(I'm trying out a new style of writing for this episode. Tell me if you like it!
*The scene begins with Pirate. He is sleeping in the dead of night, and someone walks into the cabin, very swiftly and quietly.*
Stranger 1: You know, I’m getting kind of worried. Should we be even doing this?
Stranger 2: We have to. Let us get it over with so we can get back to the den.
*The two strangers grab a bag. They slowly place it over Pirate's head and eventually get his whole body in the bag.*
Stranger 1: We did it! Now to get back to the den.
Stranger 2: We have to be careful. I sense someone nearby.
*Pirate yawns, but it is muffled. They hear footsteps, and they start to panic. They swiftly escape through the window while Vigilante enters.*
Vigilante: *yawn* Man… I should not have drunk the tea Framer gave me… I'm about to be knocked out…
*The scene cuts to a cave. A few hours later, Pirate wakes up. He struggles, as he is tied up with some rope.*
Pirate: What the..!? *He struggles.* I can't free myself from this! HELP!!
Stranger 1: Shhh! Keep it down, you'll wake them up!
Pirate: What time even is it?!
Stranger 2: 6 AM. 3 hours until your fellow cast awakens from their slumber. Pirate, please let us talk to you.
*Pirate thought about it, considering that they had just kidnapped him in the night. He wanted to trust the two strangers, but didn't know their intentions. After five minutes of thinking, he agreed.*
Pirate: Fine. Reveal yourself.
*The two strangers stepped out of the darkness. The first figure seemed to be a wolf with a bow on its head, and the second figure being another wolf wearing a hood with a symbol on the side.*
Stranger 1 (Wolf with a bow): Hi! Apologies for startling you.
Stranger 2 (Wolf with a hood): We just needed to discuss something with you.
Pirate: Before you even think about having a chat with me, I want you two to reveal yourselves.
Junior Werewolf: Oh, right! My name is Junior Werewolf. This is my older brother, Wolf Pacifist! We come from a different universe.
Pirate: Okay. Now tell me, why YOU decided to kidnap me! Actually, here's a better question. Knowing wolves, I know most of them have powers. So tell me, what are yours?
Junior Werewolf: Well, if I die, one person in a specific area around me will also die as a way of my death being avenged.
Pirate: So you're just a ripoff of Jester then…
Junior Werewolf: Pardon?
Pirate: Nothing. What about you, hoodie boy?
Wolf Pacifist: I can reveal the intentions of one person around me. The only problem is that when I reveal it, my mouth gets controlled into blurting it out loud.
Pirate: Ah, okay.
Wolf Pacifist: Now that we told our secrets, we want answers from you. Do you happen to know a werewolf that is inside of this universe?
Pirate: Yes, I do. He's my best friend, why do you ask?
Junior Werewolf: Yes! We finally found the correct universe!
Pirate: My question remains unanswered.
Wolf Pacifist: Well, in our universe, this universe's werewolf is our ancestor who was invincible. When he died, a terrible curse was put upon the entire bloodline of werewolves.
Pirate: And that curse was..?
Junior Werewolf: The genocide curse. It caused the werewolves to rampage on others, then once they stopped, they instantly died. And right now, me and my brothers are the only sane werewolves left.
Pirate: Wait. BROTHERS?
Wolf Pacifist: We have another brother still at home. He's blind, but very tough.
Pirate: Hold up. You're saying the Werewolf in THIS dimension died eventually. How?
Junior Werewolf: …
Wolf Pacifist: …
Pirate: Well?
Junior Werewolf: I don’t want to tell him… can you do it..?
Wolf Pacifist: Fine… so basically, since you're his friend, he gave you invincibility. After everyone in your family died… you killed him due to your rage with your silver scimitar…
*Pirate was in shock. He started to deeply sob for half an hour until he calmed himself down and broke himself out of the rope.*
Junior Werewolf: Pirate..? Are you okay?
