January 1st, 2006
Hello, dear angel. I miss you so much it hurts! I know it's only been a few days but I really can't wait to see you. I passed by an outlet mall today and I just saw so many things that reminded me of you! So, when I come home...don't be surprised at how much stuff I bought. It's only cause I missed you so much. I LOVE YOU!
Cameron grinned silently at the weathered page in the dim lighting. There were more letters piled beneath the one she was currently admiring. It was written so long ago but the warmth of the emotion was still there. These letters were sent when both Cameron and Andrew were dating in high school, they didn't believe in sending text messages so they sent letters instead. It was an inconvenient but romantic pass time. At the time, they were in the very beginning of their budding relationship. Things were sweet and simple back then. Cameron wished they still were. From a distance, she heard the sound of the front door being unlocked.
The smell of alcohol wafted through the air and the sounds of hobbled footsteps reached her ears after a few moments. The mattress beside her dipped but she did not turn around. A hand reached out for her and clumsily placed his hand on hers.
"Where have you been all this time? Work?" although she asked, Cameron really didn't want to know. It just sounded like the kind of thing a wife would ask.
When Andrew didn't reply she finally turned around, not surprised to find bruises on face and hands. If they had still been newlyweds she would have fretted over it, however, it was a common occurrence. Getting weary of waiting for an answer, Cameron stood. The stench bothered her.
"I think I'm going to read before bed. Good night. I'll turn off the-"
"Why are you reading these?" he cut her off and reached for her once more. Cameron gently caressed his head then proceeded to push it into the pillow.
Andrew didn't struggle and closed his eyes at the cold feeling of her soft hands. They weren't perfect but this feeling would never change. This feeling of duty and gratitude. It wasn't what one would typically hold as a priority in a marriage but to him, it meant the world.
Cameron shut the lights out but didn't immediately fall asleep. She stared through the darkness and listened to the labored breaths of her husband, wondering what she could have done differently. What words she could have offered at these times. Cameron reached for Andrew's hands but he was turned over on his side so they were out of reach. She settled for placing a hand on his back instead.
It was enough. For now.