"So, we're here, now where do we go?" Nick asked.
"7 miles away." Ray responded.
"We're getting close." Nick mumbled.
"Hey, I have an idea." Ray said.
"What?" Nick asked curiously.
"We both know parkour, right?" Ray asked.
"Yeah.." Nick responded.
"Well, there's a ladder over there.Do you think we should give it..a try?" Ray asked.
"Let's do it." Nick said and grabbed Ray, going to the ladder.
They climbed the building until they reached the roof.
"What a nice view.." Ray mumbled to himself.
Nick slapped Ray out of his daydream.
"C'mon, are you doing it or not?" Nick said.
"I am, I am.." Ray responded.
"Let's go then." Nick said.
Ray put his map in his backpack and they both started running on different roof-tops.
Nick passed 2 wireless earphones while they were running and Ray succesfully caught them.
Nick put 2 earphones on and got his phone out to put some music.
He set the music to loop, put the phone back and continued running.
After an hour and a half of running, the 2 of them took a break..
"I feel alive, Ray...more alive I've ever felt.." Nick mumbled.
"Same, Nick.." Ray responded.
They took some food and ate it.
"We should get going, you don't want our mom to be in danger anymore, right?" Nick said.
"Let me check how far we are.." Ray got his map out.
"We are...approximately 1 mile away..!" Ray said, getting up.
"Let's go!" Nick got up full of energy.
"Yeah!" Ray said and they both started running again.
After 15 minutes, they reached their destination.
"So...now what?" Nick asked.
Ray pointed to a building with nearly 25 floors.
"That's the building that our mother is in." Ray said.
"We can't go barehanded though..we have to find something to kill 'em dead, y'know what I'm sayin' ?" Nick said.
"You're right." Ray responded.
"Let's get down." Nick said.
Nick jumped off the building they were in, landing with just a scratch.
"Wait for me.!" Ray dived off and signalled Nick to catch him.
Nick being very agile and strong, he caught Ray without a problem.
"We need some stuff." Nick said.
"Hey, there's something here.." Ray grabbed a broken piece of a pipe.
"We could throw it at one of 'em if it all goes wrong." Ray said.
"But we must make it atleast more..powerfull, feel me?" Nick said.
"Right.." Ray responded, then looking around for anything helpful.
Nick saw a nail and grabbed it.
"We can throw it at one of those guys' eyes." Nick said.
"Got some tape?" Ray asked.
Nick searched through his backpack and got some tape.
"Nice." Ray said, taping the nail to the pipe.
"Well, that's one thing done, but, we need more stuff." Nick mumbled.
"We'll get things done tomorrow, it's getting late." Ray said.
"Let's go and get a hotel room."
They searched for a hotel until they found a 4-star one.
They got a room and slept there for the day.