Animato- Blue
Steel- Purple230Please respect copyright.PENANAARC8G6faST
Dr. Steel? Did she come for me? My friend?
Why did she come?
Was it an accident?
Was it on purpose?
Was I crazy?
Are we still friends?
I guess she may have heard me typing loudly on the keyboard.
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Is she going to turn on me?
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I won’t make assumptions about that. She is my friend. She most likely wants to help.
“Of course of all people, you are here to save me.” I chuckled at her. “Come here. Give your bud a hug!”
She leapt into my arms. I was smiling. But after hugging her, I was concerned. She felt different.
“You are skinnier and weaker than you usually are.” She looked stunned. “You should take care of yourself”
She stuttered. I think I may have caught her off guard.
Why is she here?
Will she turn on me?
Does she still want to be my friend?
Is she… safe…?
She was acting… too nice…
Was I more than a friend to her?
No. That can’t be true. She is just a friend to me. Nothing more.
But her smile. It was not like how she usually smiles. It was bigger, and more drawn out.
I think we may just be best friends.
Yeah. I like being friends with her. She is so nice and kind to me, and it is very nice she is caring for me.
I want more friends like her.
Could I?230Please respect copyright.PENANAP91ytz9LzK
I finally saw him. He was alive! I felt relieved he was alive. I thought I would never see him again. I thought he would be gone forever.
My Ani is back.
I love seeing his eyes again. I love seeing his face, his ears, his fur, and his musical prints.
I love Everything about him.
He smiled at me.
“Of course of all people, you are here to save me.” He chuckled at me. “Come here. Give your bud a hug!”
I practically leaped into his arms.
His smile turned to a concerned frown.
Did I do something wrong did I me-
“You are skinnier and weaker than you usually are.” I was stunned. “You need to take more care of yourself.
“T-t-thanks.” I stuttered. I didn’t even know what to say.
Then, It looked like he zoned out. I don't know why. He never has done this before.
I’m nervous.
I’m scared.
I said his name, trying to bring him back to life.
Nothing. He still stood there, almost lifeless.
Animato? Animato… Animato. Animato.Animato. ANIMATO! ANIMATO!”
Still nothing.
I couldn’t hold my tears back.
I wish I could have more friends than just her. It feels weird to only be accompanied by only one person.
I want to answer all my questions. But right now, I only want to answer one question.
Was I more than a friend to her?
I don't know. I can't figure it out. She is my friend, but she treats me like I'm his lover. I can't figure it out.
Why am I like this?
Why do I always think?
Why do I always wonder?
I zoned back in, to see white goo up to my knees.
“WHAT HAPPENED!” I yelled.
I noticed an endless goo stream from her eyes.
I took his hand and ran out as soon as possible.
We got out. I looked back to see goo filling up the entire room. It looked like it wouldn't stop.
Then it did…
What happened?
Was this my fault?
Am I the problem?
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I cried.
I couldn’t stop.
Humans cry water. We cry our own selves. Goo. Endless amounts of goo kept on forming.
But this one was different. It didn't even feel like I was crying parts of me. It felt like I was forming goo Myself. We don't do that. Our species can’t do that. It kept on spilling. I couldn’t stop crying.
He suddenly came back.
He looked at me.
“WHAT HAPPENED!” He yelled.
He noticed my endless crying.
He took me by the hand and we ran. My eyes slowly started to stop leaking goo, and we both got out of the room.
I looked back at all the goo. It started to expand. We would’ve suffocated in there. Then, it stopped.
I stood in fear. How did this happen?
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