Pirate: …I'm going back to my cabin. I'll talk to you guys later.
*Pirate left the cave, storming off in anger.*
Wolf Pacifist: I think he's upset with us…
Junior Werewolf: Let's give him a break, he needs to take it in.
*Eventually, Pirate went to sleep. He was in a nightmare.*
Pirate: Whuh..? Oh, I'm asleep-
*He got trapped in a jail.*
Pirate: HUH!? JAILOR?
Jailor(?): Bro, I'm not even real. Just sit back and watch the events.
Pirate: Erm, ok…
*He sat down and saw the two arguing.*
Werewolf (Dream): WHAT MORE IS THERE TO LOVE!?
*The crowd grew bigger. Everyone started to gossip about the argument.*
Pirate (Dream): …Did you even consider my feelings at the time?
Werewolf (Dream): I did! C'mon, buddy..
*The werewolf in the dream got closer to the pirate in the dream. As he got closer, Pirate shot him with a silver bullet.*
Werewolf (Dream): OW!
*Pirate killed Werewolf with his silver scimitar. Upon his death, a type of aurora exited his body.*
Pirate (Dream): What the..?
*It detected Pirate, and it killed him. It then spread to other wolves.*
Random Werewolf: RUN!
Pirate: No… NOOO!
Jailor(?): Wake up. Wake up.
*The scene cuts back to the cabin.*
Vigilante: Dude, wake up. It's time for the challenge.
Pirate: Huh..? HUH..?
*Vigilante carried Pirate from his bed to the challenge area.*
Psychic: Finally! Anyways, it's time for a challenge! Your challenge is a special one. For this challenge, there will be two winners! Now, onto the real thing. I have built an AI to track you down, as your goal is to hide. The last two competitors to get found will receive immunity. Everyone else, you'll be up for elimination! You have 30 seconds to hide, starting… now.
*Everyone ran away. Plaguebearer hid behind a bush, Framer climbed up a tree, Executive and BG went to the ocean, Vigilante decided to hide at the elimination ceremony, GA ascended to the heavens, SK took a plane to California, Pirate went back to the cave, and BH shrunk himself to the size of an ant.*
Psychic: Alright! Go find them, AI.
*The AI ran. Back at the cave…*
Junior Werewolf: So let me get this straight. You're in a competition and right now, the challenge is hide and seek?
Pirate: Yep.
Wolf Pacifist: Your kind is so weird…
Pirate: So are yours.
Junior Werewolf: If I may ask, would you like to join us to save the w-
Pirate: No.
Wolf Pacifist: She didn't even finish her sentence.
Pirate: Thanks to you two, I now can't sleep due to a nightmare I had. I don't want to be involved in this any longer. Goodbye.
*Pirate got up and walked away to the deeper parts of the cave.*
Junior Werewolf: He's gonna regret that…
*Meanwhile, with SK…*
Serial Killer: Man, this is the life!
Server: Hello! What would you like to order?
Serial Killer: I'll take a… cheeseburger and fortune cookie.
Server: Coming right up!
*The server came back in six seconds.*
Server: Here you go! I recommend you open your fortune cookie first.
Serial Killer: Ok..
*He opened it.*
Serial Killer: "I found you, stop hiding…" what does that even mea-
*He looked to his left and saw the AI.*
Serial Killer: Oh, shoot-
*A stab was heard. With BH…*
Bounty Hunter: Maybe I shouldn't have shrunk myself…
Stranger: Do you need help?
Bounty Hunter: Yes please.
*The stranger resized him back to normal.*
Bounty Hunter: Thanks! By the way, who are-
*It was the AI.*
Bounty Hunter: …Oh for god's sake!
*Slash! With the agent duo…*
Bodyguard: What are we gonna do? I can't be fired!
Executive: Surely you jest.
Bodyguard: I wish I was!
*BG fell off the branch. A slash was heard, and he climbed back up looking different.*
Executive: Huh. Where's your bandage?
