The commander watched as Jun left the room with Veera's mother. Veera knew that Jun wouldn't harm her. She was surprised at her father's sudden trust in him. Trust with her father was earned not given. Very few were gifted it by the disciplined commander. It was unlike him to be so quick to judge Jun's character. Veera's nerves were on end just seeing her father act so strange.
She rested on their bench, letting her wings fall softly to the ground. Letting their wings down was not done lightly. To be perched and always at the ready was normal. Her people only lowered their wings around those they genuinely trusted. As long as Jun had been in the room Veera had kept her feathered limbs folded and up. Now that he had left she allowed them to rest behind her. She had noticed her father do the same. Even with his newfound trust in Jun, he did not lower his guard. Silence filled the room as the two considered their next words.225Please respect copyright.PENANALWM3uUZ2AN
"You went to work?" Her father extended an olive branch.
"Yes, I'm not negligent of my responsibilities." Veera retorted. Their fight last night hadn't been cleared even with this newfound dilemma.
"I never said you were negligent Veera." The commander sighed. His face seemed to age with the overdue argument. Their fight still caused tension between them. It was not a new issue. Veera and her father rarely saw eye to eye. All prospects of her future especially caused conflict between the father and daughter.
"No, just that I'm not doing what you think I should be." She challenged.
"Vee, that's not how I see it. You have tremendous potential, your gift is precious. I just want to see you do something with it." The commander rarely used her nickname. Growing up it was his signal to her that he was letting his guard down. He called her Vee when he wanted to show he loved her and was listening. In this instance, it softened the edge of Veera's anger.
"Can't I decide what to do with it? What does it matter when it was given to me? I don't want the pressure of greatness breathing down on me. It's hard enough having it come from you, Pop." Vee's voice started strong, the anger strengthening her words. The words rushed together at the end quieting into a whisper as she bared her true thoughts. Her father's face was taught with compassion. The events of the day had made Veera more open to discussion than she had been before.
"Vee, I'm not trying to pressure you, kid. I just want to see you be the best you can be. I want you to be proud of your gift. It's a special gift that was given to a special girl. I hate to see you hide it as if you're ashamed. The Life Giver gave it to you for a reason." Her father spoke softly.
"I know, but sometimes I wish." Veera took a breath and raised her head to look at her father. Tears fell from her eyes as she confessed. "Sometimes I wish the LIfe Giver had given it to someone else. I don't think I'm suited for it."
"Child" Her father enveloped her in his arms. Strong arms wrapped around her enveloping her with warmth. Veera felt as if the weight on her shoulders would disappear in that hug given enough time. "The Life Giver doesn't give what is not suited. He's a lot better at planning than I am. I know that it will work out in time."
"What if it doesn't?" Veera sobbed.
"Then your dad is right here. I didn't work so hard to let my daughter struggle alone." Her father spoke into her hair.
Veera stayed like that. Drawing strength from her father she let her tears fall. Let herself be vulnerable. Strong people rarely got the chance to lean on someone else. Veera and her father both knew that this was a coveted moment for both of them. The two leaders had to be strong the for everyone else. Now was a moment for them to lean on each other. With time Veera's tears dried and her sobbing subsided. Clearing the air allowed her mind to fall back to Jun.
"Do you believe Jun's words?" Vee stepped out of the arms of her father to look at him.
"I trust he believes what he's saying is true." The commander had schooled his face back into its normal stoicism. His words once again fell into a neutral tone.
"What a political answer. You mean to say he's been fooled?" Veera replied.
"Either he's been completely deceived or he isn't seeing the full picture." The commander said. "There's no way that the grounders won't seek to use this to their advantage."
"You think they don't need our help?" Veera questioned.
"I think they do. It's more likely though that they want our forces to fight their battles and die in their wars. There's a reason we've cut all trade with them." The commander ran his hands through his hair, rubbing his face with exhaustion.
"Then why agree to hear them out? What use is sending me?" Veera countered.
"I agreed because of the man they sent. That boy follows a code very few still live by. There must be a real threat of the tainted for them to send him. I'm hoping by sending you with him I can get an accurate read on what's true or not. I trust you to make a fair appraisal of the situation and to judge the character of their people."
"You're saying even if the situation might grant it without good faith in the negotiator you won't broker an alliance." Veera looked at her father.
"No, as much as I would want to help their people I can't afford to lose our own for those who won't return that same favor. We have a natural barrier to protect us but without our numbers, even that can be overcome by the tainted. Just as much as judgment purposes I'm sending you to buy me some time. Our men are strong but they have little experience in the tainted. By the time you return, I hope to have trained them well." The commander explained.
"What are the tainted that they pose such a threat? I haven't heard about them before and I've studied under you since I was old enough to walk. It's a little hard to believe there's something you are so wary of." Veera laughed leaning back on her hands.
"You should be wary of anyone who could harm you. The tainted hold their own threat. They're those who've corrupted the very gift from the Life Giver. There are limits to what a gift can do. Those who corrupt and steal others' gifts create a poison in their very veins." The commander explained.
"What do you mean? You can't steal a life gift. It runs through someone's very core."
"It's taboo but you can. A gift is just life from the Life Giver. He bestows it upon everyone born in this world. The life we channel outside of our gift is in the air we breathe. Our gift is straight from the Giver himself. He crafts it into our very being. Someone can channel another's life and steal their gift. However, in doing so they steal their very life."
"How is that possible? It's not like I can just ask for it and get it. The Life Giver doesn't deal like that." Veera said.
