It's March 1st, life is good, and finals are approaching. Nyebe is concerned since he has not reviewed or taken any notes. Despite his anxiety, he knew he wouldn't bother himself to review; he had survived numerous examinations without doing so, and each test that passed made him wonder if that was his best, or if he might do much better. He'd rather do nothing than do something.
He just got in his first stop, his hair is still wet, and his uniform is crinkled. “Pogi, wanna ride?” a tricycle driver with tattered shirt and braided dry hair asks, his tricycle is at full capacity, three students inside and two outside. All of them are from the same school as Nyebe’s.
And I thought I’m the only late
He thought to himself.
"You can hang in the back," suggested the driver, but Nyebe is already concerned about the passenger's safety. The girl in the back has her hanky pressed up against her nose. The girl recognized Nyebe when their gazes met.
“Baks! You're running late! " She exhales as she rises from her seat. Liz from the next section calls. "What are you doing?" " The driver asks.
"It's fine, kuya. Liz explained, her grin twisted and her laugh forced, "I forgot something at the convenience store." "How about you, then?" " he says, pointing to Nyebe. "He's with me, kuya," Liz replies as she grabs Nyebe's hand and pulls him away from the tricycle
"What are you up to?" We're running late! " Nyebe exclaimed in panic.
“Naur! I smell terrible! " Liz was enraged.
“Naur?” Nyebe's brow furrowed.
"Naur, uh, no?" Also, the driver stinks so bad that I thought I was going to die every second. His hair is so nasty and dry that it may be a nest for God's sake. I definitely saw a teeny, I'm not sure if it's an ant or a mite, but I can't. My stunning cannot! Thank G-O-D you came." Her remarks and hand movements are pretentious displays of attempting to be sassy and sophisticated, her lips loaded with luxurious words she couldn't afford, and her arm stuffed with decorations as if she's some rich man's daughter.
"You just want to skip classes," Nyebe remarked, staring at her blankly. Liz did not deny his accusation and instead laughed a little. Nyebe became increasingly concerned, but he couldn't back out because he also wants to skip classes.
The sky began to darken, a line of grey began to whirl within the cloud as the wind picked up, and a series of droplets quickly poured on his bushy hair. Liz was the first to notice it as she drew her hand to check if it was pouring. "Naur, it's raining. I forgot my umbrella at home; I'd get drenched! Gosh! Do you have an umbrella?”
"Sure, I got one, just wait," he responded as he searched his luggage for it. "But can we not share?" It's harder to avoid getting wet when we share the same umbrella," Liz requested, attempting to seem sweet. They dashed to the nearest store for refuge. "Can I not share mine with you? I don't want to get wet either." Also, why are you staring at me? "That's not cute," he said flatly. Liz was irritated as she rolled her eyes at him. He's still looking through his bag after realizing he left his at home.
Oh, that’s why it feels wrong.
His phone began to ring as his mom’s name flashed in the screen. Nyebe dropped her call then messages her with “I’m in class, can’t answer.”
His mom replied instantly, “Just checking if you bring the umbrella, it’s raining here at your tito’s place.” signed with a kiss emoji.
“Tita Maricris visit earlier she said watch the news if you got time and buy a heater when you can. Take care of yourself” he replied. He turned off his data and switched his phone to airplane mode, as his guilt seeps in him.
His tuition is high enough to cover one fourth of their bill, yet he doesn’t make an effort to make it worth. Instead he’s stuck in a store skipping classes.
“I forgot my umbrella” He said to Liz. Liz looks uninterested as she scrolls, and her eyes fixed on the phone.
“Oh wow, gosh, geez, sad” She said. “So by the way, we should buy something to drink, I’m getting thirsty”
They entered the store, which was small but empty, with three tables but no customers, as white as the paint on the wall. Though the use of shadow as a design to spell the store's name is good, the lighting is off when the letters are not correctly darkened 'Teas graceful,' the sign spelled. Together with the man behind the counter, who was clearly frozen in time like a mannequin. Displays an image of a blank canvas that Nyebe had once imagined.
More of a disgraceful, or maybe that’s the aesthetic they’re trying to reach
The boy couldn't help but wonder how the management could be okay with things; he sees the potential in the subject, but it irritates him that it wasn't implemented properly.
"Do you have ten pesos, Nyebe? I'll fetch us some Graceful milk tea. This one post on my feed claims it's good, so let's try it and then share it on social media" Liz said as she sat at the counter, perusing the menu.