Bodyguard(?): I tore it off.
Executive: But you said it was permanent ever since the war..
Bodyguard(?): …You could have saved yourself.
*BG(?) transformed into the AI and another slash was heard. Both of them disappeared. However, with Pirate…*
Pirate: Stupid werewolves… I should have never believed them.
*He saw a crystal in the distance that was emitting a radiant light.*
Pirate: What… is that..
*He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and fell into a hole with lava at the bottom.*
Pirate: OW. Wait, that's.. LAVA! *He plunges into the lava while melting.* AAAAHHH!
Psychic: Disqualified! *Psychic teleports back to the surface.* We're down to three. Who will the AI hunt next?
*With Vigilante…*
Vigilante: There's no way he'll find me!
AI: (Using Psychic's Voice) No, but I did!
Vigilante: Psychic? *Realizes it's the AI.* OH MY GOD-
Psychic: The challenge is over! Framer and GA win!
Psychic: I have an announcement. The teams will now merge! It's now every man / woman for themself! You have time to discuss with your peers.
*People split off into groups.*
[Elimination ceremony.]
Psychic: Alrighty! Remember, GA and Framer have the golden burger, so they are immune to elimination. Before we begin, golden key user, would you like to use your golden key?
*No one said anything.*
Psychic: I'll take that as a no. Now, to reveal the votes! First vote, Executive.
*Executive got nervous.*
Psychic: SK. That's one vote Executive, one vote SK. Third vote, Vigilante. Fourth vote, Pirate. That's one vote Executive, one vote SK, one vote Vigilante, one vote Pirate. Fifth vote, Vigilante. Sixth vote, Executive. Seventh vote, Executive. That's three votes Executive, two votes Vigilante, one vote SK, one vote Pirate. One vote remains.
*Executive and BG got scared, Vigilante looked overconfident, SK looked confused, and Pirate shrugged.*
Psychic: And the final vote goes to… Vigilante.
*Vigilante's smirk turned into a frown.*
Psychic: We have a tie between Vigilante and Executive.
Vigilante: Wait, WHAT!?
Executive: Oh thank god….
Psychic: Now, for a tiebreaker, we will have a revote. If another tie is held, we will resort to drastic measures. For the revote, Vigilante and Executive may not vote. Contestants, go cast your votes.
*They cast their votes.*
Psychic: Alright. First vote, Vigilante. Vigilante. That's two votes for Vigilante. Third vote, Executive. Executive. That's two votes Vigilante and two votes Executive. Executive. That's THREE votes for Executive, two for Vigilante. One vote remains.
*Bodyguard got scared, Executive crossed his fingers and closed his eyes, and Vigilante slowly grabbed a pocket knife and got angry.*
Psychic: And the Eighth placed contestant is… Executive.
*Executive was in disbelief, Vigilante returned the pocket knife, and Bodyguard cried.*
Psychic: Well, apart from you, Vigilante's only other voter was Framer.
Vigilante: *He clenches his teeth.* Good to know…
*Transition to the trampoline.*
Bodyguard: No… I don't want to lose you..
Executive: Listen. You can do this. Go get em for us, alright?
Bodyguard: *sniffle* I'll avenge you…
Executive: Vigilante, you'll get your karma soon. Psychic, I'm ready.
*He got flung away.*
Psychic: And with that, seven continue. Who will be the next person flung away? What will happen next episode? And finally, how will Bodyguard cope with his only friend taking the fling, and with his target voting with him? Find out on the next episode of Bloxston Competition!
*The scene begins with Pirate. He is sleeping in the dead of night, and someone walks into the cabin, very swiftly and quietly.*
Stranger 1: You know, I’m getting kind of worried. Should we be even doing this?
Stranger 2: We have to. Let us get it over with so we can get back to the den.
