I didn’t even know where I was. It almost looked like a hospital. I looked to my left to see an empty blood bag, and on my right, I saw a door, which was the way out of the room. I don’t know why, but I feel… different. I felt warm and cozy. I’ve never felt this way before, not even with my fluffy coat. I got up, and in the corner of my eye, I saw I black paw. Am I going crazy? I think I’m going crazy. I just think I’m just seeing things.
“Come on Aqua, you’re fine,” I thought to myself.
The room I am in is bare, but by some of the cabinets was a mirror. I didn’t really care for anything in the room. I just wanted to get out of wherever facility I was in. Though I was tired, I managed to get up and walk around. But when I was about to make my way out, the mirror reflected a figure. I didn’t see much, but from what I saw in the corner of my eye, it looked like the figure was black and blue. I decided to back up and check what the figure was. I looked in the mirror. It showed up again.
I looked at it. It looked at me. I looked right. It looked right. I raised my hand. It raised his hand. I looked right again with my hand up.
I didn’t see a hand.
I saw a paw.
I immediately tried to take it off, thinking it was a fursuit, but it physically hurt when I tried to remove the fur.
I am the figure in the mirror.
*I am a furry.*
I looked different. My fur was black. In some locations, it looked like I had blue streaks of waves, almost like water. Out of all the locations, what I felt was the most important area was a wave across my face, it almost looked like a scar.
I didn’t know what to do. I can’t go back to my home. I can’t even go back to the city.
I cried. I kept on crying. Tears constantly rolled down my cheeks, like snowballs down a mountain. I couldn’t stop. This constant state of fear seeped through my body, as every part of my body slowly wanted to shut down. I am a fox… a black and blue furry fox…
My tears slowly started to gather up underneath me, as I slowly started to crouch down.
I heard walking beside me. I didn’t look up. I don’t want to look up. I kept my head down, tears still gathering on the floor.
The walking slowly got louder and louder, and my heart slowly started to beat faster and faster.
Until It suddenly stopped…
I saw a shadow glaring over me.
“So. I see the anesthetic has stopped. Let me check your vitals.”
He finally looked down at me. I’m pretty much in a resting plank position, still crying. I looked up. He is similar to me. He has mainly black fur, but on separate sides of his body had streaks. They had a similar shape to lightning. One side was blue, and the other side was red. He held a clipboard in one hand, and a pencil in the other. He wore a lab coat, which was very clean and white. He also wore goggles, but at the moment, they rested on top of his head.
He took his clipboard and jotted down something. I couldn’t know what it was. He would never show me what he wrote. “It’s not that bad… Whatever, let's just get your vitals.”
He ran a lot of tests on me, which seemed like more than usual. He even cut to check on my own blood.
“You humans are very special.” He told me after he finished checking my blood.
“It’s Aqua by the way.” I rolled my eyes.
“That's a nice name, but I don’t like it. I’m calling you Ocean instead.” He chuckled to himself, as I was trying to suppress my anger. “You, Ocean, are very special. You have traits from both our species and yours. You are practically like a hybrid.”
“Yeah, whatever,” I wanted to punch him, but I knew he was stronger. I just wish I had the strength to fight him. I want to punch him. Hard.
“I created replicas of your clothes because they were lost in the transformation like you really need them anymore. Also, I have all of your belongings in this bag.’ He said, paying no attention to me and more to his clipboard.
Still not paying attention, he stuck his arm out with the bag in hand. I took it from him. I put everything I had back on. Though apparently “unnecessary,” It just feels awkward not wearing them. It almost looked like my body morphed into a more masculine figure because my body shape was exactly the same as Vin’s. After putting everything on again, I reached into the bag and picked up my phone, which not to my surprise, was dead. I also picked up my rectangular pin, which I pinned it on my shirt.
“That pin looks very nice. It looks good with an orange-to-pink gradient with one little white stripe in the middle. I think it fits you a lot.” He told me.
I laughed to myself quietly, “Thanks!” I don’t think he gets what It means.
I took out all the other things, like my jewelry and my bag.
I was annoyed by his attitude, so I started to head out of the room, but Vin had to say something to stop me in my tracks.
“Hope you like the gift.” He called out to me.
That was the last straw for me.
He didn’t say much. He didn’t even know what to say.
“I’m… sorry…” He was holding back his emotions for some unknown reason.
“Listen, if you are going to make my life a living hell, just cry, bitch.” I turned back around to start to leave again.
“I don’t think you get it.” He started to say.
“OH IS SEE! THIS IS HOW WE ARE GOING TO PLAY!” I wanted to see him blow up and burn right now.
I now was silenced by him. His roar was loud. Too loud. My ears started to ring. I heard some of his lab partners run up to check on him. They shoved right past me and immediately started to comfort him. I’m the one who needs comfort. He excused them, just saying, “I was overreacting.” Yea right…
“Continuing on. When we cry, we cry parts of ourselves. If we cry too much, we will melt. Though we are stronger and more intelligent than humans, that is our only weakness that humans can exploit easily.” He looked down at the floor, but then looked back up at me. “I actually used a part of myself to make you. That is why you are a hybrid, and not fully converted. That also explains why you still cry tears, and your blood is different from ours.”
