in his hands. Goldilocks ran and ran. Red Riding hood swooped between trees, but she ultimately ran down to the river bank. "A wolf can swim, but a human can't." Goldilocks realized, as she saw Red Riding hood swim away.
Robinhood frowned. "Grab me that piece of that broken debris, will you?" He grinned at me. I couldn't help but grin back, my heart beating around him. I grabbed it for him. "This won't be too dangerous, don't worry." With that, he got himself on the debris, and set off, the current guiding him to the wolf.
The wolf swam, revealing it's tail as it did. Robinhood held on tight. He tried hanging on to the debris as he got out his arrow, but it never worked. "I need help!" He yelled. The plan was failing.221Please respect copyright.PENANA8CnajXzT86
Quickly, Goldilocks sprang into action. She saw a group of rocks on the river. This was her only chance to get a clear shot. She jumped onto them, and pointed her gun at the wolf. She shot once. It was a miss. Now's my only chance. Another shot. Miss. Then another. A miss. She only had two left. Imagining Robinhood right next to her, she shot again. It was a hit, blood trickling into the water. But the wolf was still swimming. Another shot. The wolf was down.
Goldilocks started to get out of the water, before she was hit by Robinhood on his debris. She fell onto him, but then he quickly grabbed onto the rock to get on top of it. Goldilocks managed to get to the riverbank, since she was closer.
"You're wet." Robinhood said, after they had both settled down in the river bank. "I thought you hated it."
Goldilocks sighed. "I don't hate it if its to save those that I love." She sighed. Robinhood was an outlaw. She would immediately lose her job if they found out that they were together. "Well, the first Red was right: we're both down, together." With that, they leaned into a kiss, forgetting all the rules and responsibilities, but embracing in the love.