*The two strangers grab a bag. They slowly place it over Pirate's head and eventually get his whole body in the bag.*
Stranger 1: We did it! Now to get back to the den.
Stranger 2: We have to be careful. I sense someone nearby.
*Pirate yawns, but it is muffled. They hear footsteps, and they start to panic. They swiftly escape through the window while Vigilante enters.*
Vigilante: *yawn* Man… I should not have drunk the tea Framer gave me… I'm about to be knocked out…
*The scene cuts to a cave. A few hours later, Pirate wakes up. He struggles, as he is tied up with some rope.*
Pirate: What the..!? *He struggles.* I can't free myself from this! HELP!!
Stranger 1: Shhh! Keep it down, you'll wake them up!
Pirate: What time even is it?!
Stranger 2: 6 AM. 3 hours until your fellow cast awakens from their slumber. Pirate, please let us talk to you.
*Pirate thought about it, considering that they had just kidnapped him in the night. He wanted to trust the two strangers, but didn't know their intentions. After five minutes of thinking, he agreed.*
Pirate: Fine. Reveal yourself.
*The two strangers stepped out of the darkness. The first figure seemed to be a wolf with a bow on its head, and the second figure being another wolf wearing a hood with a symbol on the side.*
Stranger 1 (Wolf with a bow): Hi! Apologies for startling you.
Stranger 2 (Wolf with a hood): We just needed to discuss something with you.
Pirate: Before you even think about having a chat with me, I want you two to reveal yourselves.
Junior Werewolf: Oh, right! My name is Junior Werewolf. This is my older brother, Wolf Pacifist! We come from a different universe.
Pirate: Okay. Now tell me, why YOU decided to kidnap me! Actually, here's a better question. Knowing wolves, I know most of them have powers. So tell me, what are yours?
Junior Werewolf: Well, if I die, one person in a specific area around me will also die as a way of my death being avenged.
Pirate: So you're just a ripoff of Jester then…
Junior Werewolf: Pardon?
Pirate: Nothing. What about you, hoodie boy?
Wolf Pacifist: I can reveal the intentions of one person around me. The only problem is that when I reveal it, my mouth gets controlled into blurting it out loud.
Pirate: Ah, ok.
Wolf Pacifist: Now that we told our secrets, we want answers from you. Do you happen to know a werewolf that is inside of this universe?
Pirate: Yes, I do. He's my best friend, why do you ask?
Junior Werewolf: Yes! We finally found the correct universe!
Pirate: My question remains unanswered.
Wolf Pacifist: Well, in our universe, this universe's werewolf is our ancestor who was invincible. When he died, a terrible curse was put upon the entire bloodline of werewolves.
Pirate: And that curse was..?
Junior Werewolf: The genocide curse. It caused the werewolves to rampage on others, then once they stopped, they instantly died. And right now, me and my brothers are the only sane werewolves left.
Pirate: Wait. BROTHERS?
Wolf Pacifist: We have another brother still at home. He's blind, but very tough.
Pirate: Hold up. You're saying the Werewolf in THIS dimension died eventually. How?
Junior Werewolf: …
Wolf Pacifist: …
Pirate: Well?
Junior Werewolf: I don’t want to tell him… can you do it..?
Wolf Pacifist: Fine… so basically, since you're his friend, he gave you invincibility. After everyone in your family died… you killed him due to your rage with your silver scimitar…
*Pirate was in shock. He started to deeply sob for half an hour until he calmed himself down and broke himself out of the rope.*
Junior Werewolf: Pirate..? Are you okay?
Pirate: …I'm going back to my cabin. I'll talk to you guys later.
*Pirate left the cave, storming off in anger.*
Wolf Pacifist: I think he's upset with us…
Junior Werewolf: Let's give him a break, he needs to take it in.
*Eventually, Pirate went to sleep. He was in a nightmare.*
Pirate: Whuh..? Oh, I'm asleep-
*He got trapped in a jail.*
Pirate: HUH!? JAILOR?