The store was nothing out of the ordinary, and everything on it was standard, except for the name, which was changed to reflect the store's motif. “Huh? I thought it was your treat, so why are you asking for money? " His brows appear to connect as his right brow raises in irritation.
Liz smiles in shame, "I kinda forgot I only have eighty pesos, I'll pay for the rest."
Amidst Nyebe's sermon to Liz, they heard an indistinctive chatter outside, and an outburst of awes drew their attention. "What is it?" " Nyebe pondered aloud.
When the two friends stepped outside the store, joyful cheers resonated down the street, becoming louder as more people stepped outside of their homes. As Nyebe stuck his tongue out, they felt a cool air of bone-ashen mist dampen their skin. He got goosebumps as it melted and ran down his neck. He stood frozen when he felt a familiar touch on his cheeks, like as if he were dreaming.
The scene left them perplexed as to what miracle could have occurred for it to adorn the filthy country. He looked around to see if others' expressions had changed. They are in wonder, the elders are laughing, and the children have returned home. The crowd remained transfixed as each person took out their phone to capture photos and videos. Liz is snapping a photo as the man behind the counter remains unconcerned, as if he isn't bothered or interested.
“Should I make your orders already?” The man said. He goes back behind the front desk and started blending their drinks.
“Yas, kuya, make it quick so that I can post it on my social media. Hashtag snow. Hashtag only in the Philippines-“
“Hashtag Social climber.” Nyebe teased her casually. Liz heard him but pay no heed. A grain of, saltiness were found on her face.
That’s strike two for Nyebe’s breaking her ego. She said nothing and continued posing in front of the camera. Nyebe laugh a little and slowly tone it down. He shrugged it off his shoulder because for him it’s just a little joke.
“Here’s your order.” The waiter put their drinks in their table. “Are you staying? We’re closing early today.”
“We’ll take it out, thanks.”
“But, it’s too cold for me to walk, naur! Let’s stay for a while.” Whining, Liz said as she tried to turn her eyes into puppy eyes towards Nyebe.
The man in the counter sigh. What an unsightly customers he got. Consuming his time beyond his working time. The clock tick slower than the fall of the snow. He stepped outside and gaze at the powder floating in the street.
“Look at them celebrating in the snow. Blessed by the ignorance of suffering of their peers.”
Nyebe couldn't help but listen to his babbling while staring at his indifferent face covered in a facemask. It was like looking in the mirror. "Kuya, can I order a snack?" he said as he sipped his drink.”
“No. I already cleaned at the back.” He said.
Nyebe is beginning to recognize a voice. The man returns to the counter to reorganize the bottles and containers. He drew his back up to the top of the rack and began packing his belongings. He occasionally looks back to see if his customers are staring at him. He's hesitant to remove his mask for some reason. Finally, Nyebe recognized the man as he lifted his mask.
Because of his thin lips and somewhat pointed nose, as well as the way he turns his glance away from his customer. Nyebe remembers an awkward friend from elementary school. His eyes widened and a smile formed on his face.
“Yano?" Nyebe addressed the already alert man behind the counter.
Yano cringed from hearing his name. As if his spines started crawling. “We are closing, you should go.”
“But we are not done yet.” Liz replied still scrolling in her timeline.
"And we're getting close, so you'll have to leave. Besides, don't you think it'd be preferable to post selfies with the snow, I think it'll look quite nice on your feed?"
She was taken aback and gave it some thinking before realizing he was correct. "For once, you're not that unpleasant."
“He’s just trying to be nice for his work.” Nyebe said as he turned to his friend. “Mind if I take a sip on yours?”
Liz, although annoyed let her friend take a sip from her drink.
“This is much better than mine, I wonder why.” Nyebe said in a half made grin as he look at Yano.
Yano doesn't care if Nyebe is taunting him or his brewing isn't up to par. "Look, I have to go home; my shift is finished, and I don't have time to attend to you guys." So, could you please leave now?”
"Will you then allow us to walk you home?" " Nyebe responded enthusiastically. "It's just that it's been too long since I've seen you, and surely you wouldn't turn down an old friend." Right?”
Yano's chilly persona is much like shaving ice: delicate and easily melted. And Nyebe understands how thin the ice between them may be. He wants to learn more because he has been apart from his companion for many years. Now that he has the opportunity to chat about life with someone who is similar to him, he is excited to see how Yano responds to him. He's starting to lose track of Liz's presence. Liz couldn't care less because she lives in a different universe than him. A digital mile away, perhaps a millennium ahead of him. She understands Nyebe's inconsiderate attitude toward her isn't something they can discuss. She grabs her drink and insists on returning home.