We spent all night asking stupid questions. At least the others did. I had to translate all their convoluted requests to my writer. And before you ask, yes it was tedious. Yes, it was pointless. So I'm going to gloss over that part.
After a while, I claimed I was so tired from the fight that I could pass out. We retired to our bunks for an early night even though I wasn't the slightest bit tired. I just wanted them to stop asking me if my writer could cozy them up with some hot actress.
Morning, however, was different. As in good different.
I walked up to the window to watch the sunrise against the perpetual black sky. Of course, I wouldn't be able to miss the burning husk that was the Earth. Except the world wasn't burning.
Outside the window, a perfectly blue and green sphere glowed softly, unharmed by man's output of C4.
"That was her doing," Robert said beside me.
"Schist!" I said, not expecting him to be there.
"Finally got you," he chuckled.
"Only because there was literally no way to track you if you step out of a spacetime rift," I defended. "Where were you?"
He paused, staring at the blue jewel in the sky. "I met her."
"Who?" I asked.
"Her. She sounded like you. She called herself Shadow."
I bit my lip. "That's her all right. What did she say?"
"She convinced me to stop being, well, such a butthole." He used a stronger word, but I'll let you figure that one out on your own.
"And?" I waited for him to ask questions like the others did.
"I've had time to think. All of time, actually," he said. "And I want to show you something. Show all of you something."
"Well, they're still all sleeping," I said. "I seem to be the only one who couldn't sleep."
"It does seem to be awfully early." Robert yawned, tiredness bleeding into his face, his arms, his whole self.
"Get some sleep. You can show us when they wake up," I said. "I'll be here."
"Um… thanks," Robert said, leaving.
I continued to stare at the pretty blue orb filled with alive people. It was strange to think that I wasn't there with them. I was on Mars, impossibly.
You're welcome, my writer said.
So you revealed yourself to Robert, I accused. Why? Because I revealed you to the rest?
They're going to need him for something, Shadow reminded me. It was the only way to get him to come back.
I sighed. The black sky over the oxidized landscape had its own kind of beauty, and I studied it. The hills, the fine, powdery sand, all of it. Very plain yet amazing.
At some point, I grabbed a cup of Earl Grey, something I kept in my backpack. The station had plenty of water heating capacity, so making tea was actually easy. Finally, after nearly an hour of standing and staring, the others awoke. It was about 8:30 am, my local time, as I hadn't changed my watch since coming to Mars.
"Why are we waking so early?" Jason asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Fumbling, he attached his helmet to the rest of his suit. Robert had us put our spaceflight suits on, the bulky ones for walking in outer space.
"It's not that early anymore," Aaron scoffed, lightly shoving Jason aside. "But why did you insist on sitting us so close?"
I scooted further from Aaron and nodded to Robert. "Take it away!"
"Take what way?" Robert asked.
"Take us to the moment just before the first star is born, before photons existed in the universe."
"How did you know that was where I was taking you?" Robert asked.
I smiled. "It was always part of the plan."
Robert sighed. "Well, everyone, take hands. We're going on a trip…"