“Does that mean anything?” I asked.
“Yes. It means a lot actually. You develop our strengths and our intelligence, but you do not have our weaknesses. With training, you can become the strongest one here. You can work with me.” He grinned.
“Why would I work with you?!” I yelled back to his stupid offer.
“What else are you going to do? You can’t go back home at all. You can’t go back to your family or your friends. I am letting you stay here, with free housing, water, and food. And for the hell of it, I’ll give you a more luxurious room, which is better than most of us here.”
“Then can I at least go back home and get my belongings?”
“Fine.” He sighed.
I knew this would probably be the last time I would ever see the world again, so I tried my hardest to savor this moment. I walked out of Vin’s office as soon as I could. My heart started beating more and more as I got closer to the elevator. Before I clicked the button, The door seemingly opened, without anyone or anything in it. Strange. On the left side of the elevator had a sign. The floor number was 23. I walked into the elevator and clicked #1, which led me to the lobby.
The elevator ride felt longer than usual. I waited for what seemed like hours. I was stressed and nervous, and I just wanted to let everything out. I turned enough to grab my tail, and held it tightly. It was fluffy, warm, and soft. I loved the feeling as I gripped it in my paws. I held it all the way down the elevator.
The lobby felt… empty. The only thing I saw was one of the furry like creature sitting on a chair. I nervously walked over to the main entrance. The moment they saw me walking in that direction, they yelled at me to get my attention.
“Hey! Over here!” He called out to me.
I walked over to him, annoyed by him interrupting my last moments of “peace.”
“What do you think you are doing!? You know Vin is the only one who can leave the place!” He angrily told me.
“Mind your own business. I was given permission to leave. Now be a good boy, sit down, and leave me alone.”
He blushed, and then sat back down.
I then hastily went to the door, and it opened. The air hit my face, and I just wanted to stand in front of the lab forever. But I don’t know how Vin would react to that. I can’t ever tell how he is going to react, even with the small time I’ve seen him. The sun was setting by the time I left the building. The city lies just below the sun. I walked the entire time. It felt like miles, but I didn’t care. My legs ached. I wanted to sleep, but I kept on walking.
The city felt different from when I remembered it. Everything felt faster. The people walked faster, the cars felt like they zoomed by. Even the setting sun felt faster. I felt weak. But I needed to stay strong. There is no reason to stop now. I must get to my home.
My apartment wasn’t too far away from where I was. Maybe a mile walk. But it didn't feel like a mile. It only felt like a couple of feet. Soon enough, I was at the apartment complex. When I walked inside, I noticed the lobby felt like the lab. Empty, with only one person sitting on a chair. When he saw me, he got up from his seat and blocked me from seeing anything.
“Aqua! What are you doing!? Why are you a furry!?” His eyes slowly widened.
How did he know it was me?
“This is none of your business.” I said back.
“Yes, it is! I am your landlord, and so I must know why you are wearing a Fursuit!
“Well, guess what. We all develop new hobbies.” I told him.
“Whatever. As long as you pay rent, I won’t care what you do.” He then sat back down.
Right behind him was the elevator to get to my Apartment. I called the elevator, and it came down slowly. It took about a minute for it to come down. Eventually, the door opened. The elevator looked very nice and modern, very different from the more traditional style of the rest of the building. I looked at the buttons until I found my apartment number. 23. Just then, I remembered the lab number I changed into this thing was also 23.
“What a coincidence…” I reassured myself. “It doesn’t mean anything…”
Once again, going up the elevator, I had this nervous feeling, and my heart kept on beating. I once again held my tail. I clutched it closer and closer. The elevator slowly kept on going up. I kept on holding.
It was the only comfort I had.
The elevator dinged, and the door opened. By now, it was dark. I could hear some music blaring from another room like usual. Though I would complain about it every night, I found it comforting tonight. After you walk out of the elevator, there are rooms on the left and on the right. Mine was placed on the left. Room 23… I felt like this was not a coincidence anymore. I felt like 23 meant something. But what…? I didn’t think of it.
I got to my room. I tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge.
I don’t have a key. My key must’ve been lost when Vin took me to the lab. I didn’t know what to do. I checked everywhere. I even checked where I left my hidden key, but alas, it wasn’t there. I knew that John, the landlord, would question everything about my sudden change if I asked him to supply me with an extra key. I tried to think of everything, even lockpicking.
Then out of nowhere, an idea popped into my head. It was stupid and risky, but I know it was the only way in.
I punched the door as hard as I could. It left a little slit in the door. I felt stronger. More than I ever have been before. The slit was just big enough to put one finger in, which I then pushed on the wood to make the slit bigger. When I was able to put one of my paws in, I tried to reach for the doorknob. But where I punched was too far underneath the doorknob. So once again, I punched the door, right underneath the doorknob this time. I did the same thing as I did to the other slit, and this time I was able to open the door. I walked into my apartment.
I’m surprised that no one noticed.
It felt way more empty than what I remembered, but I think it was just me focusing more on my apartment. The first thing I heard was my bird, Biscuit.
