So these two marines board a flight to Houston. No sooner had they settled down into their seats than an Army corporal came down the aisle and took the seat next to them. So the corporal settles in, pulls off his boots, and gets comfortable. The two Marines take one look at this guy and decide they're gonna have a little fun. After the plane's in the air, the Marine in the window seat turns to the corporal."Hey, buddy." he says. "You mind grabbing a drink for me?" "No problem!" the Army guy says, and hops up to get a drink from the flight attendant. While he's gone, the Marine takes one of the corporal's boots and spits in it. The corporal comes back with the Marine's drink. He's just getting comfortable again when the second Marine grins and says, "Hey, man. That drink sure looks good. You mind getting one for me, too?" And you know what? The corporal just grins."You bet," he says, and hops right up. As soon as he's gone, the Marine grabs the other boot and hocks a big ol' loogie right inside. The Marines sit back and enjoy their drinks. A couple hours later, the bird touches down and the corporal puts on his boots. Right away he knows what's happened. He turns to the jarheads, who are both giving him these shit-eating grins. "How long must this go on?" the corporal says."This hatred? This animosity? This spitting in boots and pissing in drinks?"