9:55- The human was put inside the chamber. They looked helpless, yet they looked calm. Dr. Steel put our testing “furry,” Animato inside the other chamber. The human was looking around, so we sealed the window of the chamber. They looked terrified.
10:02- We turned on the machine.
10:06- We executed the machine to run. It did nothing.
10:08- I talked to the human to bypass time. They only ask one question. “How many… died?” It was funny. I chuckled in their fear.
10:11- The machine started to work. It heated up and I clicked ready to start the procedure.
10:12- The machine first emitted a gas that put the human to sleep. Then, they put some white goo, known as OSMOSIS, into the chamber. It immediately launched to the human and consumed them. I counted. 1.64523 seconds did it take until the human was fully absorbed. Then, the machine closed in and squished the goo. It condensed.
10:16- I reached in with tongs and picked up the slightly liquified goo. My partner then put a beaker in the capsule, and I set the goo back down.
10:17- On Animato’s side, he slowly started to melt. Before he did, though, we remembered to rip off the main facial features that could change. A robot ripped off the mouth and popped the eyes out of socket. Blue coloring spilled out of the newly ripped out pieces, and the temperature slowly heated up, until Animato’s body was just like OSMOSIS, goo. We again put the gooey substance inside a container, but this one was different from the humans. In the middle lay a soul. The soul is our carrier of our life, because we are stronger than humans.
10:22- We then activated the fuse button. The machine then sucked in the human’s essence, and dropped it into Animato’s essence. Then they mixed together. The soul then rose, and all of the human’s essence flew to the soul.
10:23- The machine exploded. The power shut off. I looked into the computer room to see it was intact, but the sleeping gas was spreading quickly.
10:24- I sent my lab partner to turn on the generator.
10:28- I went to check on him with a gas mask. I watched him fall into the generator. White goo spread everywhere.
10:30- We had to evacuate the floor.