“Hi. Water? I love you. Bitch. Aqua. Biscuit you are an ass.” He cawed.
He loves to say anything and everything. He always loves saying sentences with his name in them. It may just give him some bird confidence.
I didn’t really care about it much. I only came for the necessities. I found my backpack which I used in school a couple of years ago and started packing. The first thing I got was my portable phone charger, and a wall charger just in case. I picked up some of my favorite food that I would never see again. I picked up my game console if I can get that hooked up. I also got some other little items, like earbuds. But one of the most important things I took with me was my favorite stuffed animal, Lucky. He was a snow fox, and I had him since I was 10. He has lived with me ever since, and he will always have a special place in my heart. I then took Biscuit with me and headed out.
This time, I didn’t want to take the elevator anymore. It made me nervous. I went to the right of the elevator, where the stairs were located. I opened the door, where the stars loomed above and below me.
Then I started going down.
It was actually quite peaceful. Though it hurt like something else, I finally had time to just breathe. Biscuit kept on cursing the whole time, but I never really noticed. Every time I took a step, it echoed all the way down the stairs. Though most people would find it to be creepy, I found it to be quite peaceful.
The stairs took me a long while to go down, but just when I thought there were going to be more, they stopped. I pushed open the door to lead to the lobby. I looked around to see if John was still sitting there, but he was gone. I made sure to still be very quiet, but I checked the digital clock. It showed it was 3:24 A.M. It was very late, but I wasn’t tired. I just wanted to be somewhere safe.
The walk back home wasn’t that hard. Though my legs ached, I didn’t really care. This transformation makes my stamina significantly bigger, and it has been helping me a lot. The more I walked, the further away the city stood. After a while, it became small and faded, as the lab became bigger and more clear. As soon as I got to the lab, the sun started to rise. I took a deep breath and entered my new home.
“Welcome back, Ocean.” He greeted me at the entrance.
“Room.” I commanded.
“Now, let’s not be rude to each other.” He smiled.
“Let’s not ruin other people’s lives.” I retorted back to him.
He then gestured me to the elevator, which gave me a shiver behind my back. I decided to go in it this time. Though the stairs are better right now, Vin already looks annoyed, and with his big bipolar energy, I don’t want to make him change his mind about taking me in. The elevator may seem better with company.
Vin and I walked over to the elevator, and Vin hit the button to call it down. Biscuit kept on cawing the entire time.
“Can you please shut up,” Vin said to Biscuit.
“Shut up, mother.” He cawed back at him.
“What did you call me?” He now focused on my bird more than the elevator door opening.
“Mother you call.” Biscuit replied.
“Oh, you little-”
“Stop! Biscuit doesn’t know what those words mean.” I interrupted. “Now let’s get in the elevator and NOT be rude to each other for once.”
To my surprise, the ride wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Vin (and surprisingly Biscuit) was quiet, although they both were giving each other death stares. I giggled a little. It felt like the ride was very quick. It only felt like two seconds before the door opened. The floor was one of the higher-up floors, #46. When I looked out, It looked just like floor 23, with the same T-hallway. He led me to an empty room. When I walked in, it looked like a luxury suite. It was very modern, but the best part was the LED red lights, which made the room look amazing. The room was also pretty big, with a living room, bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom. To sum it all up, it was amazing.
“Did you make this?!” I asked, impressed.
“Oh no no no. It came like this.” He replied back to me.
“So this place was recently evacuated by humans…” I thought to myself.
I put down all my belongings and put Biscuit and his cage in the living room. I then pulled out my portable charger and my phone.
“Oh, a phone. I know what you can do with those things.” He then grinned. “Let’s make a deal. If you send any text, image, or anything like that to any human about the truth, I will make sure you have a slow, painful, death.” His grin became a small chuckle.
“Fine, whatever.” I rolled my eyes.
After checking out the rooms more, I sat down on the sofa and picked up the TV remote that was on the arm of the sofa. I turned on the TV which was across from me. I kept Lucky close to me.
“Your tour isn’t over yet. I will show you two more important rooms you will be quite familiar with. They are on floors 23, and 45. Follow me.” He told me, taking the remote and turning off the TV,
I followed him. There really was nothing else to do. He led me back to the elevator. We went to floor 45. When the door opened, It was just a small room, with a door on the back wall. He went in front of me and opened the door. The room was massive. It was short, but it was all one big room. It looked like a huge gym, with different weight-lifting machines, and even training dummies.
“This is where we will train you.” He looked at me.
“How?” I looked him dead in the eyes. “I am weak, scrawny, and out of shape. I haven't gone to a gym in forever.”
“You’ll be fine. That is why we train.” He told me. “Ok. Let’s go to the other place.”
We then went back to the elevator door. Vin called the button.
“Is there just this elevator?” I asked
“No. There are about three more, in every edge of the lab.” He said back to me.
The elevator opened. We then moved down to floor 23. The specimen floor.
The floor that made me who I am.
The floor that ruined my life.
We walked back to Vin’s office.
“This is where you are going to work. With me. Such an honor.” He grinned,
This is where I work. This is where I live now. This is my life.
I’m not a human anymore.
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I’m Different.
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