"Correct, but a gift can be given. If the participant wills it they can channel a portion of their gift to another for some time. It will not harm them but it will strengthen the recipient. The problem is when it's given completely. It has a tremendous increase in power but the giver dies in the process. A tainted one steals the channeled life without permission. We don't share this information with our own anymore because it caused too many to become tainted. This decision was the main reason we cut ties with the grounders. They didn't wish to give up that power. They thought they could control the tainted from spreading. We disagreed."
"That's horrible. Is that why it's taboo? Because it takes a life?" Veera shuddered.225Please respect copyright.PENANAdYnaFzDwvj
"Yes, the Life Giver doesn't take lives. To do so would be to act out of the Life Givers' creation. That life they steal becomes poison. Unnaturally extending their life. Cursed from the world tree and its benefits they fight us to gain more life. It's a never-ending cycle of greed and evil. They siphon off any life they can gain."225Please respect copyright.PENANAEJTw717e6t
"How come we don't ever hear about them then?" Veera asked.
"Because there's a call to good and evil in all of us. Giving a gift in itself is a beautiful thing. However, many are power-hungry and are easily tainted by the opportunity. We cut off all gift-giving to avoid the whole issue. After that, the tainted were weeded out and our natural advantage kept the others at bay." The commander said.
"I see, and the grounders disagreed. If they were really that greedy why agree with them at all? Why not send Jun packing?"
"Because he is a follower of The Way. I knew this from the way he called the great tree. Only followers call it by its true name Alugatuah. They are people who follow the Life Giver. He talks with them directly and they freely channel their life to others for the cause. I may not be a superstitious man but I still trust the Giver. If he sent this man then I am willing to hear him out."
"Alright. I understand. I hope you're right about this. Jun seems like an honest man but desperate people can lie all too easily." Veera said. Her father's eyes stared into Veera once again before responding.
"I am choosing to trust him. If his judgment is wrong we've already been breached once. I'd hate for a full ambush to occur." His words chilled Veera to her very core. "You've got a long trip ahead of you kid. Why don't you clean up and get ready? I'll have Otis take you down tomorrow. He can channel the tree to open a passage in the tree's trunk at least far enough for you to glide down."225Please respect copyright.PENANAKOhvc9ev6g
"You sure that will be, all right? It might be dangerous for Otis."
"It'll be fine Otis is a smart boy and can handle himself. Besides, I know you would step in before anyone got hurt. Love you kid. Try and rest up." With that, the commander ruffles Veera's hair and went to help his wife with Jun.
As he walked out of the room Veera consulted herself. She hadn't told her father the whole truth. She hadn't confided in him on how the wind knew the tainted one. She didn't even tell her father about the Wind's sudden change in attitude. Veera couldn't remember the wind being serious before today. No, the was always a playful town with the Wind that had subsided today. Its childlike demeanor was overtaken with a piece of ancient knowledge. Almost as if the Wind was speaking from the experience of ages. The thought scared Veera. She was already intimidated by her father's expectations. She didn't want to consider the implications this sudden change would hold.
Shaking the thoughts from her mind Veera got up and headed to her room. The lights from the gems illuminated her path. She packed her pack light and versatile for the journey. Unsure of how long it would take Veera kept it simple. As she laid her head down the wind whispered in her ears.
"I hope you're prepared child. It begins now."
The next day Veera and her party were gathered around the trunk of the great tree. Otis channeled his gift to open a vein in the Alugatuah. The vein that provides nutrients to the limbs opened and enlarged itself to allow the party passage. Stepping through Veera noticed the walls were sticky with sap. The passage was dark but welcoming. The same comfort Veera felt sitting on its limbs was found in this small space. They each held a small glow gem given to them by Veera's mother. She had kissed each of their cheeks and given them a small package for the trip.
Veera's father had seen each of them off. Even going as far as to grab each of the boys in a swift hug. Veera noticed as Cade brightened and Damon grumbled. She had always known the boy admired her father. She rarely got to see Cade look so proud. Doing something for her tribe and father was giving him a purpose again.225Please respect copyright.PENANAlk0K7lEGfP
Otis lead the way, channeling and growing the passage with every step. Sweat began to break out on the preteen's face with exertion. Otis may be talented but even he knew his limits. After several hours of walking Otis stopped and rested.
"This will be as far as I can take you. The tree says from hearing to the ground should be a ten-minute fall. That should be good enough. I still need enough energy to close this passage after you leave." The young boy wiped his brow while leaning on the sticky walls.225Please respect copyright.PENANAobmN7vun7a
"It's alright little buddy1 We can handle it from here," Damon said roughly swatting at her brother's shoulders.
"Alright, alright no need for that. Jun we are around thirty minutes southwest of the tree's heart. Do you know how to make it from there? I can't exactly bring you much closer without risk of exposure to our village." Otis used some terms that Veera wasn't too familiar with. She would have to ask later though.
"That will suffice young Otis. I can take it from here." Jun said with calm assurance.
"Good enough for me" Cade came forward, gesturing to Jun. "Hold on to me Jun, I don't think you're flightless body would much appreciate a free fall from this height." Jun grabbed ahold of Cade. Even if it hurt his pride he knew what Cade said was true.
"Alright! That's that then. Let's get going! I wanna stick it to these tainted. They've got something coming to 'em after what I went through>" Kathrine said rolling her shoulders and prepping for flight.
"Hopefully it won't come to any real fighting," Veera said tensing her shoulders as Otic opened up a notch in the tree. The new opening revealed a forest of trunks and greenery Veera had never seen before taking her breath away.
"Now time for some fun!" The Wind gleefully exclaimed.
"Hopefully the good kind." Veera's spirit was excited despite her chastisement of the Wind. With that final thought, she leaned forward, allowing her body to cascade into the air straight toward the rushing ground.