He shifted, walking forward into the nothingness. But their, stood a figure. "I come for those who are looking for something." It explained, being a mere shadow in the darkness, its silohoute dark, yet clear. "What do you desire?"
"Happiness." He responded. The shadow opened his arm, allowing him to cross forward. "This way."
He stepped forward. The pain still followed him. He frowned, but when he turned around, the figure was gone. He walked forward and forward, the pain dragging along with him as he did. The happiness never found him. He started to yell, venting his frustration into the cold air. He shouted about his wife, his family, and everything society forced on him. He knew it could all be better. Everyone said it would be. But yet, he could follow every path and his misery would come out with him at the other end. He felt a wisp of wind, something that wasn't his pain. The wind pushed him forward.
He moved a few steps, and then fell into a deep hole, finding nothing there but peace. But was it happiness?