She falls onto her back and hits her head against the ground. Her vision, for a split second, looks like what you would see when someone in an animation gets hit. Black and a flash of light. She lifts her head to look back at what first startled her and caused her to stumble back and trip on a raised root.
A wolf.
Not just any wolf. A huge, black, mouth-full-of-teeth, one. It looks at her with its piercing yellow eyes as it steps closer and closer until it stops right in front of her. It peers down at her and Edith holds her breath for what's about to happen next, a gruesome end to her journey. She closes her eyes and waits.
She waits for something that never came. She hears a series of pops and stretching and only after it's over does she open her eyes. But not to a wolf who was there a second ago.
A boy of the age seventeen with somewhat long black hair and a middle part, half of it covering his right eyebrow. He has the same yellow eyes as the wolf and his lips are quirked up in a smile. He holds out his hand for her.
"Stop playing in the dirt like a dog, don't you have things to do?"