Jailor(?): Bro, I'm not even real. Just sit back and watch the events.
Pirate: Erm, ok…
*He sat down and saw the two arguing.*
Werewolf (Dream): WHAT MORE IS THERE TO LOVE!?
*The crowd grew bigger. Everyone started to gossip about the argument.*
Pirate (Dream): …Did you even consider my feelings at the time?
Werewolf (Dream): I did! C'mon, buddy..
*The werewolf in the dream got closer to the pirate in the dream. As he got closer, Pirate shot him with a silver bullet.*
Werewolf (Dream): OW!
*Pirate killed Werewolf with his silver scimitar. Upon his death, a type of aurora exited his body.*
Pirate (Dream): What the..?
*It detected Pirate, and it killed him. It then spread to other wolves.*
Random Werewolf: RUN!
Pirate: No… NOOO!
Jailor(?): Wake up. Wake up.
*The scene cuts back to the cabin.*
Vigilante: Dude, wake up. It's time for the challenge.
Pirate: Huh..? HUH..?
*Vigilante carried Pirate from his bed to the challenge area.*
Psychic: Finally! Anyways, it's time for a challenge! Your challenge is a special one. For this challenge, there will be two winners! Now, onto the real thing. I have built an AI to track you down, as your goal is to hide. The last two competitors to get found will receive immunity. Everyone else, you'll be up for elimination! You have 30 seconds to hide, starting… now.
*Everyone ran away. Plaguebearer hid behind a bush, Framer climbed up a tree, Executive and BG went to the ocean, Vigilante decided to hide at the elimination ceremony, GA ascended to the heavens, SK took a plane to California, Pirate went back to the cave, and BH shrunk himself to the size of an ant.*
Psychic: Alright! Go find them, AI.
*The AI ran. Back at the cave…*
Junior Werewolf: So let me get this straight. You're in a competition and right now, the challenge is hide and seek?
Pirate: Yep.
Wolf Pacifist: Your kind is so weird…
Pirate: So are yours.
Junior Werewolf: If I may ask, would you like to join us to save the w-
Pirate: No.
Wolf Pacifist: She didn't even finish her sentence.
Pirate: Thanks to you two, I now can't sleep due to a nightmare I had. I don't want to be involved in this any longer. Goodbye.
*Pirate got up and walked away to the deeper parts of the cave.*
Junior Werewolf: He's gonna regret that…
*Meanwhile, with SK…*
Serial Killer: Man, this is the life!
Server: Hello! What would you like to order?
Serial Killer: I'll take a… cheeseburger and fortune cookie.
Server: Coming right up!
*The server came back in six seconds.*
Server: Here you go! I recommend you open your fortune cookie first.
Serial Killer: Ok..
*He opened it.*
Serial Killer: "I found you, stop hiding…" what does that even mea-
*He looked to his left and saw the AI.*
Serial Killer: Oh, shoot-
*A stab was heard. With BH…*
Bounty Hunter: Maybe I shouldn't have shrunk myself…
Stranger: Do you need help?
Bounty Hunter: Yes please.
*The stranger resized him back to normal.*
Bounty Hunter: Thanks! By the way, who are-
*It was the AI.*
Bounty Hunter: …Oh for god's sake!
*Slash! With the agent duo…*
Bodyguard: What are we gonna do? I can't be fired!
Executive: Surely you jest.
Bodyguard: I wish I was!
*BG fell off the branch. A slash was heard, and he climbed back up looking different.*
Executive: Huh. Where's your bandage?
Bodyguard(?): I tore it off.
Executive: But you said it was permanent ever since the war..
Bodyguard(?): …You could have saved yourself.
*BG(?) transformed into the AI and another slash was heard. Both of them disappeared. However, with Pirate…*
Pirate: Stupid werewolves… I should have never believed them.
*He saw a crystal in the distance that was emitting a radiant light.*
Pirate: What… is that..
*He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and fell into a hole with lava at the bottom.*
Pirate: OW. Wait, that's.. LAVA! *He plunges into the lava while melting.* AAAAHHH!
Psychic: Disqualified! *Psychic teleports back to the surface.* We're down to three. Who will the AI hunt next?
*With Vigilante…*
Vigilante: There's no way he'll find me!
AI: (Using Psychic's Voice) No, but I did!
Vigilante: Psychic? *Realizes it's the AI.* OH MY GOD-
Psychic: The challenge is over! Framer and GA win!
Psychic: I have an announcement. The teams will now merge! It's now every man / woman for themself! You have time to discuss with your peers.
*People split off into groups.*
[Elimination ceremony.]
Psychic: Alrighty! Remember, GA and Framer have the golden burger, so they are immune to elimination. Before we begin, golden key user, would you like to use your golden key?
*No one said anything.*
Psychic: I'll take that as a no. Now, to reveal the votes! First vote, Executive.
*Executive got nervous.*
Psychic: SK. That's one vote Executive, one vote SK. Third vote, Vigilante. Fourth vote, Pirate. That's one vote Executive, one vote SK, one vote Vigilante, one vote Pirate. Fifth vote, Vigilante. Sixth vote, Executive. Seventh vote, Executive. That's three votes Executive, two votes Vigilante, one vote SK, one vote Pirate. One vote remains.
*Executive and BG got scared, Vigilante looked overconfident, SK looked confused, and Pirate shrugged.*
Psychic: And the final vote goes to… Vigilante.
*Vigilante's smirk turned into a frown.*
Psychic: We have a tie between Vigilante and Executive.
Vigilante: Wait, WHAT!?
Executive: Oh thank god….
Psychic: Now, for a tiebreaker, we will have a revote. If another tie is held, we will resort to drastic measures. For the revote, Vigilante and Executive may not vote. Contestants, go cast your votes.
*They cast their votes.*
Psychic: Alright. First vote, Vigilante. Vigilante. That's two votes for Vigilante. Third vote, Executive. Executive. That's two votes Vigilante and two votes Executive. Executive. That's THREE votes for Executive, two for Vigilante. One vote remains.
*Bodyguard got scared, Executive crossed his fingers and closed his eyes, and Vigilante slowly grabbed a pocket knife and got angry.*
Psychic: And the Eighth placed contestant is… Executive.
*Executive was in disbelief, Vigilante returned the pocket knife, and Bodyguard cried.*
Psychic: Well, apart from you, Vigilante's only other voter was Framer.
Vigilante: *He clenches his teeth.* Good to know…
*Transition to the trampoline.*
Bodyguard: No… I don't want to lose you..
Executive: Listen. You can do this. Go get em for us, alright?
Bodyguard: *sniffle* I'll avenge you…
Executive: Vigilante, you'll get your karma soon. Psychic, I'm ready.
*He got flung away.*
Psychic: And with that, seven continue. Who will be the next person flung away? What will happen in the next episode? And finally, how will Bodyguard cope with his only friend taking the fling, and with his target voting with him? Find out on the next episode of Bloxston Competition!
The end.
446Please respect copyright.PENANAcxM0ruy0Cq
Town: Bounty Hunter, Bodyguard, Vigilante446Please respect copyright.PENANAwuFRytJ0sp
Mafia: Framer [Godfather]446Please respect copyright.PENANALedrUTrPkK
Neutral: Guardian Angel, Serial Killer,Pirate
446Please respect copyright.PENANA38FddiJ9OV
Writing Wannabes: Framer, GA, BH446Please respect copyright.PENANAhbBNrNIbOQ
Sloppy Skaters: BG, SK, Vigi446Please respect copyright.PENANAFUQtVYe5nL
Creepy Crawler: Pirate
446Please respect copyright.PENANA5fyFilW0VH